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"And 1, And 2, And 3, 4. 5, 6, 7, 8." I hit the next steps as Shawn watched us all from the corner of the room and Kelly and Gil watched from the front of the room.

"No, no, no!" Gil freaked. "Pause the music... Everyone take five." He shoo'd everyone out the room and palmed his face. "These new kids are driving me insane. They joke around, they slop, they act like you aren't Janet Jackson that they work for!"

I chuckled as I made my way to Shawn and wrapped my arms around her neck. "Shawny, our biggest baby is very upset." I teased.

"Dunk, I am not joking!" Gil pouted.

I took the seat next to my girl and laid my head on her shoulder as Gil continued ranting.

"I want the Old Kids. I want them back, they never should've left."

"We cannot do that, baby." I told him.

"Well then, bring them in and show these rugrats how things are supposed to be done. I am tired. While you two were out for three months, I was here with them for endless hours, days after days. Either you call everyone or I will." He said before dismissing himself from the room.

Shawn and I cracked up when he left the room. "He is just adorable. We should name our baby Gillard Jr." We kept laughing as we made more jokes.

That was until Shawn had a painful look on her face. "Sweetheart, are you okay?" I asked frightfully.

"This little asshole just kicked my spine.. again. I'm starting to think it's a girl. She has your... bitchiness."

My mouth gapped. "You are bitchy too. If anything, you made me like how I am. Before I met you and Tish, I was an innocent girl just making music and dancing."


"Oh yes, excuse us backed up hoes for tainting your soul, ol' innocent and pure one." I laughed. "You tainted us, the whole crew."

"How?" She chuckled.

"There's a whole list of reasons why. For one, the sex box you gave us as presents."

"I was making sure you guys were still getting it on while with me. We had super strenuous hours and I require a lot of time." She defended. "Plus, you use half of the stuff in your box on me still to this day, so you are very much so welcome."

"Mhm. What about the Rope Burn dance during TVR. That was all you and had me and Tina up there looking like hookers."

"Oh please, you loved that dance and Tina helped make it up!"

"I loved it because I would undress you with my eyes." I admitted. "Then of course, I would undress you later on the bus."

She blushed and turned her head. Before she could speak, Shai ran into the room with Gil behind him. "Mommies, Gil said I can't dance." He cried.

"Gil." We scorned.

"He said I look like a rat." Gil shrugged and crossed his arms.

Shai came to me and cried in my lap, damn near hysterical. "Shhh, it's okay, Bug. Me and Mama tell you you can dance all the time. Gil is just being petty." I said rubbing his back.

"Gil, outside." Janet said.

I find it hilarious that Janet bosses Gil around like he is her child for real.

As they left, I picked up Shai and sat him on my lap. "Calm down, baby. You are gonna give yourself a headache." I wiped his tears.

"He hurt my feelings, Mom. I want to beat him up."

"You can't hit people, Shai."

"He hurt my feelings!" He shouted.

"Shai Elijah. I don't know who you think you are raising your voice at. Watch your tone with me, understand?"

He nodded. "Sorry, Mommy."

"I accept your apology, babyboy. Listen, you can't be a mean boy and call other people names. It's not nice and you want to be nice, right?"

"I am nice." He pouted.

"Well, calling Gil a rat wasn't nice and when he comes back with Mama, I want you to apologize to him. Gil is me and Mama's friend."


Right on time, Janet and Gil walked back in. "You two, talk it out please." She said. She sat next to me again and we watched the two of them.

"Gil, I'm sorry for calling you a rat. You hurt my feelings and I wasn't nice." Shai said first.

"I'm sorry for saying you can't dance. You actually dance a lot better than your mother's dance squad out there. I wasn't nice either. I hope you can forgive me, kiddo."

"Yeah, I do. You forgive me?"

"Yeah. I do."

They gave each other a hug. "Good job boys." I cheered.

"Speaking of the dancers though, I would like to know how our 5 turned into 30. Where are they?" Janet asked.

Gil turned to her, "Oh, I kicked their asses out."

Janet groaned and palmed her face. "Jacksons, we are out. Gil.. call the OGs and let me know who is coming. Dance is in two days so if any of them need an emergency flight, I need to know."

I gave Gil a hug and grabbed Shai's hand and we headed out. "What do you want for dinner tonight, Mama?" Janet asked when we reached the car.

I thought about it before asking Shai. "I don't know, Bug, what do you want?"

This boy can eat a fridge if we'd let him. A smile graced his face as he answered, "Poke."

"Ew, baby. Poke makes me sick to my stomach."

We spent our three months on a Hawaiian island far off Hawaii which is where we had stuff imported. Poke aka raw fish was a regular for Shai and Janet. I, on the other hand, am not a fan of uncooked anything.

"Good pick. Shawn, do you manapua?"

Manapua.. cooked food. Sweet pork baked in dough. My type of food. "Yes please, thanks." I smiled.

"Oh, and your doctor's appointment is tomorrow. We get to find out if this little bundle of kick ass is a girl or a boy." Janet announced. "Shai, are you excited?"


His response made me chuckle to myself. He is a damn character. "He'll feel better when the baby is here." Janet nodded in agreement.

We spent the night eating our Hawaiian food and watching movies as a family.
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