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Shawn and I are on great terms. A little nervous about Q-Tip coming today but Shawn is the love of my life. No old affair will destroy what I have with her.

"Hey baby, look." Shawn said plopping next to me on the couch in the dressing room.

She showed me a card written by a fan. "Baby, it says there is supposed to be a candy taped right here." I mentioned seeing the drawn arrows pointing to an empty spot.

She opened her mouth and revealed my favorite candy, the hard lifesavers. "Shawn, it's the orange one. You know I love those." I whined.

"Oh god. Such a baby." She groaned before holding the candy between her teeth for me to take.

"Do I look like a baby bird to you?"

"Want it or not?"

I kissed her and used my tongue to take the candy from her. "Thank you, Daddy." I smiled.

"Whatever for you, baby."

There was a knock on the door making me jump up. "Come in." I shouted.

"It's me." I heard a man voice say before Q-Tip appeared in the doorway with white roses.

"Tip!" I enthusiastically said as I hugged him.

"How are you, love?" He asked.

I turned to Shawn, who was blowing steam. "Shawn, you mind giving us some privacy to catch up?" I asked as nicely as I could.

She got up and whispered in my ear, "I love you, okay?"

I blushed and nodded. She grazed her hand over my ass discretely before acknowledging Tip. "Hey, how are you?"

"I'm chilling." He said. With that, she left.

I closed the door behind her and faced Tip. "Lord, look at those roses. Thank you very much, Tip." I said taking them from him and laying them on my vanity.

"Here, sit." I insisted.

We both sat on the couch. I ran my hands down my thighs at a lost of words. He was making me nervous, and I'm sure he knew. He just looked so good. Gosh, I'm not supposed to be thinking like that.

 Gosh, I'm not supposed to be thinking like that

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"How are you?" I asked finally.

"Better now that I'm here with you..." He paused and winked, "On this tour and everything."

I knew I was blushing but I was hoping it wasn't obvious. My mind was telling me no, but my body was telling me yes. It was a horrible predicament.

"How's your wife? What's her name? Madison?"

"Michele. And she's whatever. I haven't seen her in months." He said shrugging her off.

"Aw, why is that?"

"It's always been an open relationship but now I just rather us divorce and be done with each other. We're in the process."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Eh, it's actually a blessing but thanks. What about you? Where's Fabio?"

I chuckled and hit his thigh. "His name's Rene and we're done too. We called it quits about eight months ago." I answered.

He scooted closer. "Interesting."

I smiled and put my head down.

"Plan on dating again? There are always women talking about you at the award shows. Maybe I can help." I offered.

"Nah. You know me. I move around until I can settle down with the one perfect woman." He said. I knew he meant me by the way he was burning a hole in my skull.

"Same for you, by the way." He said. I raised a brow at his statement. "Men, and women actually, are always talking about the Janet Jackson." He explained.

I silently chuckled. Shawn would bring on World War III if she ever heard someone talking about me in any non-professional matter.

I don't blame her though. If there were to be a female talking about my baby, Gil would be bailing me out of jail. That is if I even got bail.

"You are seeing someone." He said taking me from my thoughts.

I snapped in his direction. "What? What do you mean?" I asked frantically.

"You remember in PJ when we first started dating, after the car scene?" He asked and I nodded. "You had this sparkle in your eye. Normally, you are very bright eyed but when we were dating, the sparkle was there. I see it now, too."

"I'm not. I mean, yes, but no." I shyly said.

"Another thing about when we dated, the golden ages might I add, you were never a good liar."

We both laughed as I gently pushed his arm. "I am a good liar." I said back.

"Only a bad liar says they are a good liar."

"Okay, okay. Enough about all that. You ready for tour? I'm glad you could join us." I smiled.

"I'm glad I could join. I didn't expect to be loving it already, though."


"I love talking with you, Jo. Do people still call you that?" He asked.

"Not much, but feel free."

"Okay, Jo. Like I was saying, talking with you is so eye opening and refreshing. You ain't the average chick. Plus, I'm kind of a groupie." He said as he stood up making me laugh.

"Well, after the show I'll show you the bus and your spot." I said as we both headed for the door.

He stood in front of the door and just stared at me. "I've missed you, Jo. I'm glad we get to reconnect on this tour." He said.

"I missed you, too, Tip." I smiled.

With that left, he left to his dressing room and I closed my door. I slid my back down against the door and ran my hands down my face. "What the fuck did I get myself into?"
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