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We were in the car on the way to Janet's favorite food chain, Mr. Chow's. She is obsessed with sushi which I hate personally. But they serve burgers too so that'll be my entree. Shai loves chicken nuggets and fries which is on every kids's menu.

"Baby, I wanted to stay in." Janet whined.

After our sexcapade earlier, she's been tired. After sex, she is usually the hyper, refreshed kind.

"Janet, stop complaining. Please baby. I'm taking you out because I love you and you leave in a few days. Let me do this."

I looked over at her to see a pout and her arms folded. She's worse than Shai when she doesn't get her way. It's annoying.

I looked in the rear view mirror to check on Shai who was fast asleep. "Aww, look at my handsome boy." I cooed. He's the cutest sleeper.

We pulled up in the parking lot and I parked in a handicap spot. "Shawnette, we aren't handicap." Janet sassed.

She's making it real hard to want to propose.

"Janet, shut up." I said back in the tone.

She rolled her eyes as she unbuckled her seat and got out the car. Geez, this woman.

She went and got Shai out the back as I got out on my side. I straightened my shirt and threw a smile on my face. I'm gonna have to force today into being a good day. It's fine.

I walked in behind Janet. My eyes were glued to her ass in the fitted dress she had on. Possibly the one thing making me stick this out til the day is knowing she'll be head over heels tonight and very horny.

When she walked in, she was in awe of the decor.

When she walked in, she was in awe of the decor

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"Shawn, baby." She turned to me with instant tears in her eyes. If she can't make it past this, Lord knows what'll happen when I propose.

"I did it all because I love you. Come sit."

I pulled her chair out for her before getting a high chair for Shai to sit in and sleep on. He was supposed to be my ring bearer but it doesn't look like he'll be awake much longer.

I sat down across from Janet and took her hands into my own. "I love you so much." She said lowly.

"Baby, what's on your mind?" I asked knowing.

She looked up and cracked a smile. "I'm just thinking about the first time everything changed for us. When we shifted from friends to lovers. Do you remember?"


"Okay, so Jan, please go check on Shawnette. She's holding us back and these folks want to leave." Tina said to Janet.

They were on the last day of shooting If and Shawn was nowhere to be found.

Janet went on a search for her, luckily finding her in the bathroom. To Janet, Shawn looked down and upset. They'd been getting closer lately, especially with Janet wanting to know more about Shawn because she was a newbie.

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