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huge time skip.🙂

The last year has been different. I can't say I was happy or sad. I was just here. The only thing getting me through was Shai.

 The only thing getting me through was Shai

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He's grown so much and is so smart. He knows his numbers up to 50, all his colors, certain foods, and just so much more.

I didn't actually end up firing the whole team. I gave everyone their jobs back, but the friendships definitely have a strain on them. I don't speak to any of them much. Not even Joey whom I see everyday.

Eliza, when she legally gave her right away, completely cut me off. She didn't take the job back and moved to London. We haven't spoke personally in months.

Gil, Tina, and Shawn are my employees more than my friends. I don't really know how I feel about that but, it is what it is.

The only person I really trust these days is Q-Tip. He is an amazing father. We talk all the time and he tries to see Shai as much as possible.

"Mama, I have blue ball. Play." Shai said taking me from my thoughts. "Please, Mama."

"Of course, baby." I picked him up and took him to the backyard. We sat across from each other and rolled the ball back and forth.

I heard the security alarm go off letting me know someone came through the front door. "Janet, it's me!" I heard Joey yell.

In a few seconds, I heard my mother's voice. "Hi my grandbaby!" She squealed seeing Shai. Shai got up and ran right into my mother. "Mamaw, Mama and me playing with ball. Come." He said dragging Mother over to me.

I got up and kissed her cheek. "Thanks for watching him, Mother. I should be back for dinner." I said quietly so Shai didn't hear me. He hates when I leave, like all kids do with their mother.

"Shai, Mama is gonna go with Uncle Joey. Okay?"

"Okay, Mama." He said.

He knows that when I leave with Joey, I'm coming back sooner than later. Tommy is the one who picks me up for the longer trips nowadays.

I walked past Joey into the house and grabbed my things. "I'm ready." I said not bothering to look at him. We silently made our way to the car where Chuck was waiting, and went to rehearsals.

I hadn't been to rehearsals in weeks. I took the movie deal with Eddie Murphy and it's been time consuming. I had to record a single for it, which was a success and it has become one of my favorite songs from myself.

"Janet, we are here." Joey said.

I got out the car once he came around the car and opened my door. "Thanks." I said.

I walked in the doors and saw all the Kids huddled up in the corner. "Hey guys." I smiled and waved.

"Hey Jan!" The majority of them cheered.

I got a few hugs and had some quick conversations. "We missed you." Kelly said.

"Missed you guys too. How's my baby?" I said rubbing her belly. She is six months, so she is helping with choreography. I wouldn't risk her doing anything else.

"Good, she is perfect."

A gasp left my mouth. "It's a girl?" She nodded which caused me to scream and give her a hug. "I'm so happy for you, Kink." I said.

"Any names?"

"We have a solid one. We still wanted Godmommy Jan to have her moment so Kamiya Jo Mitchell." She smiled.

"Aw, Kinks. That's a beautiful name." I gave her one last hug, before joining Tina, Shawn, and Gil.


"Hey." They all said back. "Hey, Janet. Can we talk?" Tina asked.

"Sure. What's up?" I asked once we stepped aside.

"I'm leaving. Something's come up and I cannot stay anymore. I hope you can understand. I already spoke to Gil and Shawn, and Shawn knows all the choreography so I'm leaving her the torch, with your approval of course. Gil is gonna be helping Kel and Ed with assisting choreography."

I was hurt honestly. Tina has been with me since day one. I didn't want to see her go, but my arrogance always got the best of me. "Okay, I'll go over things with Shawn. Good luck." I said before walking away.

"Hey, Shawn. We have to go over the new changes after practice." I said.

"Okay, uhm, lunch?"

I wanted to say no, "Sure."

At lunch...

"Thanks for coming." She said as we sat down.

I smiled uneasily, "No problem. Work comes with its demands. I just need you to sign a different contract for being choreographer now." I told her.

"Tina told you?"

"Yeah, she has other business to attend to, it's fine." I shrugged, which seemed to throw her off. "What?"

"How are you so nonchalant about it?"

"We're grown. Business is business. Life moves on." I said pulling the new contract out. "Here, sign where all the x's are."

She pulled out a pen and spoke as she wrote. "You know, when you dropped us all from your circle, I didn't think you would become a cold hearted bitch." She said making me squeeze up my face. "Excuse me?"

"I didn't stutter, Janet. Tina is going through some rough shit, but "business is business" and "life moves on?" She slammed the pen down. "I hope karma bites you in the ass."

With that, she left.

I sipped from my wine before waving to the waiter for the bill. This is why I rather be at home with Shai all day.
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This has to be my longest book😂

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