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"You know what I never got to ask you?"

Janet made a circle on my bare stomach as we laid in the bed naked. "What?" She answered.

"Why me? There was always better options for you."

She rested her face against my skin and sighed. "Why me for you?" She lowly asked. "We're two piece of a puzzles that need each other, Shawn. I love you and if it wasn't you, there wouldn't be anybody else. That is something I can guarantee."

She always knew what to say.

I slapped her ass under the cover causing her to wince at the sting. "Go freshen up so your mother doesn't smell the sex on you. I don't need her asking questions." I said.

"You go first." Janet insisted.

I glanced down at her and I couldn't read why she insisted.

"It's fine, honey. Go ahead." I said again testing her.

She mumbled into my stomach.


She lifted her head and looked at me. "I can't move." She whisper yelled. "I can't feel my legs."

That sent me into the most hysterical laugh I've had in ages. I didn't even do her that hard.

"It's not funny." She whined rolling over. She even looked like she struggled doing that. "I'm hurt."

"Baby, please. Stop." I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"Shawnette, it's not even funny." She grumpily said.

I rolled out the bed laughing, being interrupted by doorbell ringing, followed by a knock on the door. "I'll answer it, not that you can even get up." I laughed on the way out. I grabbed a robe and put it on as I made my way to the door.

I opened and saw Janet's sister alongside Shai, who was crying. "Netty, I fall down." He cried as he latched onto my leg. I looked up to Janet's sister for answers. I won't lie, I was pissed this happened.

"I'm Rebbie, sorry we haven't fully been introduced. Shai was running up and down the stairs with our brother, Michael. Mikey is like a big kid. They were racing and he fell. Sorry."

I picked up Shai and thanked Rebbie for bringing him to us. "Netty, my leg hurt." He whined. I rubbed his tears off his cheeks. "Where's Mama?"

"In here, Pudding." I knocked on the door and announced us. "Jan, it's me and Shai."

I walked in and saw Janet knocked out. I let Shai down on the bed and shook Janet lightly to wake up. "Baby, I told you..." She groaned. Her eyes snapped open when she her Shai's soft cries.

"Baby, what's wrong?" She asked.

"I fall."

"Aww, sugarplum. Come here."

Shai crawled lopsidedly to his mother and laid down beside her. She wrapped him in her arms, soothing him immediately. "We have lunch soon, Prince. Me and Netty are gonna go shower and get dressed. Okay? We'll be right back." Janet said.

He nodded his head and closed his eyes. "Help me up." Janet whispered making me chuckle. I went to her side and helped her walk to the bathroom.

We showered and dressed appropriately for lunch. "You look beautiful." Janet said coming from behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and kissed my neck.

"Thank you." I said.


"What's the matter?" I asked. Her voice was uneasy and I picked up on it quickly.

"I don't know. There's just a lot. I know that there'll be so many questions and you fold under pressure. I just don't want things to be awkward."

"And? What else?"

"Shai. When he was crying, it broke my heart. I wanted to slap the shit out of your sister. How could they let a three year old run up on the stairs trying to race a grown man? That's ridiculous. He could've done more than just bruise his knee." She ranted.

"Aw, Shawny." I cooed. She turned in my arms and rolled her eyes. "Sorry." I giggled.

"Baby, I'm serious. How do you even trust them? Shai could've busted his ass."

"You're such a mommy. It's cute on you."

She sighed. "Let's get Shai. We're already 10 minutes late." She said changing the topic. She went and picked up sleeping Shai before heading out the room.

I followed behind her out the room, to the elevator. "I love you." I said from behind Shawn. She turned to me as we waited for the elevator. "A lot."

"I love you too."

"Everything at lunch will be fine." I promised.

She grinned poorly. "K."

I hate when she says 'K' to me. By text, it's annoying and rude. But in person? In person, it shuts down everything. "Please no 'K's' today, Shawnette. Don't shut down on me. You are my girlfriend and if they cannot accept that, they will be the ones to go. Not you, never you. You're my lifelong partner."

The elevator reached my floor and we all in. The ride to the dining hall was quiet. It was deafening.

When we reached the hall, we walked off and met my family at the table. "Hello, Mother." I greeted giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"Baby! Hi. I'm sorry about my little lovebug. I thought I could let Michael watch him for a few while I took a nap." She said with my hands in hers.

"It's fine, Mother, he just got a little bruise.

"Sorry as well, Dunk." Michael said.

"It's fine, Mikey. Let's just say eat." I smiled sitting next to Shawn who was still holding Shai.

Not even two minutes in, LaToya started the interrogation. I want to ring her neck, but I can't in front of Mother.

"When did you start to like women?" She asked.
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