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I watched as droopy Janet pranced around the stage missing a lot of choreo. She's lucky the theme of Velvet Rope is playful because she was barely pulling this off.

"Thank you Adelaide! I love you!" She said right as the curtains closed and she exited the stage.

Tina turned to me and was completely pissed. "She just skipped an entire 10 minutes of the show. Get her ass before I do, because it will not be pretty." She scolded.

"She isn't my responsibility."

"Well then make her your fucking responsibility."

I could tell there was no winning in the end of this back and forth. I turned and went to find Gil. Thankfully, it wasn't much searching because he was looking for me too.



"I know, okay. I'll take care of her."

"Tina is three seconds away from popping Janet's little happy bubble she is in. Go tell her Tina isn't happy and we all know what happened when Tina isn't happy." I said.

"Not the three mile? She's fluffing, she wouldn't while we are on break."

"Oh trust me. We are running those miles. Janet skipped 10 minutes of the show. You are lucky it isn't a 30 mile run." I stated. "Go take care of your friend."

"My friend?"

"I didn't stutter. Since the show ended ten minutes early, maybe I can go find myself a Halle Berry out in the crowd." I said turning around.

I walked to the dressing room in complete annoyance. How could she be so nonchalant about putting on a horrible show? She barely sung, she missed several steps in choreography, and cheated her fans out of 10 minutes of the show.

The review is going to be horrid. "Shawn!" I heard Tina yell.

She came over to me. "Where's Jan?" She asked.

I shrugged as Gil walked in. "Ask her friend."

Gil rolled his eyes and popped his lips. "Stop saying that. Okay? She's all of our friend. But as of where she went? That is a mystery. She isn't here neither is Joey. Last someone saw, she was on her way out with Tip."

I groaned loudly. Of course she's with him.

"Well, besides the five mile you guys are running tomorrow at the asscrack of dawn, you all will have to do boot camp every day leading up to Christmas, and then after Christmas day, we will be right back at it until New Years Eve. I have warned each and every one of you, no messing up my choreography. My name is on this shit and you guys are not gonna make me look foolish."

The rest of the Kids walked in just in time for the end of her rant, "Everybody, as soon as we get home tomorrow, boot camp." She said causing everyone to groan and moan.

"Blame the head of the fish." She said. After that, she packed her things and left the venue.

"Great, so because Janet wants to have fun, we have boot camp." Nicky said.

"And a five mile." I added. "And it's because she wants to be dumb. She was high and skipped the end of the show."

"She was high? I didn't even notice." Tyce said.

I rolled my eyes for what felt like the tenth time in a minute and started packing my things. "That's your friend for you." I sassed.

I threw my duffle over my shoulder and left. My mind was running rampant about Janet. Where she was, why she left with Tip, where her and I stood, if our relationship were even possible at this point.

Maybe I had loved her more than she loved me this whole time. She moved on like it was nothing, like we were nothing. The break up didn't seem to affect her like it was me.

"Shawnette." I heard someone call.

I turned around after wiping my face. "Yeah?"

I came face to face with none other than Jourdan Raine. The sexiest model ever in my opinion.

 The sexiest model ever in my opinion

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"Hi, my name is Jourdan. My friend, Kelly, speaks very highly of you. I just came to tell you that you are a great dancer and I really loved what you did out there." She said all before smiling at me.

If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was flirting with me. But, she's known to only date guys so let me not get my hopes up.

"Nice to meet you, Jourdan. Thanks for the compliment." I said. "I'd love to say and chat but it's been a long day and my tour bus bed is calling my name."

She smiled before gripping unto my arm with her hand. She used her free hand to pull out a pen from her purse. "I obviously wasn't being forward enough. I hope this gets the message across." She said as she proceeded to write her phone number on my skin.

Her eyes looked into mine and I realized she was oddly tall. She was looking down at me, which I didn't mind really. "You're tall." Was all that left my lips.

"But my patience isn't, don't keep me waiting." She said before disappearing into the crowd of people.

I blinked a few times realizing I had just scored a shot with one of the most beautiful woman on the face of the earth. What the fuck.

I continued my journey to the bus and settled my stuff. When I got into my little bed space, I just looked at my arm with Jourdan's number on it.

My mind began to wander again. If I do this whatever with Jourdan and fall for her, what happens next? What happens with Janet?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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