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"Shut up!" I giggled while throwing my pillow at Q-Tip. It's been two weeks since I almost told Shawn about me kissing Tip. In a weird way, it made him and I closer while we've been on break. She stopped talking to me and refuses to until I tell her.

A part of me is dying to tell her because I miss her and I love her and we're in freaking Africa. I want explore with her and have crazy foreign sex. But I cannot lie and say I don't like spending time with Tip. He's always been a great friend to me.

"Jo, I swear to you. Shawty was throwing her ass back and passed out." He said while laughing.

"Tip, you are a liar. No way!" I laughed.

"On mommy." We laughed more as he told me his crazy sex stories. He has been with a lot of woman, which isn't surprising. He is quiet but his libido is dangerous and his commit sucks.

"Wanna know my favorite person I've ever had sex with?" He asked.

I knew the answer. I didn't want him to say it though. "Tip, don't." I said quietly.

"You're single, Jo. Entertain me." He said with bedroom eyes.

"I'm in a complicated situation, and having sex with you of all people, will not help."

He sat back. "The person you are dating, but not dating, is jealous of me? Who is this woman?"

"Johnathan." I sternly said.

He threw his hands up in surrender. "Sorry, sorry. I just want to know how she is jealous of this old fling. There's nothing between us anymore. Right?" He said and got back in my face.

"Right, Jo?"

"Dunk!" I heard Gil yell.

I jumped up and left Tip on the couch. "Yes, boo?" I answered as he came closer.

He pulled me to the side and showed me his phone log. "What am I looking at?" I asked. I just saw Shawn's name and the times they talked.

"Dunk, she has been calling me nonstop. The tears, the stress, the yelling, the dramatics. Janet, you have to tell her and clear her mind of this nonsense. You are over here, with that man, while your girlfriend is breaking. Call her and tell her or I will." He said before walking away.

I went back to Tip and plopped on the couch.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Someone is worried about me. I'll see you at tonight's show. Thanks for another great conversation." I said. I hopped off the bus and walked along the boardwalk we were next to.

To ShawnyBoo: Hi Shawn. Meet me by the boardwalk.

ShawnyBoo: Ok.

I put my phone in my pocket and sat down in a secluded area. I heard someone coming and it was Joey. "Hi Joey." I smiled.

"Hey, J. I just came because I didn't know where you left to. Are you okay?" He asked standing in front of me.

I sighed. "I don't know, Joey. I just feel like the whole thing with Shawn is a mess." I said. "I kissed Q-Tip, and I accidentally almost told her. You know how she feels about that cheating stuff. She'll never forgive me."

"How'd you find yourself in that mess?"

"You remember Tip and I's relationship. He was so good for me and I left him for Rene. I felt too obligated to Rene to even realize Tip was probably my soulmate. I mean I'm glad things didn't work out because I found Shawn and I love her so much. But, I can't help but think what him and I could've been."

"So, who do you want?" He asked.

"I don't know. I love Shawn, but publicly, I think Tip is the better option for me." I admitted.

"So you do love him?" I heard a voice say. I looked behind Joey and saw Shawn.

I stood up immediately. "No, baby. I—"

"You just told Joey that you think he's better than me, Janet. Don't bullshit me. Fuck you." She said before turning away from me.

She moved quickly back to the tour bus, but I caught up with her. I grabbed onto her arm and turned her to face me. "Baby, stop."

Her face was covered in tears and she couldn't look me in the eyes. "Look at me." I grabbed her face and made her look me in my eyes.

"I said what I said, I did, but you must forgive me. I am in between a rock and a hard place. Yes, Tip gets me excited and makes me think things I shouldn't.." She huffed and started to cry.

"But, Shawnette, I am in love with you." I assured her. "You make my heart flutter and I cannot imagine going a day without you as mine. I don't want to lose you."

"Y-You said you didn't know w-who you wanted to be with." She cried.

"That was a mistake to say. I want to be with you, my head is just fucked up. Please, don't leave me."

"What'd you lie about?" She asked as she tried to control herself.

"I kissed him, Shawn. I kissed Tip." I spat out.
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