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The whole day was going slow. Joey said he'll call once he had Shai but that was hours ago and it's almost nightfall.

"Baby, please calm down." Shawn told me.

I shot her a look.


I continued pacing the room with my phone in my hand. "He was supposed to call. What the hell?!"

"I think you are sex deprived." Shawn mumbled.

"Shawn." I growled.

"I'm serious. You don't usually freak out about things you have no contro— then again, you are Miss Jackson, so what do I know." She shrugged. "Look all I'm saying is, if you need a release, my fingers are right here." She waggled her fingers.

I rolled my eyes. Yes, I am deprived and in need of a release. Hell, I'm backed up here. Its been weeks! However, right now ain't the time.

Before I got to reply, Joey called and I picked up instantly. "Where is he? Is he with you?" I asked.

"We have him, J. He's... not good. He has a few bruises and looks like he hasn't been eating. He has some weird rashes on his arms and stomach. He definitely needs a bath, he smells horrid. He isn't speaking either. Maybe he's just tired and I'm overthinking but..."

"How far are you?" I asked.

"We just landed at LAX. An hour pending traffic."

I held my chest. "Sweet God. Thank you Joey. Thank you so much." I said.

"No problem, JJ."

I hung up. "He's here. Joey has him at LAX." I said with tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" Shawn asked as she sat at the edge of the bed. "Come here."

I stepped in between her legs and wrapped my arms around her neck, resting my head against hers. "Joey said he has rashes and bruises. And he smells bad. And he's not talking. And he looks like he hasn't been eating." I answered.

"Aww, my baby." She sighed.

"What if this traumatized him?"

"We'll make sure he gets back on track. He is probably just overwhelmed. He'll be our son again soon enough." Shawn said rubbing her hand up and down my back.

I picked up my head and wiped my face. I'm gonna go make him some dinner. Can you call the doctor for an emergency appointment tomorrow?" I asked her.

"Of course. I'll call your mother as well. I'm sure Mama Kat has been worried sick about her grandbaby."

I nodded and kissed her lips. "Thank you for getting me through this. I would fall apart without you."

"I love you."

"And I, you." I departed from her and went downstairs.

He loves chicken nuggets and fries but I didn't know if he wanted that or cheese pizza. He could be in the mood for something small like apple slices and peanut butter or celery. "Hell, I'll make everything." I said to myself.

"Jan, Dr. Lowry said he can take Pudding tomorrow at 8 and your mother said she'll be here tomorrow night." Shawn shouted from the second floor.

I put the fries and nuggets in the oven. "Sweetheart, can you come help?" I shouted back.

As I cut up apples, I heard her walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Look at my lady cooking it up in the kitchen." She came behind me and placed kisses behind my ear.

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