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"Excuse me?"

I sat quietly as her whole mood shifted. She backed away from me and begun pacing the room.


"Don't fucking 'baby' me. You lied to me. You said that you and Q-Tip had a fling. Having a nigga's baby does not fall into fling criteria, Janet. That's serious shit."

"I try not to think about the whole situation. It might've slipped my mind. Please, sit down. Let me tell you the full story." I begged.

"The full story is you are a cheater and a hoe and had a baby outside your relationship. AND THEN TRIED TO COVER IT UP!" She snapped.

I felt Damita Jo about to pop out her shell, but I kept calm because her calling me out my name will be put in check at another time.

"Shawn, watch your mouth."

"Watch my mouth?? Who are you, my mother? No, you are Shai Elijah Davis's mother. Fucking maybe, because you don't even acknowledge him."

I kept my mouth shut as she continued to disrespect me, simply because I knew my tongue's lethal, and what I would say would make her rant look like child's play.

"Do you realize how that changes us?"

"You said you wouldn't leave me..."

"You said you didn't have a baby. People lie, I guess." She said shattering my heart.

I stood up and stopped her pacing. "You're leaving me? Is that what you are honestly telling me right now.." I said as my voice cracked.

She was still blowing steam. "I don't think I can be with someone who could lie about something that effects us and not care. I can't." Her words broke my heart.

We stood there staring at each other.


I sat in the car replaying that night in my head. It's all I've been doing since I left.

Shawn insisted we needed a break and that she needed time to think. We went to sleep that night and I left halfway through the night. I didn't have any intentions on sleeping with a woman who didn't trust me.

I flew to the one person who I knew I could talk to unbiasedly. Q-Tip.

"Ah, lighten up, Jo." He said as we drove back to his place. "Whoever she is, she'll come around."

"Why are you not mad? I lied to you about our baby." I questioned.

He looked at me before looking back at the road. "I knew you didn't abort the baby. I was in love with you and I was a tad bit crazy. I had my P.I. watching you. He saw you going to the doctors and everything." He admitted.


"New name's Kamaal, remember? I converted, which means the baby whose name is.."

"Shai Elijah Davis."

He looked at me again and nodded. "Nice pick. Shai Elijah Davis is now Shai Elijah John Fareed." He said.

"Why didn't you say anything? You have a right to know your son, I mean, I was going to tell you one day when it wasn't... complicated."

"Jo, I knew you would. Regardless of anything, I know you better than you know yourself. You wouldn't hide something like that."

"I'm sorry I did."

We pulled up to his house before he parked the car and took the keys out. He looked at me and smiled. "It's okay, beautiful. I'm not mad at you." He said.

There was an awkward moment of silence. "It's Shawnette." I blurted out.

"I know." He said as he pulled out a blunt.

I snapped my head in his direction and watched as he lit up. "How?" I asked eventually.

"Those dancers of yours talk a lot. Plus, she is always staring at that wagon you call an ass."

He took a pull and offered me some. There was nothing to lose so I accepted his offer. "It's not a wagon. It's fairly small to me."

"You can walk in a room, and your ass won't come in for another three minutes. That shit is fat."

I handed him his blunt as I started feeling the effects already. I'm the ultimate lightweight. "Well, thanks, I guess." I smiled.

"So if you're single, does that mean I can finally shoot my shot?" He spat out.

I was stammered. "I—I mean.. I'm not necessarily single, Tip. I'm still with her, and I'm in love with her. I don't want to have casual sex with you just so we can get off." I answered.

"All I heard was you aren't necessarily single, which means you aren't necessarily taken. Plus, you know every time we have sex, we make love. There's no other kind of sex we have."

Again, stammered.

"Kiss me, and if it doesn't feel like the first time we kissed and made love, then I'll leave you be. We can just smoke this joint and go to sleep."


"Jo..." He challenged.

I leaned in, grabbed his cheeks and kissed him. He knew his pull on me and I knew that he was right about the kind of sex we have. I've never not made love to this man. He is addicting.

He pulled out the kiss and said six words I didn't know I wanted to hear:

"Let me make love to you."

And the night commenced...
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