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"So what you're saying is... you want to bring Liza back and Shai here and somehow magical announce to the world that you have a two year old son?"

I nodded realizing how crazy it might be. My mind trailed off to Shai's little birthday party awhile back. It was so cute, he loves animals and Peppa Pig so Liza threw an animal themed party with all his little friends and had a person dressed as Peppa Pig. It was adorable.

"I just feel... this sounds so bad, but I want to be a mother now." I sighed.


"I know, I know. It's selfish of me but I shouldn't have to hid being a mother just because my father threatened my life. It's the fact he threatened Shai's as well that has me questioning this." I said.

The room fell quiet for a few, before Gil gasped. "What if you can have Shai and Liza here without the world having to know you are Shai's mother?" He asked.

"How? That defeats the purpose of me bringing him. People are gonna question who the little boy is with me all the time?" I said stating the obvious.

"Listen, here me out. Use what people already think. Everybody thinks Liza went out there and adopted a baby. Let them think it's hers. Who would care? You can fly them back to LA and Shai can stay here, Liza can find a place and you can live a life with Shai like normal. Anything someone questions, here's the downside, you will have to deny that he is yours. Say that you are watching him for Liza. That's the best I got." He said resting his hands behind his head.

I pondered on the thought of it. I hate that I'd have to deny Shai as mine because if it gets super public, one day he'll see that I didn't claim him. Yet, the thought of raising him excited me. I'd get to have my baby with me all the time.

"I think that's brilliant."

"I know."

"What time is it?" I asked as I searched for my phone.

"Noon, approximately. Why?" He asked.

"There's going to be a meeting tonight. At 8."


"Fuck, baby." Jourdan hissed as I continued to devour her lady pond. I felt her hands rake through my curls just as her legs began to shake. It alarmed me that her O was on its way.

I instantly stopped just as she began screaming causing her to cry out my name. I loved edging her.

"Shawn, please..." She lingered off as her face twisted up. I watched as she had to situate herself from losing her orgasm. "Baby, I thought we talked about you cutting off my orgasms." She whined.

By then I was laughing, "I'm sorry, Jour. Your O face is sexy as fuck but watching your body struggle from not getting it is way better. I love it." I said placing a kiss on her lips.

"So are you just gonna leave me unfulfilled?" She pouted.

"Of course not babe." I said before easing my finger inside her.

I watched as her face lit up from how quick the pace was. I let her ride against my fingers so she can accomplish her orgasm by herself, as for some reason she loved doing that.

I just watched as she took care of herself, before intervening. I added two fingers and curved them all as I felt like I was physically digging at her walls. It drove her insane. She came instantly.

I watched she rode out her high cussing a storm. Once she seemed to have gotten off, I removed my fingers which revealed an excessive amount of her juices. I licked my fingers clean tasting her sweetness.

"I love you." She mumbled.

My eyes shot all the way open hearing what she said. I didn't expect it. I mean, I have thought about that feeling with her but I wasn't sure of it.

"Baby, I—"

"No, no. Sorry. I was just caught up in my own head. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." She said.

"No, its okay." I said. "I just haven't thought about that yet. I—" My lie was cut off by my phone ringing.

It was Gil, and I've never been so appreciative of him bothering me. "Hold on, baby. Gil is calling." I said as I got up.

I went into the kitchen as I answered his called. "I don't know why you called but thank you." I said off the jump.

"Girlfriend problems?"

"Something like that. But hey, what's up?"

"Janet is summoning you. Meeting at 8."

"What about, may I ask?" I asked feeling like something was up. Somethings always going on with Janet.

"Shai. You have to sign an NDA."

"An ND— what, no. I don't care about what she does with her kid." I scoffed.

"It's nonnegotiable. It's either that or she brings you to court and you sign it there. Your pick though I assume." He said.

I felt hands wrap around my waist and saw Jourdan's face appear on my shoulder.

I sighed, "Fine, what time?"

"Eight on the dot. See you, boo."
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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Feeling bleh so decided to update again to hopefully brighten y'all day :)

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