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I woke up two hours earlier than usual due to Shai being the early bird he is. I didn't mind it all too much because he is two years old.. He'll be tired again before noon.

He won't be sleeping in the bed though. I have to go out and meet up with new managers, new security, new choreographers, and new dancers. I am quite the busy gal today.

"Baby, you want pancakes?"

"Mama, 'nanas." He said rubbing his eyes.

This boy loves bananas. If he could marry one, he would.

"Okay, pancake and 'nanas." I said.

I picked him up and took him downstairs. As I got into the kitchen, the doorbell rung. I went towards it and opened it to see my mother. My heart sunk.

"Hi, Mother."

"Who's baby is this?" She immediately asked seeing Shai on my hip.

"Liza's." I lied.

Mother stepped inside the house and looked around. "Where is Eliza?" She asked.

"She went out."

"Three things, baby. One, Joey already called me ans told me that you fired the whole team. He's the one who told me to come today to check on you. Two, you are a horrible liar. Lastly, I recommend you don't try and lie to the woman who's known you longer than yourself. I raised you and this boy here has the Jackson cheeks. So, let's try again. Who's baby is this?"

"Mother, you cannot tell Joesph."

"Mama, 'nanas." Shai whined.

I kissed his head as he laid on my shoulder. "Follow me." I said to my mother.

I looked around the kitchen for somewhere to put Shai but I had nothing. Another thing to add to today's list: baby shopping.

"Here, give me him." My mother said seeing my dilemma. I hesitantly handed him over, "His name is Shai. Mama will be right over here, Prince."

I whipped up some pancakes and cut up bananas for Shai. I kept looking at him to make sure he was comfortable, which he was.

I set the place in front of him causing him to clap, "Yayy! 'Nanas!" He cheered before digging in.

Mother let him eat before starting her interrogation on me. She asked me everything. From Shawn and I, to Shai, to Tip, everything. And I am almost positive she knew the answers to the majority of them.

By the time she had been caught up on my life's entirety, Shai was way past his nap time and I, myself, had work to get to.

"One last question." Mother said as she picked up Shai. "Were you ever going to tell me?"

She looked hurt. Hurt by the fact I used to tell her everything and in the matter of a few years, I was telling her nothing and keeping my life's greatest joy and her first grandchild from me from her.

"Honestly, Mother... I wasn't." I answered.

Silence filled the air. I saw tears boil up in his eyes but I couldn't let it get to me so I turned away. "Uh, d-do you mind watching him?" I asked.

"Not at all." She said before heading up the stairs.

Shawnette Heard: Can we talk?

To Shawnette Heard: No. What don't you get?

Shawnette Heard: I'm already in your driveway. Come out to the car.

I rolled my eyes and walked out to the driveway where Shawn was waiting in her BMW for me. I walked to the driver's window and waited for her to roll it down. She pointed to the passengers seat.

I rolled my eyes and went over to the passengers seat, then got in. "What part of leave me alone wasn't clear, Shawnette?" I asked first thing.

"What part of I still love you isn't clear, Janet?"

"You love me but I gave you an STD, you love me but you are still with her, you love me? I have shit to do so if you came to keep this game up, you can leave."

"Janet, I said I was sorry. We were out of it and I had the reporter retract the statement. It didn't even get out to the public." She pleaded.

"You don't get it."

"Get what?"


"It's the fucking fact you didn't deny it! The fact you are still with the tramp who said it!" She shouted.

Janet took a deep breath and sighed, putting her head in her lap. Knowing she was hiding her tears from me and crying whatsoever, made me feel bad. Worst than I already do.

I ended things with Jourdan last night. She thinks it's because I don't love her. She's right. I couldn't allow myself to love her when I know what I want. These last four months away from Janet made me realize that I am not meant to be with anybody but her. It also made realize that I take her for granted a lot.

"Baby, I've been the worst person imaginable and I've said the worst things imaginable. I broke up with Jourdan." I told her. "I thought by getting in a relationship that you'd beg for me back. I shouldn't have assumed that and I'm so sorry. I know you hate that I mess up but I need you to believe in me. I need you to believe in us."

She lifted her head and looked out the window. I waited on her response, because she always has one, as I picked at my nails.

"Shawn, you broke my trust. You let business interfere with personal feelings. You told our business and then let your girlfriend lie on my name knowing the effects it'd cause me."

She looked at me. "That's unforgivable. I'm sorry, Shawn. When I said we're over, I meant it. I took that necklace off for a reason." She said. "I will always love you, but not in that way. You caused that."

With that, she left the car and went inside, leaving me stuck. I didn't expect anything from this, but even her reaction was unexpected.
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