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"Are you stupid?" I asked.

I felt all eyes on me.

"Watch your mouth. I'm not playing with you of all people." Janet said.

"Watch my mouth? You don't own me. And it's a valid question. You are going to deny your own child publicly? What happens when he turns 12 and figures out how to work the internet and sees that his mother denied him or still is? Is there going to be some grand celebration 'Hey everybody! This kid actually is mine! Ha ha ha!' That's stupid. Either leave him with Eliza or acknowledge his existence privately and publicly. With that being said, I don't care what you do, give me the papers and I'll sign." I huffed before standing up.

"You can't leave Shawn." Gil said lowly.

"But I am."

I gathered my jacket and walked to door. As I opened the door, I saw Janet's hand slam it shut.

I turned to her and rolled my eyes. "Am I a prisoner?" I scoffed.

"God, no. I won't keep you around here if my life depended on it. But, you are however going to sit your black ass down and wait until the end of this fucking meeting."

Just as I went to say something, my eyes drew to her chest. It was bare. The necklace was gone. In a matter of two seconds, I went from bold to blank.

I'd be a bloody liar if I said it didn't strike a nerve in me. I looked back at her eyes and nodded. "Y–Yeah." I said before returning to the table.

I wanted to cry honestly. I knew we were on horrible terms but I didn't think what happened pushed her that far. And here I am putting my relationship on the back burner still in hopes that Janet and I will get back together.

I can't tell Jourdan that I love her because I don't. I can't. Because I still love Janet and my heart knows where it's home is. And its home is Janet.

I stayed to myself at the table and just listened to everyone attacking each other.


"What do you mean 'He's my kid.'? Liza, you adopted him so I could still be in his life as his mother. Not for you to take my role!" I said loudly.

Eliza held onto her head, "Jan, I know but I cannot help the fact that I have been raising him—"

"Off my money." I added.


"He is my son!" I yelled as tears instantly ran down my face. I felt Joey place his hand on my back so I sat down and calmed myself. "Eliza. I love you. You are one of my dearest friend and you made the biggest sacrifice imaginable when you decided to take care of Shai. I am asking you woman to woman, to let me have him back. I am not trying to take you out of his life, I am trying to take my role more seriously. I want Shai to grow up knowing me as his mother, not the lady who gave him up. Please."

I wiped my tears.

Tina cleared her throat before speaking, "Well, Jan, I fully support you. I look at how you look at that little boy and I know that this is your life. Behind the camera, the stage and studio, you are a mother at heart." She said.

"Thank you."

"But I don't know if you have the time to." She added. My face scrunched up. "What?"

"Jan, you are going back to the studio any day, we have dance twice a week, you have award shows and interviews. You are too busy to play mommy."

I looked at how nobody else had something to say following that. "So everyone thinks I'm just playing mommy? Like it's some game?" I asked.

No response.

"You know what. Sign the damn papers. I am not taking no for an answer." I said. I handed out the NDAs and Liza the papers to waver her legal rights.

After assuring everyone signed what needed to be sign, I spoke very boldly out of my ass. "Great. You are all fired. Leave." I said calmly.

"Jan, what are you doing?" Gil interjected.

"What needs to be done for my son. Get the fuck out my house." I repeated. I watch as hesitant they all were, but they left. Even Eliza.

I locked my front door and went to Shai, who was fighting his sleep to watch Peppa Pig. "Hey, baby. Wanna sleep with Mama tonight?" I asked as I ran my fingers through his hair.

He rubbed his eyes and nodded.

"Okay, poppa. Come on." I picked him up and headed upstairs. He was so tired, I didn't bother washing him up. I just laid him down and went back downstairs for his bottle and some water.

After I put his bottle in the microwave to heat up, my doorbell rung.

Answering it, of course, Shawn.
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