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After rehearsal, I took Gil on a date. There was so much to catch up on.

We didn't go anywhere fancy, I just brought him to my hotel room where I had service set up a spa type vibe in the room.

There was a knock on the door that let me know Gil was here finally.

"Coming, boo!" I said as I lightly jogged to the door.

"Hey, bitchhhhh!" He squealed as he walked in.

We shared a quick hug before heading straight for the champagne. We took a seat in the kitchen and popped the first bottle.

"I thought yo ass forgot about me." He said after taking a sip.

"Forget about my best friend? Never."

"Well what's tea, queen? You and Shawnette seem to have been going through it lately."

"No, we're fine as of right now." I said. "It's just Tip being here makes things a little difficult."

He was stunned by my statement. "Why would that be? I thought you and Tip ended things years ago."

"We did, but that didn't necessarily mean that I can control myself around him."

"That lil' sexy move on stage." He gasped. "Dunk, I thought that was planned."

I hate how well he knows me.

"It wasn't and that started a big thing with Shawn. She says she trust me, but I can tell there's a sliver of doubt, but I can't blame her."

"What does that mean?" Gil questioned.

I looked up with a guilty look on my face. It was completely readable.

"Dunk, you didn't." He said with hope.

"It was one kiss." I sighed.

He sighed and let a groan follow. Gil has been with me for some time now and he hates when I make these kind of mistakes. I made mistakes with Rene and it's a big reason we aren't together anymore.

"One kiss is a lot. Was it innocent, like a peck?" He asked.

That kiss was so nasty. It could've gotten nastier but I stopped when his tongue found its way into my mouth. I would've kept going, honestly, but Shawn was just heavily on my mind that night.

Gil sighed knowing the answer without my help. "I'm disappointed, truly. You know your situation with him, yet you do this." He said before getting up and leaving me at the table by myself.

I went after him but was stopped by a knock on my door. "Who is it?" I asked not expecting anyone.

"It's me, baby." Shawn said.

Internally groaning, I went to the door. She had roses and chocolates went I opened the door. "Hi, my love." I said as stared into her eyes.

She was giving me bedroom eyes. She didn't get some earlier so I understand why she is deprived.

"Shawnette, Gil is in the other room."

"Shawnette? What's wrong? You never call me my name unless its serious."

"Nothing. Gil is just really upset with me right now so I'm kinda frustrated."

She stuck out her bottom lip and gave me the puppy eyes. "So, we can't fuck before the trip tonight?" She asked.

I giggled before holding her face. "I'll give you a kiss and we can finish it on the plane later. Deal?"

"No deal. I wanted some time with my girl now." She whined in her little baby voice.

"Shawnyyy, please. You know how Gil gets, he is probably upset I haven't went to him already."

She groaned and agreed to my deal. "You can't keep the chocolates I brought you. I'm taking them and eating them." She before handing me my roses.

"Shut up and come here." I said before crashing my lips into hers.

Kissing her is magical, every time. The taste of her lips and the way her tongue feels so silky against mine. I love it more and more each time.

I pulled from the kiss and stared into her eyes. "I love you."

"And I love you."

With that she went about her way and I went back to trying to console Gil's feelings with me.

"Babe?" I called out.

I walked into my room and saw him in the robe I laid out for him and surfing through channels. I sat next to him and grabbed ahold of his hands.

"Who has at the door?" He asked without looking at me.

"My girlfriend."

He chuckled and released my hands. "Are you sure that's your girlfriend? With you sticking your tongue in Tip's mouth, I wouldn't even have noticed you were dating someone." He snapped.

"Gil, it was once. It'll never happen again. You know that I'm not like that anymore."

"Dunk, you cheated on Rene not once, not twice, but several times. And Tip is one of the men you cheated on him with which is why..." He stopped himself and let out a deep breath. "Anyway, Rene was madly in love with you and you dumped him after breaking his heart. I get that you have a problem with commitment but Shawnette is my bitch. Aside from you, she is my best friend. I cannot let you hurt her. It'd be wrong."

By the end of his lecture, a few tears fell from my eyes. My past is horrid and I hadn't done much to change it. I'm still horrible at committing.

Gil wiped my tears and gave me a hug. "I love her, I swear. I was overwhelmed in the moment and you know Tip and I's history." I cried. My past with Tip is something far more complicated than people know.

He held my head up. "You have to tell her."

"I will."
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Hope you guys love this book! Vote, comment, add... y'all know the vibe❤️🤪 Merry Belated Christmas (is belated xmas a thing??) I hope yall enjoyed your holiday 😘

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