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"The rashes are heat rashes. I signed the paper for some ointment to pick up at your local pharmacy. It'll clear up within days." The doctor said.

"And his health? He got skinnier, is that healthy?" Janet asked.

The doctor tilted his head in thought. "It's not the healthiest thing. He lost about 8 pounds. Pretty bad for a three year old. He's dropping behind the average of his peers." The doctor said. "Try fattening drinks and lots of sugar."

Janet rolled her eyes at the sound of sugar. Looks like her juice rule is out the window.

"Everything else looks good. He wasn't sexually abused internally, those bruises will heal themselves, and he'll be back to his old self sooner rather than later. Right, bud?"

Shai nodded. "Thank you, doc. We appreciate you taking us on such short notice." I said standing up to shake his hand.

I turned to Janet and Shai when the doctor left. "You ready, Pudding?" I asked him. He nodded and reached out for me. I picked him up and tried to ignore how light he felt.

Janet grabbed her bag and we went home. Having him back felt weird. He was extremely quiet. I think Janet also felt some type of way because he has been attached to my hip. He wants me over her for some reason and I don't think she likes that.


She turned to me, "Hm?" The stress wore on her face.

"He'll come around. Give him time." I softly said. "He's coming back from something completely out his comfort zone. Let him settle. Okay?"


I kissed her and brought Shai into the house. "Pudding, you look so cute today. Can Netty get a picture?" I asked as I sat him in a chair.

He wasn't smiling for real but I snapped the picture anyway. "Look at my big boy. You look very handsome." I told him.

"Netty?" He spoke

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"Netty?" He spoke.

I was surprised he was actually speaking. He has been keeping it minimal. "Yes Pudding?"

"Why Mama sad?"

I squatted in front of him and sighed. "Mama missed you very much. She loves you baby and was sick when you were gone. You should give her hug." I said.

"The man say Mama don't love me..." He mumbled.

I caressed his cheek and kissed it. "She loves you more than anything in the world, baby. I guarantee it. You trust me?" I asked.

He nodded.

"Good. Go give her a hug but be careful, she hurt her back so be gentle."



I was in my office on the phone with Gina. "What are you announcing, Ms. Jackson? And aren't you injured? We pushed back your other interviews due to this injury."

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