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"Turn." She tightened the handcuffs on my wrist before aggressively throwing me on the bed.

She sat me up, went to her suitcase and pulled out rope before coming back to me and tying my feet together and my hands to the bar above my bed. She examined my position before tying my feet to the bottom bar of bed.

"Strawberry got the best of me, but you must've forgotten who the fuck I am."

I shrugged my shoulders knowing it'd set her off. She grabbed my vibrator and pulled the gag out my mouth. "What's my name? Speak."

"I don't know."

She gagged me again before placing the vibrator against my clit. I instantly lost my shit. She widened my lower lips and assured the vibrators wouldn't move from against me.

Once she made sure, she sat back and watched as I squirmed around. I felt every nerve in my body going haywire. The second my back arched and my toes curled, I felt my first orgasm take over my body.

Shawn took the soaked vibrator from me and removed the gag. "What is my name? Speak."

"Shawn." I said. I know the answer she wanted, but I wanted to get off again.

"You are a bad girl. I don't like that." She said before gagging me again. This time she straddled my legs and stuck the vibrator inside me.

Due to my legs basically being immobilized, my upper body was on ten. I felt rope burns against my wrist, my back was arched beyond perfection, and you could see my heart thumping rapidly.

I tried speaking through the gag to no use. I felt the second orgasm coming, and it must've been visible because Shawn did something I didn't see coming.

She licked her thumb and held it against my clit. "You better hold that shit in. I'm not fucking with you." She demanded ever so sexily.

"What is my name?" She asked before removing my gag.

"S-S.." I was cut off by a monster moan, but I still held myself together.

"Say Shawn and I will never get you off again." She said actually becoming upset.

And in that moment, I regained control of this escapade, even if it were just for a moment. "Shawnette. Oh fuck." I moaned letting myself get off in the process.

My baby was pissed off. Not only had I not called her Daddy like she wanted, but I came. She gagged me up for the fourth time, got up, and left the bedroom area.

I, on the other hand, was still a mess on the verge of my fourth orgasm because she left the vibrator in me.

I probably looked like a soaking mess. I could tell I was leaking by the dampness under my thighs and back.

I heard Shawn came back in no less than five minutes. By then, I'd squirted and came a countless amount of times. I had gotten so sensitive.

She took the vibrator out and turned it off. I let go a sigh of relief thinking I was done. Shawn heard me and snapped back at me, "We aren't done."

My whole body was limp and my wrist were seconds away from snapping by the way the rope and cuffs had scraped against them so many times. My ankles too.

She straddled me again and let me out of the rope and cuffs. Then, took the gag out. She threw them all to the corner of the room before looking back at me. I knew I looked like a wreck by the smirk on her face. She was pleased with my punishment.

"Baby, you want a taste?" She asked referring to my leakage.

I shook my head no because I knew what the cost was to tasting myself. This far into it would be too much for me to handle.

She shoved two fingers into my core and began doing a 'come here' motion inside me extremely slow. Normally, I want to get off like this but even this was a lot at this point. This very weakening point.

But Mother didn't raise no bitch.

I took advantage of my free hands and stripped her of her shirt halfway. She's always wearing these cute bralettes which I usually don't rip to get to her breast, but after the torture she had me going through, fuck it.

I ripped it revealing her chest. Without second thought, I used the rest of my strength to flip her over. She hand was basically ripped from my core causing me to shake a little. But not enough to stop.

I went straight for her left boob and pinched her nipple in between my teeth. I looked up at her, "Tell me I can taste you." I demanded.

Shawn is so easy. She gave in without any fight. I ate her up as promised up until she came. I left her canvas spotless before attaching my lips to hers so she could taste. As we kissed, I reached in my own pond of wetness and tasted myself.

"You are a cheater." She said as she watched me.

I pecked her lips again before laying beside her. "You should've eaten me while you had the chance. Now, I'm going to bed." I told her.

"I'll get my share. Night, baby." She said spooning me in the process.

"Night, Daddy."
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