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I tried slamming the door but she blocked it with her foot. "Get the hell out." I demanded.


"Because I don't want you here!"

"Where is the necklace? Why'd you take it off?" She asked again but this time with tears following.

I felt my bare necklace, forgetting that I even took it off. "Shawn. We are done, for good. The last altercation made that very clear as did you getting a girlfrien—"

"No, forget Jourdan." She said shocking me. "I don't love her, Janet. It's you and it always will be." She cried.

I heard the microwave go off causing me to look in that direction then back at Shawn. "This isn't a good time. Shai is waiting on me." I said.

"Janet. Please, I want to try us again."


"Mama!" Shai screamed. "Zazzy!"

"Mama's coming baby." I yelled back. "Shawn, please leave. It's his bedtime and I have work to do tomorrow."

She wiped her face and just left.

I ran to get Shai's bottle and locked the door on the way up the stairs. I sat next to him and apologized, "I'm sorry, Prince. Mama had a guest." I said giving him his bottle.

"Zazzy?" He asked when taking the bottle out his mouth.

Zazzy is what he calls Eliza. "Zazzy went bye bye. But you'll see her again." I kissed his head and cuddle with him until he finished his bottle and fell asleep.

My head was cluttered with Shawn's game. After what happened, she wants me back. It sounds crazy.

I fell asleep thinking on the whole thing.

The doctors were rushing Shai's little body to a different room which caused more tears to rush down my face.

"Can someone please tell us what is going on?" Gil shouted. "Damn!"

"Sir, we are taking to another room because we may have to hook him up to some IVs. His lungs keep filling and if it doesn't get under control, his lungs will start failing. We are just being precautious."

Shawn grabbed my hands and led me back to where the seats were. She told me to lay down, so I did with my head in her lap.

"He's going to die." I mumbled.

"He'll make it, J. Just have faith."

I cried myself to sleep again and woke up midday. I was still on a sleeping Shawn but opened my eyes to Joey.

"He's okay, JJ. He made it." He told me.

I sat up covering my mouth as tears came down my cheeks. Happy tears. "How? What happened?" I asked as I stood up.

He grabbed my hand, "Come on, let's go see him and I'll tell you there." He said.

We made two right turns and his room was right on the left. When I walked through, I saw him sitting up on the bed watching Peppa Pig and eating goldfish.

"Hi, baby." I cooed.


His focus was on the TV so I just sat beside him and gave Joey my attention. "Okay so?"

"They had to hook him up to some things and flush out fluid. Then they basically blew him up like a balloon. Somehow that worked. No fluid since then and his blood flow is fine."

I looked down at Shai and smiled. My baby is one hell of a fighter. "Good job baby. Mama's proud of you." I said. I placed a kiss on his head.

"Hey, look who is happily watching Pepper Pig." Shawn said walking in and seeing Shai.

"Peppa, boo. Not Pepper."

She blushed in embarrassment. "Right. Hey, Jan. Can we talk?" Her tone seemed off.

"Yeah. Come on. I have to make a phone call anyway." I said.

I went into the hallway with her but stepped away to make a phone call to Tip. I had to fill him in on the whole thing. He said he'd make some time to see Shai. That was it really.

"Sorry about that, Shawn."

"It's fine. Mama duties."

I chuckled and leaned against the wall waiting for whatever she was about to say.

"I wanted to tell you this before it got out. I told Jourdan about you and I." She said.

I was confused on why she felt the need to share that with me. "Jourdan?"

"The new woman I'm seeing. I told her that you are my ex. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't. Is that all?"

"No." She quickly answered.

The built up anticipation was annoying me. "Shawn, get on with it. I have a child in a hospital bed and you are playing some game." I snapped.

"I messed up." She said calmly.


"It was last week. We'd gotten in that argument about the dance routine and I took it really personal. I may have leaked some of your business."

"Some of my busi— What did you say?"

"I vented about why we broke up, but I definitely didn't mean to, J."

I felt my anger boil up to a point of no return. The reason we broke up was the argument over Shai.

Here I thought I could trust her with the business of son, but I can't. "Is that all?" I asked trying to remain calm.

"One last thing.."


"Jourdan told someone you.." She paused and took a step back. "She told someone you tried to give me an STD."

In a matter of seconds, all I could see was red. I wanted to kill the bitch.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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