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Today, Janet and Shai invited me out on a date. It was super cute the way they asked. Shai came up to me with chocolates and roses and a note that said: "My mommy really likes you. Come on a date with us."

Janet is so corny for it, but I loved every bit of it. We were on our way now in the car, and I had no clue where we were going. Janet insisted a formal fitting, so I put on nice slacks and a button down, and my loafers.

I looked back at Shai who was excited for wherever we were going. "Where we going, Pudding?" I asked him. He loves strawberry pudding, and watching him eat it is the funniest thing ever so I call him Pudding now.

"We go to secret, Netty." He said paying me no actual mind. "Mama say secret."

"Did she really?" I questioned now facing Janet.

"Yes, she did. I asked you on a date, baby. Let me just be a nice wife and do that for you. Okay?"

When she said wife, it struck a nerve in me. Gil and I have been planning the proposal for two weeks now. I have no particular date when I'm going to propose but it's definitely all coming together and happening soon.

"Okay, babe."


"Yes, Prince?" Janet answered.

"Is Netty my Mama?"

My eyes bulged out of my head, damn near rolled racing us on the highway. I love my Puddingcup, but to be his parent, is a lot. Especially since I don't exactly have the best feelings towards his father.

"I'll let you know, Prince. Okay? Ask me tomorrow."

"Okay." He sung.

She glanced over at me and saw the discomfort on my face. "It's fine, babe. He's not your responsibility." She chuckled. Janet was always so easygoing when it came to Shai. You wouldn't expect that she just started mothering full time last year.

I changed the topic, simply because I was speechless about it. "Your birthday is coming up. And your single release."

"Yeah." She grinned.


"Nothing. I mean, something, but it can wait. It's not big, just we have to go over the work schedule." She said making my groan.

We've been practicing but not like how we do when Janet prepares for tour or an award show. It's more stressful, and in my unpopular opinion, it strains our relationship.

"Pudding, tell your Mama that I don't wanna work."

"Mama, Netty no want to work." He copied.

She giggled as she took the next exit. "Prince, tell Netty that work is how the bills get paid." She said.

"Mama, I can't say that. It hard."

I stuck my tongue out at Janet for trying to get my Pudding to turn against me. The one thing about Shai that I have learned is he loves to be against his mother. Always up for a disagreement.

"Thank you, Pudding."


I loved seeing them interact, even though it's against me. Shawn doesn't see it, but they adore each other.

I pulled into the dock and parked the car. "We're here, babies." I said. I went around and got Shai out as Shawn waited behind me.

"You took me on a cruise?" She asked as we approached the boat.

"No, baby. It's just a little ride into the ocean. We'll be back by nightfall."

She stopped me and leaned into my ear. "Do we get to have some alone time?" She asked before kissing my neck.

I bit my lip, "Yes. This is actually a family trip. My mother and siblings are here." I answered. "They'll watch Shai so we can get a couple rounds in."

"A couple rounds?" She chuckled.

"We can do one."

"No, no, no. I like the other option." Shawn whined.

I smirked as we walked up on the boat's entrance and were exposed to the beauty within. Our family boat is set up like a cruise, much smaller than an actual cruise boat, but the setup is the same.

We have 30 rooms, all suites, we have a dining room set up to seat up to 100. We have a waterpark and lunch spots. We have a theater. The only thing we don't have is a club because the Jacksons, believe it or not, we are not party people.


The boat was astonishing. We walked up the stairs and was met with her family. "Dunk!" Her older sister cheered making everyone turn their heads.

We all walked up closer and eyes landed on me and Shai. I could assume Janet did not tell her family of either of us.

"Who's the baby?" One of her brothers asked.

"And why is your backup dancer here?"

"Where's Joey?"

"Seriously, Dunk. Where'd you get a baby?"

"Guys!" Janet said. They all stopped, and her mother stood up.

"Mamaw!" Shai shouted seeing her clearly now. He let go of Janet's hand and ran to his grandma. They shared a hug making eyes bulge out. Then, Janet grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers making everybody's head spin.

"You're gay?"

"I'm in love." She answered.

I smiled towards here and sent a wink her way.

"I'm telling Joesph." Her sister said.

I leaned into Janet, "That's LaToya?" She nodded. I figured. Janet doesn't speak highly of LaToya.

"You will not do such a thing." Their mother said. "My baby is happy and I will not let that bitter man control her anymore. If someone has a problem with my grandbaby or Janet's partner, you will leave my boat." She sternly yet softly said.

"Mikey bought Mother the boat for her 55th birthday." Janet whispered to me.

"Nobody, and I mean nobody, will tell Joseph. It is none of his daggon business."

We were all stunned by her mother's choice of "cussing." She doesn't seem like the one to let even the PG version of a curse word slip her lips.

"Yes, Mother." Everybody said.

Janet smiled before speaking, "Mother, do you mind watching him? Shawn and I have been up all day and night with him. We didn't get any sleep." She lied.

"No problem, baby. You two go rest up, lunch is at 12:30." She said.

Janet waved to everybody and dragged me to the elevator. "Alone time secured." She said wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling me in a kiss.

I moaned into the kiss, feeling risqué. Not everybody can say they've had sex while sailing in the sea. I let my hands fall to her ass as I gripped a good chunk.

Her head fell back as she moaned, breaking the kiss. "I love you." She said.

"I love you, too."

She bit her lip and just before she attacked my lips once more, the elevator reached the floor she pushed. She grabbed my hand and led me to her room.

"Welcome to Casa de Janet." She said letting the door close behind us. "Let's go fuck up the room."

"Don't gotta tell me twice."
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