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Finally, we had our break tomorrow. Today is a relaxation day. I just have some business calls but I'm back home and can make all the calls from my bed. Of course, beside Shawn.

"Babe?" She mumbled under her pillow.

She stuck her hand out from under the blanket in search for mine to interlock with. "Yes, my love?"

"Did you get to talk to Tina yet?"

I loosened my grip on her hand feeling jealousy come over me. I know nothing is going on but it's not a crime to have a thought in the back of my head.

"Why are you wondering?" I questioned.

"Don't answer my question with a question, J. Did you talk to Tina?" She asked again.

"No. I haven't gotten to it, I've been busy." I answered. After Joey brought up Shai, he's been the only thing on my mind and Gil's trying to find a flight for us to go see him.

"But again, why are you asking? Why is Tina even on you mind?" I asked with more attitude than anticipated.

She took the pillow off her face and side eyed me. "I know you are not jealous right now. Babe. Seriously? I can't even ask one question about the woman?"

"I'd prefer you didn't." I said under my breath.

"'Cuse me?"


Silence filled the room as I stared at my phone waiting for a call from Gil, and Shawn went back under the covers.

"Did you talk to her again?" I asked minutes later.

"Us Kids spoke."



I rolled over to her side know getting curious. "Us as in the Kids... or Us as in.. us?"

"Us as in us." She answered. "Our spontaneous bathroom sex wasn't as lowkey as we thought."

I palmed my face in embarrassment. The more days that go by, the more I just want to announce our relationship and get it over with.

Shawn removed my hands from my face and kissed my cheek. "It's fine. I told them that we are nothing. And Tina helped persuade them by saying we always fool around and that was the noise." She said.

I pouted now feeling even worse about not talking with Tina. "She misses you, J."

"I miss her more, but there's too much on my plate. I will talk to her though." I swore.

"Speaking of a lot on your plate, what was up with you at practice that one day. You looked like someone punched you in the gut. And what happened with you and Joey?"

"Why do you assume something happened with me and Joey?"

"Tommy has been your go-to for a couple days, and you only use him when you and Joey fall out."

Shawn notices way more than I thought. Before I could answer, my phone rung and I nearly leaped to it. I saw Gil was calling and instantly picked it up.

"Gil, what's up?"

"I called and got them. I heard him in the back, Dunk. He sounds so cute. We have to leave today though. Like in an hour."

I looked at Shawn who was intrigued in the conversation but couldn't hear. I didn't want to leave her without an explanation.. but..

"Okay, I'll call Jerry and ask him to fly us. Be here in 10."

"Mission Shai is in action, yass! See you, boo."


I hung up and Shawn was quick with questions. "You're leaving? Where? We have a flight tonight."

"Gil and I have to fly out." I simply said as I packed a bag.



She sucked her teeth. "Fine, then who are you going to see? I heard Gil say something about a 'him.' Who is the he?" She asked more pissed off.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her to the edge of the bed. I stood in between her legs and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Baby, trust me."

"I do."

"Then don't question me. What I'm going is about the way I was acting that one at practice. It's going to help me. Please."

I wasn't asking her for permission to go, but for permission to leave her in the dark about this. I need to go see Shai and my urge to is only boring a deeper whole in my heart and mind.

"Go." She said backing away from me. I knew she was upset but when, well if I tell her, she will get it.

I quickly finished packing and just in time, because Gil walked in the house. "J, come on. We have to leave now." He shouted from the foyer.

"I'm coming." I yelled back. I quickly turned to Shawn and dropped my bag before jumping on her and kissing her everywhere.

She groaned, "Jan, get off." I kissed her beautiful lips one last time. "I love you, baby. I love you more than anything." I told her.

"Janet!" Gil yelled.


I kept my eyes on Shawn as she spoke, "I love you, too. Promise me when you come back, you'll tell me. I don't want to be left out of your life, baby."

"You have my word." I kissed her one last time before leaving with Gil for out long journey ahead.

When we reaching our destination, which happened to Virginia, we got out the car and walked up to the door before knocking.

"You ready?" Gil asked.


We heard the door unlocking before a woman appeared. "Janet, oh my. How have you been? Come in, come in." She insisted.

This woman, my greatest friend, Eliza, also knows of this grand secret. "Hi, Liza." I said as we shared an embrace. "How's everything?" I asked.

"By everything, you mean Shai? He is great. He actually just woke up from his nap." She said. "Did you want to see him this time?"

I nodded without second thought. She motioned us to follow her as she greeted Gil as well, and they had a quick conversation.

She opened the door and there he was. Shai Davis.

"Shai, Mommy came to see you." I nearly cried seeing him. "Hi, baby."

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