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When I got back home, I immediately went to the shower. I wanted to go by Tina to spend time with her.

As I got out the shower, I got a phone call from Gil. "Hey boo." I said.

"How was the meeting with Janet?"

"Horrible. She's become such a bitch. I can't believe I was in love with her for so long. Tina told her about.. you know, and Janet acted like it wasn't a big deal."

"She knows and didn't care?" He asked.

"Her exact words were: Business is business. Life goes on. She isn't the Janet from a year and a half ago." I told him as I moisturized my skin.

"Damn, hold on, boo. Kel is calling."

I let him go and quickly got dressed. I grabbed my keys and went to the car. Gil didn't call me back until I reached the highway.

"Hey, babe. I'm on my way to Tina's. You should come."



"Pull over, now." He said gently.

"Don't scare me, Gil. What's going on?"

"Did you pull over?"

I sighed and pulled on to the side of the highway. I put the car in park, "Okay, babe. Tell me what happened. I'm parked." I told him as I braced myself.



"Hey, Prince, can you do Mama a favor and get your toys so I can give you a bath?" I asked.

I watched as he ran out the bathroom to get his toys. I filled up his tub with warm water and bubbles, just the way he likes it.

I saw a figure come from the door. "Janet. We need to talk." Joey said.

"Joey, I'm about to bathe my kid, whatever it is, it can wait." I brushed him off. I saw him still standing him there, "Joey, it can wait." I repeated myself.

I don't care if the world was flipping upside down, he knows when I am taking care of Shai, nothing else mattered. Not even my Mother.

"Here, Mama." Shai said entering the room just as Joey left. "I have duck, fishies, dino, car, anddddd.."

"And your pots to water the flowers." I planted a kiss on his head. "Good job, babe."

I helped him get out of his clothes and into the tub with all his toys. "Prince, you think you can count to 50 for Mama?" I asked him.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven...."

He continued as I began to wash him up. When he hit 50, he surprised me and went up to 70.

"Oh my goodness, good job, baby." I cheered. "Who taught you all that?"

"Uncle Joey."

"He's a smart man. I hope you said thank you."

"Mama, why Uncle Joey sad?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "When did you see Uncle Joey sad?" I asked him.

"When I get my toys. He came with a sad face."

"You are so observant. You should ask him when you finish bathing. I'm sure you will cheer him up." I said making him giggle.

"You come with me."

"Deal. But you do the talking."

"Deal." He repeated.

I finished up his bath and got him ready for bed. He picked out his dinosaur onesies. "Mama, I count the dinos yesterday. I count 22." He said staring at his pajamas.

"Good job, Prince. Come on, let's go talk to Uncle Joey." I picked him up as he laid his head on my shoulder and we made our way down the stairs.


I walked around the house until I noticed him out by the pool. "What the heck? Shai, you wanna lay on the couch and wait til I get Uncle Joey?" I asked noticing he was half asleep anyway.


I grinned and laid him across the couch before throwing a blanket over him. I threw some pillows on the floor beside the couch because he's a mover sometimes.

I opened the back door and made my way to Joey. "You know, they say the stars will always tell the story a person cannot." I said as I took a seat beside him.

I watched as he swirled his feet in the pool.

"Joey, what's wrong?"

"It's been a year and a half and this is the first time you've asked me that. Janet..." He sighed.

"Joey, I know we've been distant but if you ever needed something or someone to talk to, I was always here."

"Janet, Tina is gone." He said.

"I know, it sucks. I guess she got a better opportunity. Maybe Mike stole her. I don't know, but I let her go. I don't need h—"

"No, JJ!" He snapped. "She is gone. Tina died an hour ago."

In the matter of three seconds, one simple conversation, my world flipped upside down.
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