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Today Gil and I are going over the proposal plan. Janet is visiting next week and that's when I plan to pop the big question.

"Did you call the florist?" I asked Gil as we worked on different things on our computer.

"Yup. A thousand white roses, a thousand vases."

"Good job. We have dance in an hour so let's finish up so I can get Pudding ready." I said letting out a groan. "I didn't pack his lunch or snacks."

I got up and went into the fridge. "Where is he?" I asked Gil.

"Prince, Netty wants you!" Gil shouted, not taking his eyes off the computer.

I sat back against the counter as I waited for Shai to enter the kitchen. He walked in with his flute and stood right next to me.

"Yes, Netty?"

"Hi, baby. Were you just practicing?" I asked. Janet and I decided to put him in some music classes. It helps distract him from Janet's absence, plus he really loves music.

"Yeah. I was playing." He said.

"I'm proud of you." I told him.

"Thank you." He mumbled.

I noticed his attitude was off but I left it alone. He'd tell me eventually. "We have dance today. What di you want for lunch and snack?"

"I can have peanut sandwich?"

"The peanut butter and jelly? What kind of jelly?" I asked as I took the bread and peanut butter out.

"The jellyfish jelly."

I giggled as I took out the grape jelly. He calls grape jelly "jellyfish jelly" because I let him watch some TV last week and it was the episode when Mr. Krabs was obsessed with making the money off the Jelly Patties. Now any purple jelly to him is jellyfish jelly.

"And milk?"

"Can I get milk and apple juice?" He pleaded.

"Babe, you know Mama doesn't want you drinking juice a lot. You had a lot of juice already this week. She'd hurt me if she knew how much."

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her!" Gil said from the table.

Shai smiled and then transferred to a puppy lip. Janet said no more than 4 juices a week and he's had 7. She thinks the sugar in kid's juices are worst than regular juice. I tried to up it to at least 5, but she fought me for 4... literally fought me. I still have the bruise.

"I'm sorry, Pudding. Your mother is too violent for me to risk my life. You can have two milks?"

His lip started quivering followed by a few tears that he quickly wiped away. He went to Gil and cried on his lap. "Netty is being mean." He whined.

"It's okay, Prince." Gil said as he rubbed his back.

"Shai, do you want the two milks?" I asked.

He shook his head no, but I packed it anyway because knowing him, he'll want it eventually. "Do you want apples today? I can cut some apples. I'll also pack oreos and yogurt."

He lifted his head from Gil's lap and nodded his head. "Yes please." He said quietly.

At least he always has manners.

"Do you have to go potty?" I asked him. We had to leave in 15 minutes and he loves to stop for potty breaks on the road.

He took off to the bathroom. I laughed and sat back by Gil. "Janet's child." I sighed.

"Where's Mama Kat? She couldn't get him today?"

"She and Joseph went on a cruise. She's gone this whole week." I answered.

"Ahh, nice for her. By the way, I called the restaurant and everything is set. We're good." He said.

"Perfect." I smiled.

I heard Shai calling for me. "Netty, my belt!"


"Thank you." A fan said before I got in my car. I gave Chuck the okay to leave and he nodded before putting the divisor up.

I have been out all day. I had three interviews this morning but thankfully I'm done for the rest of the day. I wanted to go visit my babies but tomorrow I have an award show so it'd be pointless.

I decided to call instead. I waiting as the phone rung and finally Shawn picked up on the fourth ring. "Hey, pretty lady." She said.

"Are you driving, pumpkin?"

"I am. We have dance."

"Oh, that's nice. I miss you guys."

"We miss you too. We had some tears today from the b-a-b-y. He isn't happy with your j-u-i-c-e rules and threw a tantrum."

"Really? He never does all that. Just make sure he doesn't go over 4, you know I—"

"Hate the sugar? Yes, I know, baby."

I smiled at how well she knew me and listened to me. I mean, I did whoop her ass over it so hopefully she listened.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more."

"Can't wait to kiss all up on you."

"Ouuu, you nasty girl." She giggled on the line.

"Little bit. Where's Pudding? Is he sleeping?"

"He's looking over his music sheets. Our son is ridiculously talented, ya know?"

"Not surprised." I boasted. "Let me say hi."

I waited on the line until I heard my baby boy's sweet sweet voice. "Hi Mommy."

"Hi angel. I miss you."

"Miss you. I play my flute for Netty and my keys for Gilly. Can I play for you?"

"Absolutely. When I get back, I want to hear you play your flute, your keys, and your drums. Deal?" I asked as Chuck stopped in front of my hotel.


I got out the car and signaled for Joey to bring in my purse. "Are you being a good boy for Netty? She told me you were crying today? Why?" I asked even knowing.

"I want juice and Netty said no."

"That's why you cried, baby?"

"Yes, Mama."

"No more crying with Netty, sweetie. She's doing what's best for you. Besides that, are you being good?"

"Yes, Mama. Me and Netty going to dance. I'm gonna see m-my girlfriend."

"You have a girlfriend?" I laughed.

"Yeah, Kelly my girlfriend."

"You are dating my best friend?" I jokingly gasped.


"I love you, silly boy. Tell Netty I'll call tomorrow. Mommy's so tired and needs a nap." I told him as I entered my room.

"I love you. Sweet dreams, Mama."

"Thank you, baby. Bye."


I put my phone down and thanked Joey for bringing in my bags. I watched as he walked out the room to go to his before I locked my door. I couldn't even bother with a shower so I threw myself into the bed and slept.
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