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I was sleeping when I felt Shai lightly hitting my face. "Netty. Netty, wake up." He whispered. I didn't open my eyes until I felt his drool land on my face.

"Ew, Pudding." I said sitting up.

He used his hand to wipe it off which actually spreaded it across my face more. "Okay, bud. I got it." I said using my sleeve to wipe it off.

"You said Mama be here." He pouted.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. It was quarter past ten. "I'll call her. Go wait for me in the bathroom." I told him.

I called Janet's cell and waited for her to answer. She should because she shouldn't be working.

"Good morning, love."

"Where are you?"

"I said good morning."

"Good morning, baby. Oh how you are the apple of my eye. Beloved beauty." I exaggerated. "Now, where are you?"

"My flight was a little late. I tried being there before you goofs woke up but obviously not. I'm on the highway. Give me 15."

"Okay. See you."


I went in the bathroom and saw Shai laid across the floor. "Pudding, what are you doing?" I laughed.

"You say wait. I wait."

"Okay." I continued, "I called Mom, she'll be here real soon. Let's get ready."


I walked in the house after thirty minutes of bullshit traffic. It seemed like I walked into chaos. I was graced with the full view of Shai's butt from the top of the stairwell.

"Na-na-naboo-boo! Can't catch me, Netty!"

Joey walked in behind me and was not happy to see the sight before us. "Janet, what the fuck." He gasped.

"Wait, I wanna see what Shawn'll do." I whispered.

We watched as Shawn came around the corner with a monster mask on and snatched Shai up. She threw him over her shoulder and took him in the direction of his room. It wasn't chaos, it was fun. All that could be heard in the house was Shai's laughter.

I crept up the stairs and peeked around the corner watching Shawn moisturize Shai, who now had underwear on.

"Netty, where's Mama?" He asked making my heart melt. I missed my baby so much. I decided to make my presence known.

"Did someone call for their mother?"

I laughed as Shai basically leaped into my arms. "Hi baby boy. I missed you so so soooo much." I said placing kisses on him.

"Netty, look. Mama is home." He said with his arms wrapped tightly around my neck.

I walked up to Shawn and placed a kiss on her lips. "Hey gorgeous." I bit my lip.

"Hi babe." She chuckled. "Missed you."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm spending today and tomorrow, so we can have family time. I missed you guys."

"Mama, I make you a gift."

I let him down and he ran out to the room to go get it. I wrapped my arms around Shawn's neck and kissed her some more. "I. Missed. You. And. These." I said with a kiss between each word.

"We have to talk about this schedule young lady." She said.

"We have all night, although I rather be fucking my girlfriend after such a long time." I teased.

"Cute." She chuckled.

"I try."

"Here, Mama." Shai said coming in with a piece of paper. I took it from him and saw it was a hand turkey.

"What?! Baby, this is so good." I enthusiastically said. "Who taught you hand turkeys?"

"Netty. She say you love them."

"She was right. I love them and I love you."

"I love you too Mama." He said.


The rest of the day we spent having family time, most of it was just Shai and Janet which I didn't mind because he needs her more than I do.

They went in the pool even though it's not pool preferred weather, they played with Shai's toys for hours, they cooked lunch together which was awful but I ate it anyway, and so much more. I tried getting some neat pictures of them so I can print them and let Shai have them for when she leaves again.

After their third round of playing with his toys, Shai passed out from too much fun I guess. I looked at Janet who was distracted with fixing together the puzzle they had been working on, and called her attention to Shai. "Babe, he's out."

She looked up at saw him. "He is so lame. We didn't even get to finish our puzzle." She pouted.

"There's still tomorrow."

"I know but I wanted to finish."

"You are a big ass baby, you know that right?" I said as I hid my laughter.

She stood up and stuck her tongue out at me before picking him up. "Let me go tuck him in. I'll meet you in bed." She said passing me.

I made sure everything downstairs was cleaned up before heading up the stairs. I walked past Janet singing Shai to sleep in his bed, which is the first he's slept in there since she left.

I took a quick shower and threw on some sweatpants and a sports bra. When I got in the bed, Janet entered the room. "You look sexy." She said as she crawled in the bed.

"I like your wet hair." I said noticing it was still a little damp from her shower earlier.

She placed herself over the bottom half of my body, "Wanna make it wetter?" She asked before biting her lip. She sat on her legs and pulled at my sweatpants.


"Yes, Daddy?" She said as she eased my sweatpants off my body.

I wish I had the willpower to deny her, but when she calls me Daddy... Whew, that's enough for me to blow up a bank for her, and she knows it.

With the slightest, sexiest flick of a tongue, she let the tip of her graze on my clit. The feeling was one I missed and desired. It was like routine as my back caught an arch in it before she began to devour me.

I felt every bud on her tongue. Every stroke of her tongue going in and out of me, and against my folds. Her moaning sent chills up my spine yet made my body hot for her.

"God, I-I love you." I managed to say through the pleasure and obscenities leaving my mouth.

In the matter of seconds, she slammed two fingers into my core and curved them making me come at the feel of her tips against my walls. My flowing juices wasn't enough for her to stop.

She didn't stop until I literally got her face and hair wet. My body converged and I rode my high out against her fingers. "Good God." I heavily breathed.

She sat up and slowly eased her fingers out of me causing my walls to contract at the lose of her touch. I watched as she feasted on my juices that ran down her hand. "What have you been eating baby?"

"Fruits and vegetables." I said uneasily. "S-Shai and I on a little diet."

"I like it." She smirked. She leaned back down and kissed my nub as she kept eye contact with me. "I'm gonna go wash my hair. Again." She said before leaving the bed.

I laid on the bed and just watched the ceiling listening to the shower run.

Oh how I wish she'd never leave again.
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