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I've been texting Jourdan for two weeks now, all break really, and admittedly, I was nervous at first. I felt like I was getting punked, but it turned out Jourdan is really feeling me.

I think I might be feeling her too. She helps me when I'm in my little Janet-caused ruts and she isn't pushy. It's smooth sailing and nothing is complicated.

"Shawnette Heard!" I heard Gil yell.

I locked my phone immediately and gave him my attention. I guess I looked sketchy because he was eyeing me strangely.

"What are you hiding?" He squinted.

"Nothing. What's up?"

"You aren't texting some hoe are you?"

"No, not at all." I answered quickly. It's true too. Jourdan is far from being a hoe.

"Well, good. Jan wants to talk to you. Happy first day back."

I chuckled and picked my phone back up. In what world was I going to talk to her. I am no fool.

Jourdan: Can we go out to eat soon? My treat.

I smiled slyly making sure Gil didn't catch it before responding.

To Jourdan: Where would you like to eat love?

"Shawn, seriously. I don't know why she's called you but she wants to talk. I don't think she is trying to pull any shenanigans." He said.

I looked at my phone waiting for Jourdan to text, but she didn't respond as fast as she usually does. I took that she was caught up with something so I gave into Gil's proposal. "Fine, but only for a minute."

He walked me over to where Janet was and this was the first time we've talked in weeks. The first thing I noticed was her necklace that was displayed on her bare chest partially hidden by her loose v-neck.

"Hi, Shawn."


I sat down in front of her and waited for whatever this was. She seemed a little caught up checking her statements which I allowed her time to do.

Jourdan: Love? I'm 'love' now?

To Jourdan: Is that okay? Would you prefer else?

Jourdan: How about.... baby? I like being called baby.

Baby? That felt like a huge step. I left it unanswered to just think about it for a while.

"Shawn.." Janet said calling me, catching my attention.

I looked up from my phone. "Sorry. I was texting a friend. What's up, J?"

"Friend? What kind of friend?"

I cursed myself for even wording it like that. "A friend that is a woman, but not my woman. Don't worry about it." I said brushing her off.

"Okay.. well I called you over to apologize."


Jourdan: Sorry if that was too much. Calling me Jourdan is fine too lol.

I set my phone down again and made eye contact with Janet again. I could tell she was getting suspicious of who I was texting.

"T-The banning thing. Joey made a mistake. I didn't ban you, I just didn't want you to see me in that state. That is my fault. I hope you didn't feel bad about it." She said.

"I did, but it's fine. I don't really care. That's all?" I said as I begun to rise from my seat.

She latched onto my arm, "No, sit." She softly spoke. "I want you to know th—"

Jourdan: Shawn? :(

To Jourdan: Hold on. I'm in a meeting.

Jourdan: Sorry.

To Jourdan: Don't be, I'll text you in a minute. It's almost over.


I snapped my head towards Janet was complete confusion written on it. She never yells at anyone especially me. "J, what? My fri—"

"Friend that's a woman but not your woman? Yeah, I got that." She scoffed.

"Janet, just say what you were gonna say."

"Why? Here I am offering you an apology and you can't even stop texting your little hoe. Forget you."

She stood up and rushed up the room.

To Jourdan: Dinner tonight for sure. Okay?

Jourdan: Okay, be ready at 8. I know you can't see me but I am smiling on ten right now. See you at 8.

To Jourdan: See you then baby.

I followed where Janet stormed off and caught up with her in the bathroom in full blown tears. I don't get her. She's jealous of what I'm doing but she's dating Q-Tip, the man she wanted to be with anyway.

"Janet, I don't get it. Are you jealous?"

She turned around, "Obviously, Shawn." She cried. "I-I was going to tell you that I l-love you. I want you to know that I a-always will." She continued.

I pulled her into a hug and told her to relax before speaking again.

Once she was calm, she spoke. "I don't want you to think I will stop loving you just because I'm with someone else. Which I'm not by the way. I will always hold a place for you in heart, and you will always come before anybody else aside from Shai. Ok? I know the past couple weeks, it seems like I've been stuck on Tip, but he didn't and will never replace you. I just... I need you to understand that I know where my heart lays. It knows its home." She said, with the last part she placed her hand over my heart.

"I'm wearing this ring for a reason." She said before leaving the bathroom leaving me stuck.
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