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After the scene with Gil, he left and went to get ready for the bus trip. I called Shawn and just had her on the phone with me for company.

Gil made me feel extremely guilty so I tried pushing the kiss to the back of my head until the right moment. I don't wanna lose Shawn especially in the middle of this tour.

I was just going to keep my distance from Tip unless it's for our performance, appearances, or the bus, and only for actual need purposes.

"Hey, Jo." Tip said as he got on the bus. I gave him an innocent smile and waved at him. "Hey, about that night, I hope it didn't make thing awkward between us."

He took a seat beside me. "You know how much I enjoy your company, and one little kiss shouldn't ruin it." He said all in my space "Did it?"

I was flustered. He's so beautiful and his lips were so juicy and so close to me. Thankfully my phone went off distracting me from fucking up. Yet again.

ShawnyBoo: Hi princess. I'll be late to the bus, just by 10 minutes.

I looked up at Tip, clearing my throat. "Shawnette is going to be with us tonight. There some things we have to go over for the show." I said shyly.

"Speaking of you with another woman, I recall you saying you swing on both sides of the spectrum. Unless that's my high mind telling me things."

I chuckled as I moved myself over. He was literally right under me. "I do and I did tell you that while you were high." I answered.

"Who's your girlfriend, Jo?"

"I don't have a girlfriend, Tip. I just like girls, too."

"No, no, no. I wasn't high when you said you kinda have a girlfriend. So who is she? Do I know her?"

I turned my head from his question.

"It's Mariah or Toni?" He asked.

"Hell no."

"Then who? Tell me."

Before I could him to lay off, Shawn walked on the bus. I moved Tip away from me and stood up. "Hi. Here let me take your bag. You're with me tonight." I said. I hated being professional with her.

"I get to sleep with you?" She teased.

"Shut up." I giggled.

"What's up, Shawn?" Tip said from the same spot he was in.

She threw up the peace sign and followed behind me to my bed. She came up behind, pressing her body on my back. "I don't want you near him." She whispered in my ear.

"Baby, he is just a friend." I whispered back.

"What did I say?"

She's a good actor in front of people. Outside of this space, nobody would even know she is a little bit jealous.

"I'll stay away." I sighed.

"Thank you. Now, move." She said.

I turned away and looked at her crazy. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I snapped quietly.

"You think I didn't see you two cuddling?" She gritted through her teeth. "Get away from me."

"We weren't cuddling, you dick. He was asking a question. You need to calm yourself, Shawnette."

Her jealousy is now getting under my skin.

"Janet, get away from me. We'll talk about this later." She said before plopping on my bed. She put her earbuds in and blasted her music from her pod.

I went back out with Tip, and as Shawn said, kept my distance. She is going to cause more problems than she thinks.

In the night...

I finally joined Shawn again in the bed after we'd all eaten and taken care of our hygiene. She was ignoring when I got into bed. Mind you, this is a bus so this isn't a huge bed. I was right up under her and she was ignoring me.

I grabbed her arm and wrapped it around my body. "It's later, now. Let's talk." I said ripping an earbud out.

She wrapped up her earbuds and turned away from me. "Baby, please stop. You can't keep getting mad every time he talks to me. He is my friend."

"And what am I?" She asked faced away from me.

I got up and straddled her. I grabbed her face to make sure she was looking at me. "You are my wife, Shawnette Heard. I adore you and I love you. I would appreciate if you didn't test my love for you. It's hurtful because I've never tested yours. I would also appreciate if you stop the whole jealousy rage. If you have something to worry about, I'll tell you. And you don't."

She moved her face from my grip and moved me off her waist to my original spot.

"You know what? Whatever, Shawnette."

I rolled over and put my head in my pillow. I felt her staring at me, but she said nothing. All she did was cuddle up behind me and placed her head in the crook of my neck.

"Move away from me, Shawnette."

I felt a kiss being placed on my neck, followed by sucking and gentle nibbling.

"Shawn." I moaned. "Move, now."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to act out again. You know I get crazy about you. I love you, too. I'll stop questioning you, baby." She said.


I kissed my hand and gently slapped her face. "Now, move away from me."

"We can't cuddle?" She pleaded.

"No. Leave me alone."

She rolled her body unto mine to where she was looking into my eyes and crushing my boobs.

"Say you love me."

"I say it all the time, Shawnette. Get off of me."

"You do but I want to hear it now."

"I just said it." I said irritated.

She attacked my face with kisses and hard biting. I used my free arm and pushed her face. "Shawn, stop." I snapped.

"Baby, I apologized."

"You apologize too much, Shawn." My voice cracked. "You are playing with my feelings, and worse, my heart. You do the bullshit then get mad. It can't work like that."

"You are doing too much." She groaned.

"No, you are." I said. The only thing in my mind was me kissing Tip, and I wanted to use that as ammo so badly. I wanted her to feel my hurt. Hurt people hurt people, right? "That's why I lied." I said without thinking.

Her eyebrow raised. She sat up, straddled on my waist. "What do you mean 'that's why I lied'?" She questioned.

"Nothing." I said actually thinking of the can of worms I just opened.

"Janet, don't play with me."

"Good night, Shawnette." I said shutting my eyes. I felt her get off me and heard her leave the room.
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