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I watched as Janet slept in the hotel room. She was crying the whole night. From the plane ride, to car ride, until we got in the room. She never told me what had her so emotional and distraught, but it was messing with her heavily.

I grabbed a wet washcloth and rubbed off the tear stains that were on her face. She was truly a sight to see even in this state. Her eyes were swollen and her nose tip was blushed.

I placed a kiss on her forehead before heading to the kitchen in our suite to make her some breakfast. God knows she probably needs it. I played some music and made a 5-star breakfast. Eggs, waffles, bacon, etc. Chef Boyard Shawn, may I say.

I plated everything and walked back to Janet, who was just waking up. "Good morning, princess." I said setting the plate on the bedside desk. I pecked her lips and sat beside her.

"Hi." She mumbled.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong now? You cried for hours and had me worried sick. Are you sick?"

She shook her head as she stretched out her body. "Baby, did you make me breakfast? Aw, you are the cutest. You know that?" She said changing the topic.

"Is it bad? Will I be upset with you?"

She ignored me again and took a bite out of the bacon. I didn't want to get angry with her after the night she's had, but this isn't something I can ignore.

I took the bacon out her hand, placed it on the plate, and took her hands into mine. "If there was something that could hurt us, I'd want to know. I won't leave you. Talk to me, please. I hate that I have to beg you to be open with me."

She finally gave in to the conversation. "I will tell you. I just can't right now. It's far beyond complicated and legally shouldn't be spoken of." She answered.

"Who is it?"

"Who is who?"

"You went to go see someone. Who is the someone? Is it a secret husband? A boyfriend? Is it someone you are in a relationship with?"

"What? No. Baby, I am not having relations with anybody else. I wouldn't hurt you like that."

"But you would hurt me another way?" I questioned.

She rolled her eyes, "Don't twist my words."

"Then at least tell me who it is. Owe me that much. I don't have to know the grand details but tell me who you went to see across the country last night that made you so sad that you cried for not one hour, not two, but four hours. My girlfriend cried for four hours and I'm supposed to let it go? No, baby. I can't do that. I am worried and you owe as much as to tell me the name of the person who has you feeling the way you do. Please."


My eyebrow rose. I didn't expect her to just spit it out like that after being so stubborn. "Shai? Like the singer?" I asked.

"You asked for the name. You got the name. Now, can we move on? We came on vacation to have mind-blowing sex and make memories together, not to have a Janet interview."

I sighed realizing how much she didn't want to talk about it any longer. "Fine, get your cute ass in the shower and I'll meet you in there." I smiled.

She grinned and kissed me before heading to the bathroom. I waited until I heard the shower running and the door close to whip out my phone.

To Gil:
Gillary Clinton, why is my woman upset?

He wasted no time why texting me back.

Shawn, I cannot explain it. I'm sworn to secrecy on this one.

To Gil:
She said it was legal. What does that mean?

It's legal.

To Gil:
Like NDAs legal? Or...

You're warm.

To Gil:
Will she be okay?

"Baby, come on before the water gets cold." Janet shouted from the bathroom.

Soon. It's all on her time.

To Gil:
Who is Shai?

I waited for an answer but that time he didn't answer. I knew he wouldn't. I sighed and put my phone. "Coming, Jan." I said to Janet as I entered the bathroom.
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