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It's been three months since the scare with Shai. But he is now in good health and back home. It's also been three months and some change since things ended with Shawn. To say I'm hurt, would be a lie.

I do not regret the decision but it has left me awfully bored with my life. Evidently, I put a lot of my time into Shawn and now that that's over, I have a lot of time on my hands. Especially since tour ended.

Usually after touring, I'll take a few months off from being in the studio. The only things I have going on these days are dance twice a week or an occasional award show or interview. I've been offered to do a movie with Eddie Murphy, I may take it.

The one thing besides Shawn that's been on my mind lately is Shai. I am kind of tired of having him hidden. I have visited more often since having the extra time but I want him to be with me all the time. Plus, I need Eliza as the head of my staff and best friend again.

I called Gil over to talk about it. Once I get his opinion on the matter, I will call another team meeting with Tina, Gil, Joey, Liza, and my current head of staff, Regina. I love Regina dearly, but I need Liza back just for comfortability.

When I heard the doorbell ring, I sprung up and did a light jog to the door. I opened it to be met with my mother, not Gil.

"Hello, my beautiful girl. How's Mommy's baby doing?" She asked as she welcomed herself in.

I was stuck in the same position, confused. I closed the door finally and caught up with her as she made her way to my kitchen. "I'm fine, Mother. Why ar— What are you doing here?" I corrected myself. "I thought you were staying with Mike to help watch Prince."

"I was but Prince is far into his terrible two's and Paris cried like there is no god, so I simply needed a break. So here I am."

I smiled and stood there awkwardly.

"Well, I actually have a business meeting, like now, so you may have to come back another time, Mother. Next time, please call so I can make time for you." I said trying to sound polite, which didn't get across.

She pointed her finger at me, "Watch that mouth, Damita Jo. You think thirty-two is too old for me to knock that bottom?" She scolded. "Anywho, who is this meeting with?"

"Gil, we have to talk about a security matter."

"So why not Joey? The head of security?"


"Mother, what? I asked a question, baby."

"I need Gil's opinion before I talk to Joey and the team." I answered.

"Oh, so Gil is just coming for friend time? Why didn't you say so sweetie pie? I will leave when he gets here. I haven't seen him in so long." She walked to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"Okay, Mother."

"Baby, what happened with the spanish guy? What was his name? Ronaldo? Reggae?"

"Rene." I chuckled.

"Yeah, that's what I said. Anyway, whatever happened with him?" She asked again.

"We just fell out of love. Nothing bad. I still consider him a great friend honestly."

She chuckled as she sipped her water. "Funny you say that because the public thinks you two are still together. You've dodged the questions so much, they even assume you are married." She laughed.

I joined in, "No, no way. That's something." I laughed. We both laughed hysterically at the silly public. Of course they would think such a thing.

We were interrupted by the doorbell ringing, I settle down my laughing to talk to Mother, "Okay, okay, Mother that's Gil. Come on, let me walk you out." I said as I helped her with her bag.

"Baby, its so crazy out there. Then there's the secret child rumor. They think you have a kid out in Virginia. You have to be more careful how many times you visit the same place because the paparazzi is curious why you are visiting the same place three times this month. As am I, to be honest."

I chuckled as I opened the door. "Hey bit— Mother Kat, how are you dear?" Gil said as he saw me then my mother.

"I am lovely. I was just asking Janet why she keeps visiting Virginia. You wouldn't have any clue would you?" She said lowly trying to make sure I didn't hear.

Gil leaned close to her. "Janet still likes to act like a child. The dancers and I brought her to a hidden amusement park over there and she's been obsessed ever since. We have had to go three times as far as I can remember." He lied perfectly.

Mother chuckled. "You are a good friend for lying for her." She said to him.

"I know, ma'am." Gil laughed. "I see you are on your way out."

"Yes, I was walking her out." I said interjecting myself back into the conversation.

"Okay, I'll be waiting inside. Nice seeing you again, Mother Kat. Come back soon." He said causing my eyes to widen.

"Yeah, yeah." I said pulling Mother outside. I waited with her in silence until her car came. "Thanks for dropping by, Mother. I love you. Tell Mike, Prince, and Paris the same."

"What about Debbie?"

"Again, tell Mike, Prince, and Paris the same."

I helped her into the car and before I closed the door she spoke to me. "Mama knows everything, baby. Okay?" She said suspiciously.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. Love you, baby. Don't be a stranger." She said as the door closed. I watched as her car pulled off and off my property.

"What does she mean 'Mama knows everything.' ..." I thought to myself. Those kind of sayings make me paranoid. I walked back into the house ready for Gil, brushing what she said off my mind.
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