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Walking off the airplane, it was time for the real world again. I didn't want to leave but it's what had to be done, plus Shawn wouldn't have objected to us staying.


I tilted my shades down and looks at Joey and Gil who were waving at us. I grinned and waved back.

I held onto Shawn's hand and helped her down the stairs as the pilot helped Shai. "Thank you so much." I said tipping him.

Joey came over and hugged me. "Hey, missed you around here." He said.

"You brought Gil?" I asked.

"You left him hanging. You never told him you were leaving or where so he has been following me for ages and this time, he hid in the trunk."

I chuckled. "This kid has too much time on his hands. But thank you for picking us up." I hugged him again before letting him go to get the bags.

"Bitch! You didn't tell m—"

"Aht, aht. This can be handled at home. Car, now, please."

He squinted at me and folded his arms. "I'm going to the car because I want to." He said before flipping his imaginary hair and walking to the car.

I turned and saw Shawn and Shai talking with Joey. "Pumpkin, come on." I said. I was speaking to Shawn, but Shai ran towards me thinking I meant him. It made me giggle.

"Hi, bug. Let me buckle you in your carseat. Shawn?"

She looked at me. "We're in the car." I said and she nodded.

We went to the car and I did as I was going to do. "Bug, did you say hi to Gilly? He came with Uncle Joey just to see you." I told him.

He waved shyly.

I looked at him crazy. "Bug, you don't remember Gilly? It's only been awhile since you seen him." I said lifting his face so we were eye to eye.

"Mama," he whispered, "I don't remember."

I smiled toothlessly. "Okay, that's fine. You are still a little boy so you don't have to remember everybody. But this is Gil, my best friend. He is like Uncle Joey but you can call him Gil."

"Hi." Shai said more comfortably.

"Prince, I don't know how you can forget me. I taught you everything you know. Remember I bought you your first flute and playbook."

"Ohh, ok. Thank you Gil." Shai replied.

"I'm Gil now... My heart is crushed." Gil dramatized.

We all talked more before Shawn and Joey came in the car. "You good, babe?" I asked seeing her a little uncomfortable in the car.

"My back again. Your son is doing the Rhythm Nation choreo on my spine." She huffed.

I pecked her lips and let her lean on me. "If you want, we can play the little massage game when we get home." I teased running my hands down her side.

I heard her sharply inhale when my hand rested between her thighs. The pregnancy has made her much more sensitive to my touch and I kind of hope this is a long term effect. I love her little noises of pleasure.

"Yes, please."

"Hey you two! Quit being grown!" Gil said.

"We ain't doing nothing." Shawn said back.

He rolled his eyes and turned back around. "Joey said he missed us." I told Shawn. "And Bug doesn't remember him. He's in his feelings."

We both chuckled. "Bug, you okay?" Shawn asked.

Shai turned to us, "Can we go home now? I want to swing." He pouted.

"Aw baby, this is home. We were on vacation."

"I don't like this home. Mommy, tell Mama we should go back to the home with swings."

He swears Shawn runs me. He's not wrong.

"Sorry, buddy. Mama has to work and I have to get some rest and you, sir, have to get enrolled into preschool."

Yes, preschool. The thought of peace and quiet during the day for three days a week is an excitement.

His eyes watered up, "Tell Mama to put swings in this home. I want swings." He whined. I love how he spoke of me as if I wasn't right next to him.

"Mama, Bug wants swings." Shawn looked up at me and said.

"Tell Bug he can't cry to get everything he wants."

"Hey, JJ." Joey interrupted. "We're here."

I looked out the window and saw my house. I was actually excited to see it. I unbuckled Shai and stepped out the car after Shawn. Joey got Shai and we all entered the house.

"Okay, grown 1 and grown 2, there is some explanation to why you threw me the head choreographer job and then disappeared!" Gil snapped.

"Joey, can you take Shai upstairs and help him unpack. We have to settle the other child we didn't know we had." I said making Shawn chuckle and Gil growl.

I waited until Joey was upstairs with Shai to answer Gil's question. "Blame Shawn." I said.

"What?!" She gasped. "Blame Janet, she paid for the jet and the rental house." Shawn shot back.

"You paid for the yacht, the food in the house that was shipping to us, the swings, and chandelier that you so desperately wanted."

"Okay, but you loved that light, baby." She said. "Maybe we can get it here for the foyer."

I looked up and thought on it. "It would look like. What was it called again? Alta y La Casa?"

"No, no, no. Gran Luz de La Cas—"

"Um! Hello!" Gil yelled.

We drew our attention back to him. "Sorry." We simultaneously said. "Gil, we just needed a break and didn't want any distractions. Only person who had some clue was Joey and that's for our safety. Even he didn't know the exact location though. It wasn't to spite you, bestie."

Shawn whispered in my ear, "Are we telling him?"

"He is the fairy godmother, we probably should." I whispered back.

"Gil... we're also having a baby." Shawn said.

"Oh bitch... tell me you are a liar from hell!!" He screamed. "Janet, I am so happy, let me touch the little guy or gal." He said coming up to me and rubbing my very unpregnant stomach.

"Although I am offended that I look pregnant in your eyes, I will let it slide. Shawnette is the one carrying, not myself."

He moved to Shawn and repeated his statement. "Boy or girl?" He asked.

"I have to schedule a doctors appointment but we think it's a boy." I said. "Our second boy."

"And a name?"

I looked at Shawn. "We decided on..."
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