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It's been a month since Janet started really working again. She is constantly away on promotion, which I find ridiculous because nothing is happening for at least a month with her. She has like three interviews a week.

Add that to all the award shows that are happening: Oscars, Kids' Choice Awards, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony, Screen Actors Guild Awards, and so on.

This is only the beginning. Her single Doesn't Really Matter drops in a month, then the movie she is co-starring in with Eddie Murphy two months after that. She'll be on this sickening promotion tour for basically this whole year.

Meanwhile, it's just me and Shai at home, with the occasional visits from Janet's mother and Gil.

Her siblings eventually came around and ended their foolish, narrow thinking. Michael really mended it together, so I'm forever grateful for that.

Janet and I barely see each other, she's shown up to dance three times since her tour started, where I have to bring Shai to see her now. Then she's only at the house for all of 10 minutes when she'll get fresh clothes so she isn't repeating outfits.

We discussed her schedule prior to this sudden change of course, but it wasn't supposed so hectic.

"Netty, I miss Mama." Shai said as we sat at the table eating lunch. "I know, Pudding. I do too. Want me to call Uncle Joey to see if she's available?"


"A-v-a-i-l-a-b-l-e. It means if she isn't busy."

"Yeah, do that. See if she is that." He said as he played with his food.

He's got bad momma's boy syndrome. He always wants to be with her or on the phone with her or watching her on TV, whether it be an interview or an old show on the DVDs we have.

I called Joey's cell and waited until he answered.


"Hey, Joey. Shai wants her."

"Again? He just called this morning."

"He misses his mommy. Where is she?"

"Just missed her. She just went on set for the music video. It's a two day shoot, twelve hours each. I'll let her know you called."

I sighed, "Thanks."

I looked at Shai across the table and was saddened by his smile. I hate breaking this news more each time. "Sorry, Pudding. She is filming."

He immediately got grumpy, slamming his spoon on the table and leaving the table. I held my head in my hands and let out a well-needed groan.

I went upstairs to his room and found him crying on his bed. "Baby, it's okay." I said sitting next to him.

"No it's not. I miss Mama!"

"I know, but she's working right now. You know she has a busy schedule." I said.

"Then I want Zazzy! She was a gooder Mama than Mama!" He shouted.

Eliza? How the hell does he even remember her? It's been almost a year since he's seen her. Then again, babies do tend to remember people they spent a long time with.

However, that didn't hurt my feelings, but I knew it'd hurt Janet's. I kind of agree with Shai too. Janet isn't balancing as well as she may think she is. I am fine because I understand her exterior role in the world. She's a superstar who must holdup to the pedestal her fans hold her on as well as that is where she makes her money to provide.

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