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After last night's concert, I just went to my temporary home and straight to sleep. We had to catch a flight for LA within the next hour and again I woke up late.

Shawn didn't come home which had me up all night. I meant what I said yesterday but at the same time, I didn't. She's mine and I wanted her with me. She just acts like a dickhead at times.

"Dunkyyy!" I heard Gil sing as he came in the room. Aside from Joey, Chuck, and Shawn, Gil has a key to all my residences. I smiled as he walked through the second set of doors and plopped on my bed. "Hey, bitch."

"Hi, babe. How are you?"

"More like how are you? All the Kids were worried last night when you didn't come to the club with us."

"I wanted a night in."

"Or was it her?

Gil is one of the very few people who know about Shawn and I. I'm not ashamed, there's just a time and place for everything.

"She sent me the most beautiful bouquet of white roses at the show last night." I reminisced.

"Oh, you're the White Rose Whore?" He gasped.

"White Rose what?"

"We all saw the bag of cut up flowers but just assumed Shawn was playing a joke. Then Tyce said she was messing with a white rose loving whore."

"I— Sure. Regardless, she has me fucked up in every aspect: mentally, emotionally, sexually. I miss her mouth on mine. I miss having mindblowing sex with her every night. I miss her cuddles."

"Oh, no." Gil said before reaching for the tissue box that was beside the bed. "No tears on my watch."

"I just want her back with me."

"So why become the white ro— why cut up the roses?"


"I'm not a child, I don't accept 'because' as an answer, fool."

"Because she keeps flirting with that white bitch."

"You mean Tina? Your best friend?"

I nodded as I got out of bed. He followed me to the bathroom so I could actually start to get ready.

"I don't think Shawn wants her. Shawn likes that black cat, not no boring straight cooch."

"Well, then, you tell her that she should come back to me." I said before brushing my teeth.

"Why do I have to get in the middle of your shit? I mean, I totally will, but why?"

"Because.. If I see her, I might go from white rose whore to a murder in the flash of a second." I said through the muffles of brushing my teeth.

"Right. Well, I hope you know, you're gonna see her regardless. She flies with us on the jet." He said.

I scoffed, "Why did I tell her she could?" I mumbled to myself. Of I do know why, totally for sexual reasons.

"Because," Gil stated as he heard me, "if I recall properly, she was a masseuse and you wanted her to give you massages every plane ride." He said with sarcasm and air quotations.


"I'll go." He said seeing my head about to blow up in flames.

"Thank you." As I heard him leave, I let out a good scream just to release everything.

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Joey led me on the plane and we were the first ones on. The Kids have their own jet that I rented for them for travel purposes. But Gil, Shawn, and Tina, sometimes, fly with me and the team. They are the essential essentials.

I sat down in my normal spot. I wrapped myself in my blanket and just waited for everyone to get on.

First was Gil. "Hey, Dunk. I did as asked." He said sitting beside me.

"Before you tell me that, where was she last night? And if you say she spent the night in Tina and the girls' room, I will murder somebody." I stated.

His eyes widened and his face went pale. "Then, I won't tell you. Anyway... She said that she loves you and wants to earn your forgiveness." He said.

"Where the hell is she?" I was burning with anger and melting with pure love for her. Overwhelming is the word in this situation.

"I'll go get her." He said.

He left the jet for awhile before I heard Shawn's loud self greeting the pilots and Joey. I watched as she made her way to me with the sorriest look on her face.

She stood up towering over me. My face was leveled with my favorite part of her body, but I was still pissed.

"Hi, baby." She said.


I looked up at her. Her eyes drew back to where my little bedroom area was and back at me. She walked back there causing me to groan as I followed behind her and drew the sheets for privacy.

She was sitting on the bed and insisted I sit on her lap. Instead, I sat on the chair across from the bed.

"Booty. You know I love you, why are you acting crazy?"

I was confused by her choice of words. "Me, crazy? Shawn you are out here making googly eyes at Tina every chance you get."

"Why can't I? It's not like we are a public relationship."

"You have to be joking." I scoffed.

"Obviously, fool. Everything except the fact you are acting crazy. I apologize for the Tina stuff. I was mad and acted like a child. I didn't intend on making you feel the way you felt, partially. I just was hurt and went about it the wrong way."

"You hurt me. Again." I said feeling the waterworks making their appearance yet again.

She lifted me out the chair and onto the bed beside her. "And I feel horrible about it. I don't deserve you, baby. I really don't but I do want to be deserving of you. Let me make it up to you."

I looked up at her and could tell her words were genuine. I gently grabbed her face and kissed her.

"I love you." I said.

"And I love you, princess. Forgive me?"

After she has left me for nights without sex, the apology and sex had to be a package deal. "Show me that I should." I bit my lip and laid across the bed.

"You don't gotta tell me twice. But, can you be quiet? We don't need Joey thinking you are getting killed back here." She said as she fixed herself by the lower half of my body.

I nodded and stripped my pants off leaving myself in my lacey underwear and a shirt. Shawn widened her eyes at the lace. "You were planning this. You knew it'd come to this." She smirked.

"Eventually. Now, eat up baby."

She tore my underwear which caused excitement in my body. She placed her mouth right at my treasure and attacked.

I let my eyes roll to the back of head and my back arch as she had me completely under her control.

This was going to be a long flight.
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