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When Shawn brought me to the Blue Lagoon, I was in awe. It was a sight to see, yet even more beautiful to be in.

I wrapped my legs around Shawn's waist and my arms around her neck and we just let time pass. Us being together, in the moment, was more than I could ever ask for.

I lifted my head from her shoulder and looked in her eyes. "How did I get so lucky?" I mumbled as I ran my fingers across her lips and cheeks.

She lightly pecked my lips and laid her forehead against mine. "Promise me one day... you'll be mine forever. My wife. I want to marry you, Janet." She said lowly.

My heart beats for this woman. Hearing her say she wants to me forever is the best thing I could've heard at this point in my life.

"I want to marry you too, Shawn." I assured her.

She ran her hand down my back and cupped my ass as the other one made its way up my thigh. "This is a no sex zone, Shawnette. Are w-we breaking rules now?" I stuttered as I felt her fingers get closer.

"What fun would it be... If we came to a foreign country... To this beautiful lagoon... And didn't break the law. Entertain me, babygirl."

With that, her slid two fingers into me making me moan instantly. I rested my head against her shoulder as she pumped in and out of me.

"Hold on." She said as her other hand snaked to the front of my body and fiddled with my nipple piercing causing shivers to shot up my spine. I squeezed my legs around her tighter. "God, Shawn." I hissed.

She added a finger as she attached her lips to mine. The kiss wasn't even seconds long before it got sloppy. And just as I got control of it, she took it back by curving her fingers in my lady pond.

She sucked on my tongue before saying the words I needed to hear, "Come for me, princess." She said pressing her thumb against my numb.

I released a ferocious moan as I came on her fingers. She let me ride out my high before pulling her fingers out. "Fuck."

"What's wrong?" I asked breathlessly.

"The fucking water washed the shit away." She said referring to my release washing away with the water.

I giggled at her frustration and pecked her lips. "We can take it to the room if you want to try again." I offered.

"You don't have to tell me twice."

Shawn and I left the lagoon and spent hours going at it like rapid dogs. She really did a number on me. I should too tired to function but it actually refreshed me.

It would've ended perfectly without Shawn's third interrogation. "Okay, spill it." She demanded.

I didn't want to hide it from her anymore, especially if every conversation was going to be her antagonizing me about it.

"Have you ever wanted to be with someone so badly, like you wanted that person more than you've ever wanted anything?" I asked her.


I turned to her blushing like crazy. Had I not been sensitive to her touch by now, she would've earned herself another round. "You're fucking hot. I really want to eat you out again." I said in a daze.

"Babe!" She gasped before laughing.

I ran my hands through my hair. "Sorry, sorry. You get me riled up but thank you, baby." I said. "But, there's this person who means the world to me. The want I have for this person isn't the same want that you have for me. My want is from feeling empty and guilty. I feel like I betrayed this person."

"I'm not following."

"When we get married, can we have kids?" I asked.

Confusion wore on her face. "Of course we can. I want all my kids with you. You know if I could get you pregnant, I would." She joked.

I chuckled. "Stop playing."

"No, seriously, J. If I could, I would. I want my first to be yours and yours to be mine, artificially or through adopt. I'm glad that can happen with us."

My head dropped feeling bad. "It can't."

By the shift in the bed, I knew she was confused yet again. "Yes it can. You and Rene never had a kid, neither did you and James. Unless that secret kid rumor was true?" She said in a joking manner.

"No, no, it's not. I don't have children with them. James and I never got that far and I refused to bring one into a home so broken. My father would've shunned me too. Rene and I... it was complicated."

"Complicated? You tried?"

"Not exactly."

"Janet, can you just tell me what's up? I feel like you are beating around the bush here. Is it something with a baby? You miscarried? Abortion?"

"Baby, its not that that I'm scared to tell you. It's who with." I mumbled.

"Who with? So... so you did have a baby?"

With that she stood up and was now towering over me. She lifted my chin up and assured I was looking in her eyes. "J, why are you crying? Just answer me. I am not trying to badger you. I want to know what's gonna going on in that beautiful big head of yours."

She wiped my tears as I chuckled silently. "I do have a baby, Shawnette. Shai Elijah Davis. He is one year old, and he is the person that I want. My disadvantage is that I cannot have him with me all the time. I barely get to him actually. I've seen him four times since he was born. The fourth was the other night when Gil and I left."

There was a moment of silence. She looked like she'd been processing all the information I shared. It wasn't the full story, but it was a piece of the puzzle.

"Who's the father?" She finally asked.

The time had finally come. All the denying of Tip and I's relationship has caught up with me.

"His father is Q-Tip."
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Hope you guys love this book! Vote, comment, add... y'all know the vibe❤️😚

I apologize early for next chapter 💀 I'll drop to tomorrow afternoon if I remember but y'all gon hate me if you l— I won't spoil it but sorry heads up😂

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