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I walked in the house roughly around eleven in the morning. When Tip and I woke up, we went two rounds before he dropped me off at my place.

I had to pack for tour. The break was definitely something but I have a family dinner and the kids and I have to all fly to New Zealand for the three shows there, then tour starts right back the next day.

"Dunk! Get your ass in here!" I heard from the kitchen. Knowing it was Gil, I lagged my way to him.

"Morning, bestie!" I enthusiastically but sarcastically said.

He scowled at me. "You have got to be kidding me? One more hour and I was gonna call Shawn. I was getting worried." He said before hugging me.

As the hug separated, I felt a slap upside my head.

"That is for cheating on my girl. How could you? Why would you? You know Shawn loves you and that this'd break her heart. Why, JJ?"

"Because she broke mine." I snapped.

He sighed and ran his hands down his face. "Okay, instead of yelling, you explain to me what happened when you told her about Prince Shai. Then based off her side and yours, I'll set out a game plan. Deal?"


We took a seat by the kitchen and poured some wine. "Spill it, bitch."

"We were sitting together after a beautiful sex run. Seriously, it was amazing. Her pussy was so soaked and delicious and I re—"

"You nasty ass hoe." Gil said. "The story, J, the story."

"Right, apologies. So we'd just had sex and she got all in my business again. She had brought up the trip to see Shai so many times so I told her who he is and it wasn't until I told who whose Shai's father that she bugged out. Calling me a hoe, a cheater, and cussing up a storm. She then insisted we take a break, and I wasn't going to sleep with a woman who just disrespected me so when she fell asleep, I left. I flew back and went straight to Tip. He was my solace in all this, and I don't regret sleeping with him. He makes me feel loved and appreciated."

I gulped down my wine and poured out more as I waited for what Gil had to say.

"Okay.." He said as he thought.


"Okay, so what's going to happen is, you and Shawn. If I have to drag you to her or her to you, it will be done. That's that on that. You two will talk about the whole mess with Prince Shai, because she knows the tea, but I think she should hear it from you too."

"Wait. How does she know?" I asked.

He took a sip, "Well, we got into a screaming match and yeah, I sung like a bird." He said.

I palmed my face. "Okay, what else?"

"You have to tell her you slept with Tip."

My eyes nearly flew out of my head. "Are you trying to get me killed? She'll break up with me, Gil. I can't, I won't. She's too important to lose forever." I whined.

I don't regret the sex, but hell yeah, I regret cheating. It was a stupid move by my part. I should've fought harder to fix things with Shawn that night in Iceland instead.

"Babe, if you don't tell her and she finds out by herself, it'll be even worse. If you want, I can be there to make sure you don't get murdered." He offered.

I shook my head and just thought. He was right.

With a groan, I finally responded, "Fine. Call her. I'm gonna go shower him off." I ran my hands through my messed up hair and left Gil in the kitchen.

4 hours later...

I made my way down the stairs after soaking and showering. It was refreshing but all I could think about was how I'm about to lose the love of my life.

I met Gil in the kitchen, and beside him was Shawn.

"Hey, J." She said flashing a poor-efforted smile.


We all stood there in silence for some time before Gil cut the thick tension. "Okay, so I'll be upstairs. J, I'll call Liza. Check up on the prince." He said.

He pecked Shawn's cheek then my own before leaving the room. "Y'all talk out your shit!" He shouted.

I was left feeling very uncomfortable as Shawn stared holes into me. She came up to me, and lifted my chin. She leaned in for a kiss, which I dodged.

"Sorry, I—" I backed up.

"No, that was my fault. I shouldn't have assumed we were— Sorry." She stuttered.

We stood there in silence for another ten minutes, hours it felt like.

"Uhm, you wanna sit over there?" I asked pointing to the living room couches.

She nodded. "Yeah." She followed behind me and we sat down in the living room.

"Can I start?" She asked.

I nodded and gave her the floor. "First.."
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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