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I wanted blood.

After Shawn got the okay from the doctor that I can move around but still no lifting, bending, or running, that was all I needed to hear.

I called a meeting. Joey, Shawn, myself, Gil, and the head of FBI, SVU, and CIA. My child is too serious of a matter to be used as a bargaining chip or revenge against me.

I had Mikey call Clinton and get something figured out. It might be exaggeration but if my brother is good friends with the president, we will be using that to the fullest advantage.

"Shai Elijah John Fareed." Joey said starting the meeting. "3 years and 10 months of age. He is African-American. Curly hair. Brown eyes. Approximately 3 feet, 6 inches tall. Weights about 28 pounds. Last seen in a black turtleneck, black slacks, black dress shoes, and his chain that has his name on it in 14k Gold."

I stood up next at the crowd around me before realizing we were missing someone very important. I whispered in Gil's to make a phone call for me to inform the person on what's going on.

"What's the plan? How do we find him?"

The head of FBI and CIA went back and forth as we all listened, then SVU jumped in. Gil came back in the room with the phone for me. "Excuse me." I said before my exit.


"Jo, what the fuck? Where's my son?"

Question of the week. "My father took him. We got my father but Shai vanished and my father won't give up anything." I said.

"I'm on my way."

"Totally, yeah. The more, the merrier."

"Janet, I'm not happy about this. My week was coming up and now instead of spending time with him, I'm searching for him in hopes he is still even alive."

Tip has met Joesph. He knows the power in that man and how far he'll go to prove his point.

"I understand, Kamaal. Let's just find him."

The call ended and I went back into the room with everyone. "Okay, Miss Jackson, we told Shawnette the plan and she said she'll rely the message. We're gonna get him back." The head of the FBI said.

"Oh, thank you very much."

"Good day." I watched as everyone except Gil and Shawn left the room. Joey walked out his friends.

I went and sat on Shawn's lap easily. She ran her hands down my back. "Are you okay?" She asked.

Besides the fact my back is killing me, my son is still missing, and my baby daddy is pissed.... "I'm fine, baby. Can we go home?"

"Yeah. Gil, see you tomorrow at dance."

She tapped my butt to get me up before going to give Gil a kiss. "See you, boo. Jan, I'll fly over tomorrow to make sure you are good." Gil said.

I smiled and nodded. My back was literally on fire.

I held onto Shawn's hand and tighten my grip. She realized that I was actually in pain by the look on my face and began to walk me out.

"You wanna go to the hospital?" She asked as she stood in the elevator.

"I'm not resting until Shai is here."

She rolled her eyes and let my hand go. "What?" I snapped.

She lightly chuckled before looking at me. "You're stubborn. You are straining your damn back for a situation we have left to higher hands. The people who can do something are doing something. Michael called me and said Clinton put Shai's face on the no fly list so he's not leaving the country, in that way at least. He'll be here. You have to have some fucking faith, Janet." She said back.

I decided not the respond. She's such a smart ass sometimes.

The rest of the way home was silent. Even in the house, we didn't speak. It was killing me.

Silence makes your head run wild. Makes you hear things. All I could fill the emptiness with was Shai. His little voice. His laugh. Him playing his instruments every five seconds and being a pro.

I found myself in his room on his bed, sobbing uncontrollably. I missed my baby.


I was making dinner when I heard the doorbell. I raced over and opened it to be faced with Q-Tip.


"Hello to you, Shawn." He said. "May I..."

I stepped aside letting him and closed the door behind him. I put on a fake smile and faced him. "What can we do for you?" I asked.

"Janet called and told me the situation. Me and boys got some folks working on it, so I'm in town. Just came by to say hey to Janet and check up on her."

Why did he need to check up on my girlfriend?

"She's upstairs."

He went upstairs and as much as I wanted to follow behind, I have food on the stove and in the oven.


I heard a knock on the door and slightly turned. "Tip, hey." I said wiping my tears off my face.

"I can't even yell at you, cutie. Come here."

He sat on the bed and I rolled over and put my head on his lap. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I said as my voice cracked.

"Jo, it's okay."

I held my tears in. "It's not. This is his room and where is he? Somewhere else in the country, scared. Probably crying for his mommy and here I am. Useless." I said.

"We're gonna get him, okay? We're gonna get him and do everything in our power to make sure he is always safe and is never effected by this. He's gonna come home and be the happy little boy he is again. Plus, we'll throw him a birthday party and brighten him if he's dull."

I nodded and slowly sat up. "I'm surprised Shawn let you in the house." I chuckled, changing the topic.

"Oh, trust me, she gave the staredown."

"Wanna stay for dinner?" I joked.

"Ha, ha, ha, Jo. You are full of jokes, huh?"

I pecked his cheek and thanked him for checking in on me. I then walked him to the door and assured he reached his car and watched him drive out the driveway and on his way.

These days without Shai are going by awfully slow. It's torture but there's a light at the end of the tunnel. I have to have hope that there well be.
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