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"Okay, so here is the number for Liza and the address to the house. She prefers to know when she'll have visitors so call first." I said.

I handed Tip a picture of Shai so he could see it. "He's a beautiful boy." I said as we both looked at the picture.

"So, I can go see him whenever I want?" He asked.

"Nobody is stopping you. Just don't tell anybody he exist. I am not trying to keep him a secret, I just want to keep him safe. The way things have been has kept him alive and well. Don't fuck it up." I sternly said.

"Deal. Thank you, Jo." Tip said before hugging me.

I hugged him back and rest my head against his shoulder. "Tip, I really appreciate you. You helped me through a lot in these three months. I truly do love you." I said.

"I love you too. Don't forget to call, 'ight?"

"I won't. Don't go out there and set a bad example for Shai, 'ight?" I mocked causing laughter to erupt into the atmosphere.

"I won't, valley girl." He said as the hug released. "Good luck on the rest of tour."

"Good luck to you on your next tour."

I watched as he boarded his flight and waited until his plane took off before leaving with Joey.

"So do I have to worry about Ganja Janet anymore?" He said as we made our way back to the car.

"No, Joey, you don't. I was just enjoying my last days with Tip. You know I am not one to smoke all the time like a pothead."

"And does this mean you and Shawn can make up?"

"What? No." I instantly said. "We are taking a break. We need time for ourselves to grow. I still love her though."

He opened my car door and let me in before getting in behind me. "We're good, Chuck." Joey said as Chuck pulled off and pulled up the divider.

"He's usually one for conversation." I said noticing how quick Chuck put up the divider. "Strange."

"Don't ignore our conversation, Janet Damita Jo. How do you know you won't fall in love with Tip, or someone else? You and Shawn were made for each other."

I took the necklace from under my shirt and held it in my palm. "My baby gave me this before we broke up. She said she was going to propose to me, instead due to obvious circumstances, she gave it to me on a chain. She said to wear it so we both know that there is still a chance. I am going to wear this ring every damn day until it is on my finger. Shawnette is mine. I know that. There is no one else I plan on falling in love with. She is my end." I answered.

"Okay, so you and Q-Tip?"

"Fun. I love him but not like I love Shawn. I had sex with him and it was great, but I can never and will never make love to another like I did with Shawn. She is on a different level in my heart that has an occupancy of one. She shouldn't worry and neither should anybody else."

Joey rose his hands in surrender. "Fine. Whatever Miss Jackson says, goes." He said.

The car ride remained silent until we got back to the buses. Joey went to step out when I grabbed his arm. "Did she say something to you?" I asked.

Knowing I was referring to Shawn, he sighed looking at me. "I told what you told me to say. The banning thing." He said.

I planted my head against the chair behind me. "I told you to say that if it was a world ending situation, not if I was just hanging out with Kamaal."

"Look, JJ, she looked like she wanted to rip your head into pieces. Her seeing you high would only add fuel to the fire. Plus, you didn't seem to care she was outside the door anyway. I did what you asked." He shrugged before getting out the car.

He came to my side and opened the door for me, I went on to be met with Tina and Gil. Neither looked happy. "Hi guys." I nonchalantly said.

"Hi guys?? Have you fucking lost it?" Tina snapped.

Gil stepped in front of Tina and whispered to her. She rose her hands in surrender after whatever he said and went to a different section of the bus.

Gil turned to me. "Janet."

"Here we go..." I rolled my eyes and took a seat already feeling the direction he was about to go.

"Janet, look, Tina is coming back in ten minutes and she is going to light a fire under your ass for messing up the show. It is one in the morning so I frankly don't have that kind of energy." He started.

"However, I will say this. Whatever you are doing to Shawn is causing you to lose her as a friend. Forget the whole relationship and ring thing. The friendship you two have is vanishing and I think you should talk to her. I know you don't like when I am in your business but the last thing I really want is for you and her to not be friends at all."

Why is everyone so concerned about me and Shawn?

"Okay, Gil." I simply said.

"You'll talk to her?"


"Okay... That was easy. Well, I'll leave you to the beast back there. Have fun." He said before skipping off the bus.

I chuckled at him before making my way back to Tina. "Jan!" She yelled.

"I'm coming woman!"
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