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Leaving Tyra's show, we were in full bliss. Things have been right for awhile now, but it felt like the whole world was in on our joy.

Joey led us to the car and handed me Shai whom was asleep. "Airport?"

"Yeah, w—"

I interrupted, "No, the hotel. We're gonna spend the night and fly out tomorrow morning." I told Joey.

"Alrighty, I'll let Chuck know."


He closed the door and went to the front of the limo with Chuck. I laid Shai down on the chair across from Janet and I before wrapped my arms around her waist.


I looked up at her and saw the confusion worn on her face. "I can't spend a night with my woman after she just exposed us to the world? I didn't wanna sit on that plane for four hours either." I admitted.

She snuggled into my hold and placed her hand on my thigh. "That's fair. I'm glad we are free baby. This is all I ever wanted." She mumbled.


We didn't wake up until we reached the hotel. The three of us were tired after a long day of travel. I nudged Shawn getting her head of my breast. "Baby, we reached." I whispered.

"Okay." She mumbled back.

Her arms tightened around my stomach. "That means release me so we can go inside." I told her.

She groaned and let me go. "Can Joey bring Shai? If I carry him, we might not make it to the room without an injury." Shawn said as she got behind me.

"I hear you, Shawn. I got him." Joey said from behind us.

"God bless your soul."

I grabbed Shawn's hand and led her to the elevator. I held it until Joey came on with Shai. Shawn leaned on me again and started kissing up my neck.

"Baby, cut it out." I whispered, embarrassedly.

"Tomorrow's your birthday." She said against my skin. "How's your back feel?"

"Good enough for pillow princessing."

"That's all you do anyway." Shawn said as we walked to the room.

I flicked her forehead, "Don't act like you put all the work in, Shawnette. I be riding yo shit til you cry and it's not even physically attached to you." I said pointing in her face. "Nothing for you tonight."

She grabbed my waist and hugged me like a little kid. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I love you, let's have sex." I giggled and opened the door.

"Get your big ass off me." I laughed.

"Shush, shush. You're gonna wake my son." She said as Joey walked by us into Shai's room. "Loud ass."

"You are pushing your luck here." I teased.

She playfully grabbed me by the neck into her, "We are fucking all night. Welcome to 34, princess." She slapped her free hand against my ass before letting me go, leaving me hot and wet.

"Yes, Daddy." I bit my lip. Watching her ass walk away, tonight would definitely the best birthday ringing in.

"Okay, so we'll pick you guys up tomorrow." Joey said on his way out. "Little man woke up and is calling you by the way. Good night." He said closing the door.


I walked into Shai's room and saw him sitting up on his bed. "Hey papabear. You woke up?" I asked laying down next to him.

He nodded, "Uncle Joey is loud." He said.

I chuckled, "I know baby. You want dinner? I'll have them send up chicken nuggets and french fries." I hated feeding him those fatten foods but the doctor said he is behind in weight compared to boys his age.

"Can I have leaves too?" He asked.

"Salad? Sure baby." I smiled.

I kissed his head and left the room to call room service. I had them on the line when Shawn peeked her head around the corner.

"You ordering?" I nodded and her eyes lit up. "I want chicken nuggets and fries. With salad on the side." She said before going back in the room.

When did I have two kids? "Can you double that order and add some wine. Your finest. Thank you."

I went in the room and saw Shawn laid down on her stomach on the bed. I climbed on it and sat on her lower back and begun massaging her back.

"Baby, can we go off the grid for awhile?" She asked me.

Digging my thumbs in her back, I answered, "Yeah. When do you wanna go?" I asked.


I stopped and laid next to her on my back. "Now? Like right now?" I questioned.

"Yeah, me, you and Shai. Let's get away. A little island vacation." She suggested.

"For how long?"

"Is your album finished?"

"No, I still have to record a few songs, master everything, and do some music videos. Why?"

"That can all be done when we come back. You only need like two months for that."

I was confused. "Wait, baby, this sounds like a long trip you want. How long are you thinking?"

"A few months." She nonchalantly answered.

"I take my answer back, no, we cannot go off the gris for a few months. I can't, babe. I'm Janet Jackson." I reminded her. "I have jobs."

She finally turned my head to me and chuckled. "Your name to me is Baby. I don't care about the life of Janet Jackson. That's for your fans and frankly not the woman I fell in love with. So you being Janet Jackson is not a good enough answer to disregard. So, baby, 3 months with no communication with the world. Me, you, and our son. We can leave next week."

I palmed my face and just thought on it. It sounded relaxing but leaving everybody here to run my business was risky. Then again, my team should be strong to hold the fort down for 90 days.

"Two weeks from now. This week is Tip's week with Shai. Three months exactly and no foolishness about coming back, Shawnette Heard, I mean it." I strictly said.


The room service knocked and came in and I called Shai to table and we enjoyed our dinner and the night.
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