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It was 7:39 p.m. and I was waiting in the house with Gil who had arrived early. He left earlier for a little play time with some mystery man.

I set out chips, dips, cheese and wine so everyone could eat if they wanted to.

"Where's Joey?" Gil asked as he helped me move chairs to the open space in my living room.

"He should be on his way back. I asked him to pick up Liza and Shai from the airport." I said. "What did Shawn say?" I asked realizing he never told me.

"She'll be here." He answered. "What happened between you two? You never mention her anymore, and she didn't seem to excited to come here, yet you still wear the ring."

I looked down at the ring around my neck. I don't know if it's for the hope of our relationship anymore, it just feels like habit at this point.

"I don't care for her personally." I nonchalantly said.

"I didn't ask that, Dunk. What happened? We all know something happened during the trip to Virginia when Prince Shai was hospitalized. What was it?"

I didn't even like to think about it. It wasn't the worst thing that could've happened but it surely was disrespectful. If it weren't for protection of my private life, she would not be here tonight.

I occasionally do still miss her. She was the love of my life for heavens sakes. That's not something to easily let go. But... things change and people change.

"The last straw." I said as I took the necklace from around my neck. "And the neck became habit. I don't want it." I held it out for him to take.

"Dunk... that is the only thing holding you and Shawn's future together. Don't do this."

I shrugged and walked to the garbage before throwing it out. "There is no future. What she said was said already. It and her are the past. It's whatever. She moved on and I'm focused on Shai. My future is him, and him only."

Just as he began to speak again, my doorbell rung. I went over and opened to see my precious baby, Liza, and Joey. "Hi you guys!" I cheered.

I took Shai from Eliza's hands and planted kisses all over his face. "Mama, 'nana." He said pointing at his banana in his hand.

"Can Mama have some?" I asked. He mushed it in my face, getting it all over before laughing at the mess on my face. "Thank you, baby." I said anyway.

I put him down, and moved out the way so Liza and Joey could get in. Joey handed me his handkerchief so I could wipe my face off. I laughed as Shai zoomed out the foyer into another room.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice, Eliza." I said giving her a hug. "No prob, J."

We walked into the living room where Gil and Shai were playing with a hanger. "Gil, really?" I giggled.

"Whatever Prince wants, he gets. He wanted the hanger, so."

I turned to Eliza, "Liz, make yourself at home." I said noticing her suitcases. "I didn't book a flight for you home yet. So whenever you want, just let me know."

"Sure. I'm gonna go refreshen up."

I looked at the clock. 7:49 p.m. "Be quick? I really wanna start the meeting at eight." I asked.

"I'll be down." She said as she walked off.

I smiled and looked at Joey. "Missed her?" I asked noticing him watch as Liza walked away.

"Damn right I did."

{ Eliza }

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{ Eliza }

I slapped his arm in disgust as Shai called to me. "Mama. Box?" He said holding the remote up at the TV.

"You wanna watch TV, poppa?" He nodded his head while pressing buttons on the remote.

I picked him up and turned the TV on. "Wanna watch Peppa Pig?" I asked. "Peppa?"

I took that as a yes even though it was sounded more like a question. I turned on Peppa Pig and sat him on the couch. "I love him." Gil said as we watched him.

"Me too." I smiled.

The doorbell rung and Joey offered to get it. Three seconds later, I heard multiple voices. Shawn, Tina, and Regina.

 Shawn, Tina, and Regina

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{ Regina }

"Hi ladies." I said. "Take a seat over there." I pointed over to the table set up away from Shai.

I checked the clock and Liza had one minute. "Eliza! Come on boo!" I yelled from the foyer.

"Hold on, my bra is being a bitch!" She yelled back.

I went back to the table and sat at the head of the table. "Sorry, Liza will be down then we'll start." I said.

I put my hair into a ponytail as I waited. I kept peeking over at Shai. I didn't necessarily like him watching TV, I'd rather books but a little TV won't hurt.

"I'm here." Liza said coming and sitting beside me.

"Great. Well, hello everyone. I know this is a very random meeting but it is also very necessary. As we all know, I have a kid." I started. "Him over there. The little baby goofball watching Peppa Pig is my baby and I want him to live here with me permanently."

"What?" Everyone except Gil said.

I sighed, "I understand it is a 'what the fuck' situation but it will be done. We are meeting because collectively we need to solidify the game plan and sign NDAs." I said.

"Why do I need to sign an NDA if you will be keeping him here? Where does the secrecy come in?" Shawn asked, of course.

"He will be mine at all times. Eliza, I would like to regain full custody of my son. I will go over that with you separately because as I imagine, you see him as yours in some fashion. While hopefully I can regain custody, I will not answer questions about him and if pressured, I will not claim him as mine. I will say he is a close family friend's baby."

"Are you stupid?" Shawn blurted out.
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