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"She said that?" Gil gasped.

I nodded as I held my tears back. Shawn loves to downplay my mothering and it is a big reason for our relationship ending the first time. Her words hurt but she can't see that.

"She didn't mean it. You know you have to consult with her when it comes to Shai. That is basically her kid too. You see it, Dunk. She loves that boy like she made him. I'm sorry but you aren't a single mother anymore. Prince has two moms, and that little pothead as a father." He rolled his eyes at the thought of Tip. "But he definitely has two moms."

He was right. Anybody with eyes can see that Shawn is a mother to Shai even if she won't claim that title.

"You should see them together when he comes to practice with us. She'll set aside a whole hour so everyone plays with him so he doesn't feel left out." He said. "She will dance and rock him to sleep. Then, here, she is working her ass off with him. Teaching him words, cooking him healthy ass dinners, sleeping with him because he'll miss you."

"She's his mother." I admitted.

"She is."

Almost like we spoke her up, she opened the door. "Sorry, I just wanted to apologize for my bad choice of words. Janet, you are his mother. I know that and I respect that. I have no say in anything regarding Shai unless you ask. I'm sorry for disrespecting you." She said. "I packed my bags. See you when you come back?"

"Yeah." I quietly said.

She blew me a kiss and closed the door. "What are you doing?" Gil asked.

"She isn't leaving." I said as I began to unpack Shai's clothes.

"You heard her right? She packed her shit."

I turned to Gil. "Like you said, she is his mother too. As a mother, I know that she will not leave. Not only will he not let her leave, but no mother willing leaves her child." I told him.

"But she respects you, Jan. She would leave if you told her to." Gil said.

I giggled as I put away the last of Shai's clothes. "Wanna bet?" I asked him.


"Get it ready." I walked out the room and looked over the balcony that reveals the living room. Gil came next to me and groaned at the sight. Shawn was on the couch with Shai, nearly sleeping.

"She respects me, but not more than she loves him."

Gil rolled his eyes and pulled out his wallet, handing me the $100 bill. "Rich folks stealing from the poor." He mumbled.

"This is going to Shai." I said.

"Okay, still. Rich folks stealing from the poor. Shai's bank account bigger than mine and I'm pushing granny ages."

I laughed as we made our way downstairs. We passed Shawn's bags at the front door before making the turn to get to living room.

I walked up to Shawn and kneeled in front of her. "Sorry, he asked if I could cuddle with him." She mumbled sleepily.

I ran my hands through her freshly cut curls. "It's okay, baby. You're his mother and your opinions matter. I'm sorry I made you feel otherwise. He's gonna stay here with you and I'm gonna come back and visit as much as possible. He needs his mothers."

I placed a kiss on her forehead and let her sleep with Shai. Gil followed behind me and helped me bring Shawn's bags upstairs.

"Where was she gonna go? Hasn't she been living here?" He asked from behind me.

"Yeah, but I think she kept the condo." I replied. "She should sell though, now that I think about it. She won't be leaving here anytime soon. That's my baby."

"You sound like you are sure you want this relationship to be the forever one." He said as we hung up Shawn's clothes.

"I'm gonna marry her, Gil."

"You want to propose?" He asked stunned.

I tugged on my ear, "I don't know. Not to be that kinda girl, but that seems more like her thing. She's the controlling one, not in a bad way. She just makes the calls." I said.

"Okay, so let's say she proposes, then what?"

"Well, Gilly, people tend to get married after a proposal." I laughed.

"Not that, smart ass. Once you get married and pop out a baby, are you going to tell the world about Shai and Shawn indefinitely?"

"The worlds knows about them, kind of."

"Don't you think they deserve it fully?"


He shrugged and sat on the bed. "I'm just saying, don't try to be happy while keeping your source of it a secret. Let it manifest." He said.

I nodded and smirked his way. "Did you say we gonna pop out a baby?" I asked realizing his previous words.

"Yes I did, boo." He popped.

"I'm not getting pregnant again. Plus, the kid wouldn't be fully ours. There would have to be a man involved and Shawn doesn't play that."

"Consider Q." He suggested.

My eyes bulged. "Oh so you just don't want a best friend anymore? Is that was it is?" I questioned. "If I ever even bring up Kamaal and new baby in the same sentence, Shawn will OJ Simpson me."

"Hey, he didn't do it." Gil said defending OJ.

"Yeah, and the sky is gold, pigs fly, and the rain is God's tears." I sarcastically said back. "Either way, Shawn will slaughter me if I said I want a baby with him. He is out."

"You wouldn't be having a baby with him, he'd donate his sperm and you and Shawnette would have full custody."

"I'll discuss it with her, but right now isn't the best timing though. My single is dropping, then the movie. I'm still recording which would then lead to the singles for the album starting to release, then the album itself, and I haven't even planned out the tour yet, but it's supposed to be better than TVR which is going to be hard because that was the most personal album ever and how can you beat that."

"Don't beat, Dunk. Evolve it. You did the in depth of your sadness, now, let your happiness speak for itself."

"It hasn't been all happy." I sighed.

"Then let your heart speak for itself."

He was right. My fans don't care about being better than the last, the care about how good this one is. I owe them that.

"Thanks, baby." I said giving Gil a hug.

"Anything for a queen."
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