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Today's the day. I'm nervous as hell, scared as hell, excited as hell, every damn emotions ever possibly is what I'm feeling.

I got the ring repolished, rebranded, and added more diamonds to it. It was originally just a band with diamonds on the front side but I made the front side the back, put a rock on it, and fully loaded it with diamonds around the band.

 It was originally just a band with diamonds on the front side but I made the front side the back, put a rock on it, and fully loaded it with diamonds around the band

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I didn't know how well this'd play out but either way at the end the night, that ring will be on Janet's finger and that most important.

"Netty!!!!" I heard Shai scream. I jumped out my seat and ran to him in his playroom. When I went in, I saw him crying with his hand suck in his french horn. "Netty, I'm stuck!"

I contained my laughter as I made my way to him. "It's okay, baby. Look." I slid his hand out the horn and kissed it. "All better."

He nodded and wiped his tears. "I don't like free horn." He grumbled.

"French horn, Shai."

"Fresh horn."

Good enough. "Can you go get Mama and tell her I want her?" I asked him.

He nodded before running off.


I was working in my office when distracted by a knock on the door. "Come in!"

I saw Shai's head poke in. "Hi my beautiful boy. What's up? Are you hungry?" I asked.

"No, Netty make me banana smoovie."

"Smoothie? Oh wow."

"Netty wants you."

I looked down at my paperwork and sighed. "Can you tell her to come to me? I'm busy and shouldn't get up." I told him.


"Wait, Shai!" I called as he closed the door, but stopped. He looked at me again. "I love you."

He smiled at my words, "I love you."

He ran off to get Shawn. Within a few minutes, Shawn walked in. She never knocks, ever. "Hi my love, how may I help you today?" I asked her.

"Oooh, office Janet is ten times hotter than normal Janet. I like the glasses look, sexy." She said as she made her way over to me.

I sat back in my chair and turned to face her on the side of my desk. "Oh really?" I bit my lip.

She came and straddled my lap. Her mouth attacked my neck as she began kissing and sucking. She knows my weakness is my neck. Any assault against my neck makes me melt.

"B-baby, behav—" I moaned, cutting myself off. Her hands found their way to the bottom of my shirt and she broke her kisses against my neck to strip me of my shirt.

"What if Shai walks in?" I warned.

"The door's locked, plus.." She kissed my lips. "He's playing his instruments."

She got off my lap and squatted to help me out my shorts. "I like these shorts. Where'd you buy it?" She asked as she took them off along with my underwear.


"Cool." She kissed my thigh before going into one of my drawers and pulling out a strap.

"Baby, when the h—"

"There is literally one in every room." She said as she strapped herself up. "Gotta be ready at all times."

I smirked. She's right.

She pulled my hand making me stand up for her. She went back to my neck and trailed up to my lips. "Chair. Or. Desk?" She asked between kisses.

I looked at my desk covered in papers. I didn't want to ruin them nor pick them up. Before I could make the decision, Shawn pushed all the papers off my desk and laid down on her back.

"I'll clean it." She shrugged. "Come on, show Daddy ya skills." She smiled.

I climbed on top of her and kissed her as I slid down on the strap earning moans to flood my mouth. I rose up and began bouncing on the strap.

I was feeling it deep in my guts, and every time I went down, it went up further. "Shit, Daddy." I hissed.

Shawn gripped onto my hips and started pounding me from beneath. It was getting hard to preserve my release. "I'm bouta c-cum."

"Hold it." She stopped. "Lift up."

I slid off her as told. "Fours, now."

I followed directions and went on all fours. Without warning, she slipped back into me causing profanities to leave my mouth quietly.

She was drilling into me and I couldn't do anything about it. All I was good for was holding on the desk, keeping my arch, and knocking off other stuff on my desk.

"Baby, please." I groaned as my hand pushed her back.

She was completely ignoring me and truly was in a world of her own. I couldn't hold on like she wanted me too.

I felt a smack against my ass causing my arch to break and my release to let itself go. "Fuckkk!"

I looked back at Shawn who looked satisfied with my O-face. "You're so beautiful." She said with a slap to my ass. She came to my lips and kissed me. "Go get ready, we're going out for dinner." She said.

I laid there like a fish out of water. "Good God."
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