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I looked over at Janet who was dancing like a little kid. "Are you excited?" I asked her.

She looked back at me. "A week's vacation with my favorite girl? God, what could be better than that?" She said as she laid down with her big ass head and curls all in my lap.

I ran my hair through her mane and laughed. "You plan on putting this up any time soon?" I asked jokingly.

"When we go on vacation, and on stage."

"One more week and we'll be in paradise." I told her.

"And paradise is?"

I kissed her forehead. "Stop asking. I'm not telling you. Just know you'll love it."

I was taking her to Iceland and upper Canada. Iceland because there is this beautiful natural swimming pool called the Blue Lagoon, and knowing my beautiful wife, she'd fall in love with it.

And Canada because it's snowing there. I wanted her and I to get snowed in and do that little "enjoy each other's company" thing she liked when we were in Vermont.

"You remember last week when Tina brought up he feelings with me?" She asked changing the topic. "I didn't know you told her about us."

"Yeah... about that, it was a slip. I was stressed about us and you had Gil, so I turned to her. She knows not to talk to anybody else about it."

"No, that's not what I'm worried about, baby." She said as she ran her hand down my cheek. She started picking at her ear.

"Ear picker. Spill it."

She snatched her hand from her ear and placed it over her stomach. "What'd you go to her for?"

I instantly felt my heart drop. "Nothing. Just needed an ear." I lied.

She sat up. "If it's nothing, you shouldn't mind telling me."

"It was after the publicity fight we had awhile back. I went over to her place and it all just slipped my lips."

"And? There's something you aren't telling me and we promised, Shawn. No more secrets." She quietly said.

"We kissed." I spat out as her head shot up and she stared into my soul. "But, it was completely my fault. I made the move and I was filled with liquor. She told me the next day I had done what I did and that I told her about us. She told me that she couldn't hurt you. We've been distant ever since."

"So, I was right." She murmured, I almost didn't catch it leave her lips.

"Baby, I know this should've been a conversation the second it happened, but..." I looked at her and she looked hurt. "But I have no excuse for what I did and I know I said no more 'sorrys' but this is an old thing, so I'm sorry. It shouldn't have happened, especially with your best friend, and I should've told you." I said.

There was a long pause. The only thing that could be heard was the noise from outside the room's walls we were in. Finally, she spoke up.

"I wish you would've told me, but I'm not mad. It's old and I know I usually brush this stuff off and don't mean it, but I mean this. Just keep your lips on my sets. No more cheating."


She grinned and planted a kiss on my cheek. "Yeah, sets, Daddy. Wanna have fun?" She whispered in my ear.

"Babe. We have to go. We promised Gil brunch."

I felt Janet's tongue against my ear before leaving a trail down my neck. There was light sucking then some nibbling against my skin before she looked in my eyes. "Fuck brunch." I said before attacking her lips.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Janet and I waked into Phoebe's and spotted Gil at the booth. We snickered as we made sly jokes to ourselves. Janet sat with me on the opposite side of Gil, who was pissed.

"Noon, bitches. I said 'Brunch at noon.' It is now quarter to one. Where were you?" He snapped.

"We woke up late." I lied.


I chuckled at Shawn lying through her teeth. "Then, we almost forgot." I added. "Forgive us?"

"For lying to me?"

I turned to Shawn who was about to burst into laughter. "You two were fucking." Gil gasped.

I shushed him. "Of course not. We just lost track of time while enjoying ourselves." I smirked.


"Okay, maybe." Shawn shrugged. We busted out laughing and I started blushing.

Gil was shaking his head in disgust at us. "Just order. And keep all hands above this table because I swear if either one of you start finger fucking in the damn restaurant, I will beat y'all ass. Yes?"

We both nodded as we picked up the menus.

I held mine up in my face but turned it so I could see Shawn. "I wanna eat that Black Cat." She mouthed to me. "You just did." I mouthed back.

She covered her mouth and smelled her breath. She rolled her eyes back and moaned quietly. "You're right. I can still taste you."

I blushed and blew her a kiss. Before we could conversate to ourselves again, Gil caught us.

"Who wants the belt first?" He said calmly. We put down our menus and smiled innocently at him. "You two are sex talking in the middle of a restaurant."

"Sorry." We said together.

"I— Wow. I am disappointed." He sighed.

I blew him a kiss, too. "I love you, Gilly." I said.

"I love you, too, Freak Nasty."
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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