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I hauled Shawn and Shai's asses out of bed early for the flight. Tyra's studio is in New York so we had a 6 hour flight ahead of us and this was, by far, the most important interview I'd ever do in my life.

I was letting everything be known to the world. After the kidnapping with Shai, it made me realize that I don't want to have to hide my family and my feelings. I shouldn't have to.

"Mama, can I get banana?" Shai asked as we waited for Chuck.

I dug in my purse and handed him his banana. "Here, baby. Don't stuff your face, okay?" He nodded and began peeling the banana.

I looked up at Shawn who was half sleep on the stairwell. "Shawn!" I shouted making her jump. I giggled at her and turned hearing Chuck honk.

"You think you're funny?" She asked.

I turned and looked at her again. I stuck my tongue out as I grabbed some bags. "Shai, go open the door for Chuck, please." I asked.

He did as asked and Chuck came inside the house. "Miss Jackson... put those bags down. Every time you do this and I have to snatch them from your hands." He said taking my bags.

"I'll stop taking my bags when you stop calling me Miss Jackson, Chuck. I'm Janet to you. We are friends." I told him as I walked Shai out to the car.

"I do it out of respect for my employer."

"You are not my employee. You are my friend."

"Yes, Ma'am." He said making me shoot him a look. "I meant, Janet." He corrected himself.

"Thank you." I smiled. I've known Chuck for ages, yet he still is always very professional with me. This man has dragged me out of the club drunk and woke me from my bed when I'm late and still believes he is just my employee. Unbelievable.

"Shawn, baby?" I called as I buckled in Shai.

I felt her presence behind me. "Yes?"

I turned around and scanned her body before meeting her eyes. "Damn, you're fine." I bit my lip.

She pecked my lips and moved me aside. "You, Miss Jackson, are a horny ass woman." She said.

"Am not!" I defended.

"Uncross your legs then." She shot back.

Okay, I was horny. So what. I playfully mushed her face and got in the car so we could leave. I crossed my legs again and laid my head on her shoulder. "I love you, jackass." I mumbled to Shawn.

"I love you too." She snickered.

I looked out the window and just pondered on my life. Here I was, days away from my 33rd birthday and I was still keeping things to myself. I thought it was to protect my privacy but it was out of fear.



I lifted my head and placed my hand on her cheek. "Would you be okay if we had another baby?" I asked.

"Of course." She nonchalantly said.

"Right now." I clarified, causing her face to twist up.

"J, we are kind of busy right now. Shai is about to start preschool, you have an album coming out next year, singles start dropping, I'm running the dance rehearsals and there are more work related things. I honestly don't think we have the time."

"Think about it babe. The record label wants the album exactly a year from now. Shai will be away a few days a week for a couple of hours. And I'll carry so it doesn't interrupt you're schedule."

"And you're recording?"

"I can record while pregnant." I assured her.

She laid her head on the back of the seat and looked up at the car ceiling. "Where would this baby come from?" She asked.

"We can use an anonymous donor or if it's okay with you, we can use Q-Tip so the baby and Shai look alike." I said ready for an argument.

"That's smart."

My eyes widened. "It is? I mean, yeah, it is."

"Fine." She said placing her head on my shoulder. "Call him and set up a meeting with him."

"We're gonna have a baby?" I asked for complete assurance. She leaned her head up and pecked my lips. "Yes, now shush. You wore me out this morning in the shower and I'm tired."

I smiled and let her rest as I wasn't far behind her.


We finally landed in NYC and had time to spare. I wanted to talk to Janet more on this baby conversation. I was half asleep when she asked me earlier so I gave her an unfair answer seeing as she had me at a bad time.

"Shawn, look at Shai." Janet cheered.

I looked over at my son and he started playing Mary Had A Little Lamb on the grand piano. I pulled out the camera recorder and got the last of his performance. "Wow, good job baby." I cheered.

"Thank you, Netty."

"Go get ready for naptime." I said. He nodded and left the room. "I'll be in there in a few."

Janet stood up and took her mug to the sink. "We really have to break him out of naptime soon. He's getting too big." She said.

"Uhm, baby, when I said we could have a baby, I might've overextended that offer." I spat out.

She placed her hand on her hip. "You said yes though." She pouted.

"I did."

"Did you not mean it?"

"I was tired, J."


I rubbed my temples and thought out the next thing that came from my mouth. "We can, just be patient. I don't want this to be rushed. Let's have more time to think about it. Fair?"

"Whatever." She brushed passed me, causing me to latch onto her arm and pull her back gently so I didn't strain her back.

"Look at me, please."

She rolled her eyes and looked into mine. I cupped her chubby cheeks in my hands and spoke. "We are doing to have this baby. That is like mandatory. I just everything to be perfect and in its rightful time. So no attitudes." I told her.


"I love you."

"I love me too." She sassed.

I slapped her ass and pulled her into me. "Does baby need some discipline? It's been awhile."

I heard her softly moan beneath her breath. "No, Daddy. Sorry." She lingered.

I kissed her lips a few times. She looked so good, I just had to leave my mark on her neck before letting her ass go. "Tell your makeup artist that he now has some bruises to cover. Sensitive ass skin." I chuckled.

"Okay, but you knew that." She groaned as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

"I'm gonna put our son to sleep." I said on my way out the room.
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