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Shawn and I haven't spoke in days. It kind of sucks because it makes the house dull and lifeless. It's been almost two weeks without Shai and at this point, I have to start to believe he won't be found for awhile.

I would find myself crying in his room or sleeping on his bed more and more and more. I wouldn't say I'm depressed but there is surely a part of me missing.

Shawn cares. She shows it even though she won't physically talk to me. She will eventually, especially since I hit the road again next week.

Something that is nice is all the love and support I'm getting from fans and friends. The news about Shai hit TV two days ago and it's been a frenzy.

I get flowers sent to my PO box so often, they gave me my own mailman. As well as other various gifts. I am getting notes saying that there are search groups for Shai and communities are helping me.

It's beautiful and I'm glad the world isn't beating me up in such a bad time, but instead helping me get through.

I went downstairs and saw Shawn sitting at the table looking over bills. I passed her by and went into the fridge.

"There's nothing here." She said as I came to realize that myself. I would ask why her ass couldn't go get food but I left it alone.

I sat down and called Gil. "Hey Gilly. Can you do us a favor? We're out of food and this obviously isn't the best time for us to be out the house with everythig that is going on."

"Sure, Dunk. Send me a list."

"Thank you so much."

The call ended and Shawn was looking at me. I bolden my eyes at her.

She smirked and went back to her work. "You are the sexiest pain in my ass." She mumbled.

"Same here." I mumbled back as I texted Gil.

She looked up at me and put her glasses above her head. "How's your back baby?" She asked finally having a conversation with me after days.

"It's fine. I've been resting and taking the pain killers. I have an appointment next week for a follow up. Are you coming?"

"I wouldn't miss that, J. Just because you irritate me for a few days doesn't mean you aren't my priority. Give Daddy kiss."

I smirked and pecked her lips. "Spoiled."

"Your fault."

I stood up and straddled her lap. My hands found their way into her short pixie buzz cut. "I'm glad that's my fault." I said lowly.

"I miss our son." She said.

"Me too."

"I miss our family."

"Me too."

We sat there in comfortable silence for the first time in awhile. Her hands slid up my thigh and wrapped gently around my back.

"Can we cuddle?" I asked.

"Of course."

She picked me up and carried me upstairs to our bedroom. She helped me lay down and then climbed over me and spooned me. She rested her hand on my thigh.

"Youuu are so beautiful, to meeee. Can't you seeee." Shawn sung quietly in my ear. A grin grew across my face as she kept on singing that corny ass song from Little Rascals. "You're everything I hoped for, you're everything I neeeeeeed."

I giggled at how well she copied the boy's horrible high notes. "You are a fool." I said cutting her serenade off.

"I just want you to be happy."


Janet and I were on the edge of sleeping when my phone rung. The caller ID was unknown.

"Hello?" I said picking up.

"Hello, Mommy?"

My heart cracked open hearing my baby's voice again. "Baby? Baby, oh my gosh. I miss you so much. Where are you baby?"

"I don't know, Mommy. It is no light. Man tell me I say hi though."

"Who is the man, Shai?"

I had Janet all over me wanting to hi as well.

"I don't know. I want to go home, Netty."

"You'll be home soon, I promise. Here, Mama wants to talk to you."

I gave Janet the phone and she bursted into tears. I called Joey and informed him on what was going on.

"Yes, baby boy. I love you so much." Janet said on the phone. "I miss you too."

Joey hung up on me and my focus returned to Janet. "Okay, well be safe, okay? I lov— Hello? Shai?" She dropped the phone from her ear and looked at me with tears falling from her tears.

I gently pulled her into a hug. "It's okay, princess. He called us. We know he is alive. That's something. That is hope." I said trying to calm her.

"I-I miss him so m-much." She sobbed.

I rubbed her back as she cried into my neck. The landline rang and it must've been Joey calling back. I reach over Janet and picked it up.

"What'd you get? Please tell meit's something." I begged.

"Shawn. We got it. We got the location. We just sent guys over there and we have the state police on heavy watch. He's coming back."

I closed my eyes and thanked God. "When do you think we'll have him?"

"Tomorrow night, maybe."

"Okay, that's great. We'll be here."

"Alright. I love you guys."

"We love you too. Thank you so much."

The call ended and I spoke to Jan. "They got him. The police and Joey are going to bring him home. Okay? Joey said tomorrow."

She cried even harder but they were tears of joy. You could tell. I held her in my arms for the rest of the day as she cried and stopped then started again.

She was overwhelmed with emotion. She'd been so lifeless and lost for two weeks, I'm not surprised that when the going got good, she felt something, anything.
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