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3 1/2 Months Later.

I woke up with Shawn in my arms. It was the last day on our private island and I honestly have had the best time of my life these last three months. It has been the most peaceful, relaxing, and very well needed time.

"Baby, wake up." I cooed as I ran my hands through Shawn's hair, that'd grown tremendously while we've been hair. We've only been cutting the hair on our pits, legs, and cooties. For sexual purposes. My own hair on my head has grown further down my back but my curls are flourishing with the natural ocean water.

Shawn moved in my arms and further nuzzled herself into my chest. "Baby, let a woman sleep. I'm tired." She whined.

Surprise, we're pregnant.

I held onto her little stomach bump and kissed her forehead. "Is my son giving you problems?" I asked.

And it's a boy, we very strongly believe. We inseminated Shawn with the embryo made from my egg and Tip's sperm, before we left for the island.

We changed who was carrying the baby because Shawn ended up wanting the experience and it'd suite better in the long run with my work.

"He's a pain in the ass. Look at me." She said rolling on her back and pulled up her shirt. "I look like a balloon."

I giggled to myself, "No baby, you look beautiful. Our son has you glowing. Speaking of sons, when are you going to tell Pooh about the baby?" I asked.

"He knows. You haven't seen how much he's been all over me and kissing my belly. He knows something is in there." She said.

"But we should actually tell him."

"We will. Let's just enjoy the last day though. We can spend the whole day on the beach. We haven't been in a we—"

"Mommy! Mama!"

We saw him pop up at our door with his hands on his hips. Our new four year old went from three to thirty. This trip was well needed for him as well. He is the old Shai again and is back on track.

"Mama, you said we can swing today. You are still in bed and that is bad." He said waving his finger at me.

"A trip, I tell you." Shawn sighed. A trip he is indeed.

"Prince, Mommy wants to go to the beach. Maybe we can swing when we come back. We have the whole day." I said trying to convince him.

"Why is Mommy in charge of everything now?"

I looked at Shawn and rose my brow. She has the perfect opportunity to tell him now. He wants to know and she is going to have to do it regardless.

"Fine." She lowly barked. "Shai, baby, come sit by Mommy." She said.

Hearing Shawn be referred to as Mommy is really heartwarming. He hasn't called her Netty for awhile now and I love that he actually treats her as his mother too. Not that he knows any different, but this is definitely good.

"So, Mama and I have news to tell you."

"Swing?" His eyes lit up.

Shawn palmed her face. "No, baby. Not yet. Me and Mama are going to give you a little brother or sister." She calmly stated.

"A what?" He asked.

Drawing his attention, I spoke, "You know Uncle Mike? And Aunty Rebbie? And Uncle Randy? Those are my brothers and sisters. We share the same mommy and daddy. So Mommy is pregnant with your brother or sister." I explained.

"Where are you pregnant Mommy?" He asked before reaching for her forehead. "You don't feel pregnant."


I laughed hysterically at Shai. "No, pumpkin. It's not a sickness. It's a good thing to be pregnant, and I am pregnant in my tummy." I grabbed his hand and ran it over my little bump.

"It's big." He smiled.

"Yeah, so I'm going to get much, much bigger than a baby will come out of my stomach."

"Like pop!" Janet added.

Shai furrowed his brows, "Pop is bad. Pop hurts. Mommy gonna be hurt." He frowned.

"Good going, Captain Jackass." I said at Janet. "I'll be fine, bug. It's going to be fine and no pain. I promise." I said.

"Will brother look like me?" He asked. We both nodded. "And sister?"

"Or sister, bud. It's one baby. But yes, your sister would look like you too."

He shrugged his shoulders. "Ok. Can we go now? I want to come back and swing." He pouted.

"Sure, bud. Go draw a bath and I'll meet you in there." I kissed his head and let him run off.

"Easy." I bragged.

Janet took a pillow and slapped my across my face with it. She straddled my waist and crossed her arms. "I still can't believe he calls you Mommy." She said as if she didn't just hit me.

"You hit me."

She reached for the pillow again before I snatched it from her. "Okay, okay, okay." I said.

"Mama and Mommy." She smirked.

"You call me Daddy. I'm a young pimp, ya feel me?"

She laughed hysterically and hopped off me. "You are far from a pimp. I'm the real pimp. My life was been full of wildlife. Remember the parties?"

"You call them parties now? With all that sex and alcohol, you were basically running a brothel. Twice a week, for almost 12 hours straight." I reminded her.

"I miss it."

I got up and kissed her cheek, "No, you don't. You got me as your personal slut every night." I told her. "And last night's rope bruised me up... again."

She followed me out the room, "To be fair, you move too much. I'm trying to get it in as much as possible before the doctor say no more sex." She said.

I turned around before entering Shai's room and pulled her into me. "I know, baby. Thank you for still making me feel sexy even though I look like a hobo."

"You look beautiful." She said running her hand down the side of my face. "You will always be beautiful to me. I love you."

I pecked her lips and hugged her. Her words of encouragement are really helping me through this pregnancy. "I love you more."
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