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I walked into practice and saw all my dancers. "Hey guys!" I shouted causing a stampede towards me. There were 'I miss you's all across.

I'm glad I have the next week off. My movie is coming out soon so I have a few more press runs then I'll be home again, thankfully.

It's been nonstop work for a couple months now. Once I'm done, I'm gonna be focused on my album, the dancers, and my family.

"Oh my goodness!" I gasped seeing a no-longer-pregnant Kelly. "Kel, where is goddaughter?" I asked.

"She is home with her father. I'll bring her over before you leave." She said.

I gave her a big hug before sitting at the front of the room. "Guys, quick meeting before I get my rusty ass back at it with you guys." I announced.

I waited until Shawn settled Shai in the corner with his books, crayons, and coloring sheets. I told him to leave the music sheets at home today, which made him very upset with me.

Shawn came and sat next to me in front of the rest. I noticed Gil just walking in. "Boo, come sit." I told. I was very excited to see him, it's been forever.

Once he sat down, I begun. "I want to start off by saying how much I've missed you all tremendously. I am beyond excited to be back for this week. I'll be back for good in about a month. Whenever I'm back for good, my singles will start dropping back to back per usual." I paused and looked at Shai who was mugging me.

"In case you haven't noticed, I brought my son. I don't if this is news to you guys, but Shai is my son." I informed them. I kind of beat around the bush with him, but not to the point where it isn't obvious. I just never confirmed it.

"Shai, baby, say hi."

He waved me off more so and went back to his book. "He is a piece of work, ignore him." I said excusing his attitude with me.

"But yes, back to what I was saying before my baby started side eyeing me, when the singles start dropping, we'll have practice 5 days a week to nail some choreography on those."

"Are there any award shows coming up?"

Shawn took that question, "Nah, not soon."

I looked at her and she caught me and smiled. "You guys, Shawn and I are dating." I spit out. Shawn rose her brows at my bluntness.

I looked at the kids who were all giving looks to each other. We waited on their opinions, literally anything.


"We know."



Shawn and I laughed. "When did you guys figure us out? We were subtle." I said.

"As subtle as a giraffe hanging out with dogs." Kelly said.

We laughed as our friends completely dogged us about our not so quiet relationship. I didn't mind that they knew, especially since they kept it under wraps out of our respect.

I got distracted when Shai came over to me. "Yes, baby? What would you like?" I asked.

"I want Shawn." He said.

Both Shawn and I were surprised. He never calls her anything but Netty. "What's wrong, Pudding?" She asked.

He went over to her and they went back and forth whispering. "Guys, start stretching again. Thanks for the meeting." I said as I moved in between Shawn's leg to join the discussion between them.

"You okay, Prince?"

He side eyed me and whispered in Shawn's ear again. "Baby, I don't like your attitude towards Mommy." I strictly told him.

"You won't let me bring my flute!" He snapped.

My eyebrow rose at his yelling. He never yells at anyone, especially me.

"Shai Elijah, that tone of voice is not okay." Shawn said.

"She make me mad!" He said.

I stood up and dusted off my pants before grabbed his hand. "Come with me, young man." I said with irritation and embarrassment laced in my voice.

He started crying as I pulled him into the bathroom. I picked him up and say him on the sink counter so we were eye to eye. I wiped his face before speaking.

"What is wrong?" I asked again.

"I want to go home." He mumbled not looking me in the eye. I tilted his chin so we were making eye contact.

"No, that's not how you act when you just wanna go home, Shai. You don't yell at me, either. I'm your mother and everything I do is for you. I'm trying my very best here, bud. What is wrong?"

"You were mean. I want my flute. Shawn said I can play for Kelly and you make me leave it." He mumbled.

"That's why you're mad?"

He nodded his head as the waterworks started again.

"Shai, that is nothing to cry over, baby." I said wiping his face for a second time. "Next time, come to me and tell me. We're supposed to be best friends."

"We are." He said.

"Then whenever I do something wrong, come to me and tell me. Sometimes I mess up, baby."

He sighed and used his sleeve to blow his nose. "Gross." I gagged to myself.

"I'm sorry for being mean."

I picked him up and gave him a hug. "I forgive you. Don't let it happen again, though, Shai. You can just tell me when you aren't happy, no need to burst into all that anger." He had his arms wrapped around my neck and was squeezing me tightly.

"Okay, baby." I said gasping for air.

He let go but stayed on my hip. "When did you start calling Netty by Shawn?" I asked him as we went back to the studio.

"I heard you yelling at her last night, you call her Shawn."

"I was yelling?"

"Mhm. You said that she f.. ffff.. oh, flips you good. Really loud."

My jaw dropped at his comment. I knew he meant "fuck," but couldn't make out the word, which embarrassed the hell out of me. Shawn and I got very carried away last night with my welcoming. We went a couple rounds and she blew my back out.

I'm a screamer but I didn't know I filled the house up with my loudness. It's really Shawn's fault, she fucked me too good.

"Oh." I responded. "Well, you call her Netty. Shawn is for adults.."

"Okay, Mommy."
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