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"Shai, what's this word?" I asked holding up a flashcard.


"And this one?"

"Backyard." He said.

I love teaching this kid new words. He picks it up fast and retains everything. I asked Janet if we could get him in to some language classes. She recommended Islamic but I said French. We'll see.

"Last one."

He looks up and smiled. "Shhh." He said.

"No, baby. The word is school."

I felt arms wrap around my waist and kisses on my neck. I turned and saw Janet. "Oh my god." I shrieked throwing my arms around her neck. She fell on me so I rolled her over to where I was laying on her. "Baby!"

"Yes?" She smiled.

"You're here? You said you were coming tomorrow."

"I missed you guys, so I came a day earlier." She answered. She puckered her lips for a kiss which I more than gladly gave to her.

"Eww." Shai gagged.

We laughed as Janet pulled him into the huddle. "Hi sweetheart. How's Mama's big boy?" She said as she scanned how big he's gotten since she last seen him a couple weeks ago.

"I'm well." He smiled.

We dismantled and I looked at the clock. "Shai, it's nap time." I lied. His nap isn't for another hour but I want some time with Janet without his little nosey self distracting us.

"But, Netty, Mama just got here." He said making a sad face.

Janet kneeled next to him and spoke, "I'll be here all week, baby. We have time to do everything you want, and a talented boy needs his sleep to plays all his instruments, right?"

"You're right." He nodded.

"Okay, you want me to tuck you in or can my big boy handle himself?" She said.

"I'm fine, you will sleep with me at night though. Deal?"

"Deal, bud. I love you."

"I love you." He sung before running upstairs.

Janet looked up at me and bit her lip. "Don't even bother getting up off that floor, woman." I said before getting on the floor. I laid her on her back and helped her out her pants.

"You missed me?" She asked.

I sat back looking at her in her lace thong. The lace cupped her pussy so perfectly and hugged her waist just right. "Fuck yes." I mumbled in a daze.

She took her top off revealing the match lace bra she had on. Army green looks wonderful on her skin. I've seen her in a multitude of colored sets but this one is by far the sexiest.

She slid her hand down her bare stomach and teased the line of her thong. "What do you want?" She asked as she slid into her underwear.

I watch hungrily as she began to pump in and out of herself. She let out a moan followed by hissing, teasing the hell out of me.

"Come on, baby." She said. "Tell me what you want."

She slid her thong down a little and pulled her fingers out. Soaked fingers. I knew she didn't come yet because I knew that face all too well, but she was wet as hell as wanted me to see it.

She brought her fingers to her mouth and sucked on her own wetness. "Mmm." She moaned obnoxiously.


I bulged my eyes a little as an response because I was truly speechless.

"What. Do. You. Want?"

I'd finally come back to myself and answered. "You." After, I ripped her thong before shoving two fingers deep inside her core causing her to let out a nasty moan.

She was dripping as I was drilling. All I really wanted was to be strapping her down, but my strap was upstairs and I have a whole week to use it.

"Daddy, deeper." She cried.

I obliged her plead and went as deep as I could. "Don't wake my baby back up." I growled at her.

"Don't fuck me too good." She snapped back.

I smirked, "No promises." I said as I started the 'come here' motion against her walls.

She let out a scream causing me to attach my mouth to hers to shut her up. She tried winning dominance over me with her tongue but there was no way she was winning, at least not this round.

I used my free hand and attacked her nipples, starting with the left side, my favorite, and pinching it. She moaned into my mouth as I picked up my pace inside her. She was so close, I could feel her clenching around my fingers.

I ripped from the kiss. "Come for Daddy, princess." I demanded. I could tell she was holding out on me by the beads of sweat starting fall from her forehead.

I pressed my thumb against her numb causing her ocean to be released. I had no intention on going down on her, that was treat for later, preferably when we weren't on the family room floor.

She rode out her high as I lightly pumped in her before taking my fingers out and snacking on the juices she released. "Mm, strawberry." I moaned.

She stood up and reached for her thong. "Wait." I pulled her pussy to my face as I cleaned the rest of the mess that I made. She clenched onto my head trying you guide me where she wanted me.

I finished and looked up at her. "You aren't getting round 2 here." I told her. I grabbed her thong from her hand and helped her get it back on. Poorly due to the tear I made in the rim.

"Sorry." I said as I stood up.

"It's fine, they aren't my favorite pair." She said.

I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her again. "I really did miss you a lot this time." I said. Looking in her eyes, it hit me... I'm proposing to her in two days. Eventually she'll be my wife.

"Tomorrow I want to tell the kids about us." I said.

"They know already."

"They assume it, I want it out and open."

She smiled and bit her lip, "Okay. Anything else, beautiful?" She asked.

"You'll see." I smirked.
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