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I saw lights flashing and heard yelling. So much yelling. I couldn't tell who was who but I did know that Shawn nor Shai were around me.

"W-Where... my b-baby?"

"Ma'am, keep quiet. Just breathe. We're getting you into emergency surgery to remove the bullet that was launched into your back before it teaches your spine. Just stay with us." I heard.

"M-my baby." I cried.

"Ma'am, any slight movement cause paralyze you right now. Please, I beg you to relax."

I instantly blacked out.


"I'm fine, I'm fine." I told the paramedic. "I need to go see my wife."

I didn't have time to think about their disgusted looks. They brought Janet to the hospital as well as Shai a half hour ago. My poor babies got hit after me. There was no word on anybody else.

I know Gil and Janet's family were right outside but I haven't seen anyone, it's nerve wrecking.

"Where's my son?" I asked the paramedic after he tightened the wrap around my arm for the gazillionth time.

As I asked, an officer came to me. "Okay, ma'am. The woman you were here with is at the hospital. We're going to leave and start investigating right away." She said.

"Wait, where's my son?" I asked again.

"Ma'am, there was no boy found at this scene."

"What do you mean?"

"Just two women."

She walked away when someone called her leaving me in state of panic and worry. I immediately called Gil.

"Gil, where's my baby? Where's Shai?"

"I don't know, boo. After the gunshots, I just made sure that Mama Kat got home safely. I rode back with Randy, Rebbie, LaToya, and Michael. Tito, Jermaine, and Marlon went scoping around the perimeter and didn't find anything then went to Joseph to make sure he was okay."

"Gil, call the hospital. Check if Shai got checked in by someone else. Meet me there." I said before hanging up the phone.

"Ma'am, you can't leave y—"

"Shut the fuck up!" I snapped. I went into my car and sped like hell to the hospital. What should've taken me 20 minutes, took me 12.

I went in and you could tell Janet was here. The chaos was immaculate. There were lawyers everywhere, news reporters, doctors, fans, etc.

I fought my way to the front desk, "Hello, where is Janet Jackson's room?" I asked.

"Ma'am I am not allowed to give out that information. Safety protocols."

"She's my girlfriend and I need to see her."

"Ma'am, I have been dealing with the girlfriends and boyfriends of her for an hour. I am no fool."

I pulled out my phone and showed her pictures of Janet and I. "She's my real girlfriend. I just came from the scene." I said showing her my arm.

She waved me off to side, ignoring me. I called Joey as I saw Gil came in. "No word of Shai." He said.

I was stressing but I had Joey on the line. "Joey, they won't let me in and Shai is nowhere to be found. Can you come down and bring Gil and I up to see her?"

"I got you. Give me two minutes."

The call ended and I turned back to Gil. "Where's my baby?" I said starting to break down at this whole situation.

"We'll find him, Shawn. There's probably just miscommunication within the family."

I let the tears that were brewing in my eyes fall down my face. My son was missing and as much as I want to stay strong and not worry, I am heavily concerned for his wellbeing.

Gil tapped me and pointed to Joey who was talking to the lady at the front. He looked at us and nodded his head in the direction of the elevators.

We followed behind him on the elevator. "Joey what the hell happened? Where is Shai?" I asked.

"I'll tell you, but please do not rattle Janet. She presumes he is fine, please, for her health, let her."

"Okay, out with it."

"He's been kidnapped."

I felt my tears multiply. "B-by who? Who has m-my baby?" I cried.

"Joesph. Janet's father. He is fulfilling his threat to Janet. If we don't catch him in time.... expect the worst." Joey said straightforwardly.

I turned to Gil and cried on his shoulder.

"What's being done?" Gil asked.

"My guys are all over. I have FBI and SVU getting everything. Joesph has been MIA from a few weeks says Mama Kat so there's no telling how longer he's been planning this or where he went or where he took Shai."

"It's been almost four years, why now? Why ri— who told?"

I remember Mama Kat doing her best to shelter Janet's life from her father, for this reason exact. As much as I am scared for Shai's life, I am also now extremely heated. Someone must've told him.


"I'm gonna ring her neck." I said pressing the emergency stop button.

"Woah, woah." Gil said pulling me back. "Let's go see Janet first. She must be worried sick about you."

"She's gonna end up worried about her damn sister when I murder her!"

Joey unreleased the emergency button and the elevator transcended once again.

"Kill her later. Gil is right, she wants to see you."

We reached the floor and Joey cleared us through the excessive amount of security. "She has the whole floor. It's a threat on her life so we are being precautious." Joey said as we took a few turns to Janet's room.

I walked in ahead of the boys and immediately ran to her side. "Hi, beautiful." I said hiding my tears of joy.

"Hi, baby." She said with her band caressing my cheek.

"Is she drugged?"

"They had to remove a bullet from her back so yeah. Heavily, but she's comprehensive. That's the good news."

I got in the bed with her, "What's the bad news?" I asked as I let her cuddle into my chest as comfortably as she could.

"She's out for a couple weeks, maybe two months."

I looked down at my droopy girlfriend. "That's okay. Better disabled for a little bit than dead." I kissed the top of her head and laid my head back against the hospital bed.

"How's Shai, babe?"

I looked at Joey who drew his hand across his neck telling me not to tell her anything.

"He's fine." I broadly answered. I kissed her head once more and wiped the tear that fell from my eyes. "Come on, let's get some sleep. It's been a long day."
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