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"Gil, I have to marry her."

I turned around hearing him choke on his wine. I ran over to him and patted his back. I probably shouldn't have just spit that out.

"Bitch, marry who? Janet?"

I shrugged.

"I knew you two were together again. She tried to play it off but I know this game all too well." He said patting himself on the back. "So, why marriage?"

Gil and I were having lunch together before Janet came home and joined us for dinner. Telling him that Janet and I were just friends again didn't last long because of my bluntness.

"Why marriage? I don't know, boo. I just... She's the one. We've been together for almost three weeks and all it's reminded me of is how bad I wanted her for the last year. I don't want to that happen again, and I'm not saying a ring is going to prevent that. But a ring is one step closer to makes her my wife. It's how I've always seen her; as my wife."

"Aw, sexy! That's so cute." Gil cooed pinching my cheeks. I pushed him off and chuckled. "I think I can help." He said.

"How would that be?"

He sighed and grabbed his wallet. "This may seem a little weird. But I did it because at the time, nothing about you and Janet being apart sat right with me." He said as he scrummaged through his oversized and messy wallet.

"Gil, what are you loo—"

I stopped when I saw him pull out a baggy with a ring in it. The ring. Janet's ring.

"Gil, is that—"

"The ring you gave to Janet on the chain necklace that basically kept the two of you's relationship in existence? Yup, she's the one."

He sat it in front of me and I picked it up, examining its authenticity. I knew it was when I saw the engraving that I had the jeweler write:

J+S =

"Gil, how? She said she threw it away? I was already planning on buying a new one. Where'd you find it?"

He chuckled, "Which question am I answering first?" He said making me laugh. "When she took the necklace off and threw it out, I knew in my heart that it wasn't the end. Whatever happened between you two was not the last straw. There was no last straw for you guys. From the second you two started dating, it was obvious that it was endgame. Her and her other relationships never matched to this one. You and all your little flings were only ever flings because it wasn't meant to be. You and Janet were meant to be."

"I picked the ring out the garbage, luckily it was at the top because I almost vomited." He said with a gag. "I kept it this whole time hoping that things would get better."

I tackled him with a hug. "Thank you, baby. This is best thing someone could've ever done for me." I said.

"Baby, I'm home!"

I sat up hearing Janet come through the front door. "We have to come up with a cool way to propose. Here, she can't see this ring. We'll discuss it another time." I said as we put the ring away just in time.

Janet was stunned seeing Gil here so early. "I—" I giggled at her confusion. "It's fine, baby. He busted us." I said as I walked towards her. I kissed her lips and then her cheek.

"Oh. Good. Hi, Gilly."

"Hello, Queen. How are you? Where'd you go?"

"I had to go ge—"

"Mama! Uncle Joey be mean!" Shai said as he made his presence known.

"Him. I had to get my baby."

Shai came around the corner of my house and was confused seeing Gil and I. "Mama? I want go home." He said wrapped his arms around her legs.

"We will, baby. I had to come see my friends."

"I sleepy, Mama."

She picked him up and laid his head on her shoulder. "What did Uncle Joey do?" She asked him as she sat in the loveseat in the corner.

They held their own conversation as I laughed with Gil. "It's like watching Janet talk to a baby Janet. He is her twin." Gil said.

"I know right. You should hear them on the phone."

"Did she ever tell the public about him?" Gil asked me.

"There's breadcrumbs about him. She took my advice and didn't deny him so it all worked out in my opinion." I said.

"Now what about you?"

I took my attention off Janet, and looked at Gil. "What about me?" I asked.

"When do you get your breadcrumbs? Or is it going to just be said? I assume this isn't another secret relationship, especially if you're talking marriage."

I returned my attention to Janet as she started singing to Shai, trying to get him to sleep.

"We're getting there. Don't worry."

"Hey, Shawn. Do you mind if we crash here? Seeing him sleep made me tired." Janet said groggily.

I nodded and stood up. I picked up Shai and grabbed Janet's hand and led her to the guestroom. "We can't sleep in your bed?" She asked once we'd reached the door of the guest room.

"You can, love. Sorry, I assumed because Shai was here, that you'd prefer a different bed."

"I want to sleep in yours." She pouted.

I kissed her head and we walked to my room. Once inside I laid Shai down and covered him under a blanket. I watched as Janet got on the other side and faced me.

"I'd be so lost without you." She whispered.

"You're sweet." I grinned. "I love you."

"Can you hold me until I fall asleep?"

"Jan, Gil is downstairs and he wanted to start dinner. We can cuddle all tonight, I swear." I made my way to her side of the bed. I leaned against the bed and gave her a kiss. "I'll wake you for dinner."

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