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I was in bed with Janet when Gil called me. I looked down at a sleeping Janet. I eased out of bed making sure not to wake her.

I looked down at my naked frame and searched for a robe as I picked up the phone. "Hey boo." I said.

"Shawnette Heard. I haven't seen you in days."

I sighed in relief finding Janet's robe and throwing it on. "Sorry, Gilly. I've been busy." I said before sitting on the edge of the bed. "What's up?"

"I am about to fall out."

I put him on speaker and laid back on the bed. "What about? Is Mr. Hernandez still riding on your nerves?" I chuckled.

"Yes! When he should be riding on something else."

I playfully gagged. "Ew!"

"Oh come on, you know I'm right."

Before I answered, I heard Janet moan and groan as her eyes fluttered open. "Morning." She smiled.

I smiled back. "Hey, Gil, can I call back?"

"No. You've ignored me for far too long, and we can't even speak at practice today with Cruella breathing down our necks."

My eyes bulged out as I saw Janet sit up at his insult. I quickly covered her mouth. "Baby, don't." I whispered.

She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Gil, I think we should give Janet a break. We've been cracking jokes about her for awhile. She's better than a year ago." I said trying not to seem like a flip-flopper to Gil but also preserve Janet's feelings.

"It's not my fault she decided to be the spawn of the devil. A horrible friend."

Janet climbed onto my lap and had a clear look of irritation. "Tell him to stop." She mouthed.

"Gil, come on. After everything with Tina, let's just ease everything with Janet. She's hurting too."

Janet moved down to straddling my shins and began pulling the belt on the robe. I fanned my hand across my neck trying to tell her to cut it out because I knew exactly what was going on.

"Don't tell me you are back on your little obsession with her? Shawn, she is undeserving of you and what you have to offer. She's proved that."

As he said that, she slammed two fingers into my core. She was on a devilish mission to prove that I'm hers and nobody was to challenge that.

"I-I think she'll c-come around." I stuttered.

Janet arched her brow and drove her fingers deep inside me. "Open." She mouthed. I shook my head no which caused her to curve her fingers inside me.

A moan left my lips. "Bitch? Are you fingering yourself on the phone with me?" The only thing running through my head was why did I still have him on speakerphone or the phone at all.

"No, I groaned. Morning stretch." I lied.

Janet eventually got her wish as I opened my legs for her. She bent over, not breaking eye contact with me as she took her fingers out and devoured the soaking on them.

"Ugh, Shawn. My mister is calling. I'll see you at practice." Gil said before the line went dead.

I threw my phone and grabbed a pillow as Janet latched her mouth onto my pussy. "Jaannn." I cried as she worked her magic beneath me.

"Call me by my proper name."

I could see the freak in her take over. Strawberry. I haven't been graced by the presence of Strawberry in so long.

"Strawberry." I moaned as she tauntingly fucked my entrance with her tongue. "Aahhh."

"Who do you belong to?"

She pushed her thumb against my numb causing my aching to reach its max. "I'm yours!" I screamed as my orgasm washed over my body.


I licked her release within her folds before crawling up her body to kiss her. "I love you." I innocently said.

"Is this Janet talking or Strawberry?"

I could tell she was slightly annoyed with me, but I cannot help when Strawberry likes to play. Plus, Gil was testing me and what's mine.

"He was being an ass."

"You fucked me while I was on the phone!"

I shrugged. "I can fuck you whenever I please. You are my woman." I simply said.

She grabbed my face and tongued me down. I melted into her dominance and ran my hands down to her pearl again. At this point, it was my drug.

I played with her as we continued to make out. I wanted to slip a finger so bad and start up another round between us, but we had rehearsals.

I sat up with a pout. "I wanna have sex." I said.

"And why can't we?" She asked letting her hand roam my body. "Rehearsal is in an hour. We can break a quickie." She said as she walked fingers up my thigh.

I shivered as she got closer to my soaking wetness, I had no clothes on and was completely revealed to her. As soon as she reached her destination, I grabbed her hands. "No, we can't. You have to get home and get ready, as do I." I said.

"Fine." She said. I moved off of her and watched as she put on yesterday's pants. "Where's your shirt?"

"You ripped it last night." She answered going into my closet. I tried not to break into laughter but that's funny. "Sorry about that babe." I said when she walked out in one of my sweaters.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see you at practice." She said coming back over to me. I placed a kiss on her lips that she deepened. This woman can not do a simple kiss anymore. I pulled away and she led the kisses down my neck. "Shawnnnn."

She laughed and kissed my cheek. "Sorry. Bye, baby."

"Bye, Daddy."

As soon as she left, I went to get ready for today was going to be interesting to say the least.
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