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"Okay, so no more week long trips, well.. weeks long." I agreed.

Shawn and I were laying in bed going over my schedule and agreeing to disagreeing on how it'd balance with family time.

"When I call, it is almost always going to be for Shai. He wants to be with you or hear you literally every second of the day, so when I call, I need you to stop what you're doing for five minutes and talk to him."

"Okay." I agreed. "But we have to tell him that he can't call me every hour. I am still working."

"Deal. You were gone a month last time, no visit. You need to visit. We miss you and I run the dance classes now so I can't just skip on them and leave Kel, Gil, and Eddie in charge because Shai wants to see you. It doesn't work with my schedule. Out of that, you shoulda found a way to spend a week at the least with us."

"Agreed. Now can we make out before Shai wakes up?"

I leaned into kiss her as I heard the door creak open. "Netty." Shai whispered.

"Yes, Pooh."

"Is Mama in here?"

"Yes, she is."

His head peeked in before he open the door some more. "Mama, go under your blankey. I have gift for you." He said.

I noticed he was freshly changed so I assumed either Gil or Mama Kat was here. Janet went under the covers, and didn't fail to get handsy either.

I slapped her hand away from my breast as I watched Shai come in the room followed by Gil holding a tray of breakfast food.

Shai climbed on the bed and stood up and Gil stood on Janet's side of the bed. "Dear Mama, I love you. You are very pretty and smart." Shai said as Janet peeked over the covers a little bit.

"You make me safe. You are.. Gilly, what's that word?" He paused and asked. Gil whispered it in his ear. "Yeah, special. I love you because you make food with me. You play with me. I smile when I see you because you my bestest friend in the whole planet."

He sat down on bed like he didn't just say the sweetest thing ever. Janet was under the covers hiding her tears as I gave little man a high five. He nailed that.

Finally, Janet rose from under the covers and tackled Shai with hugs and kisses. "You are the sweetest little boy ever. You make me so happy." She said trying not to let her tears head for round two.

"Gilly and me make food for you." Shai said as Gil placed the food in front of Janet.

"Thank you, babe."

"No prob, bitc— boo." He correcting himself in front of Shai.

I scooted closer to Janet and placed a kiss on her neck before taking a bit of the bacon in her hand. "Good job, Pooh." I told Shai.

"Thank you Netty."

Janet went straight in mommy mode. "Shai, baby, did you eat?" She asked.

"I have a nana."

"Nu-uh. Here." She said handing his the fork. "Eggs, eat, please."

He looked at me for help, but I cannot intervene with Mommy Janet. When she's in that mode, it's best everybody just listen. Especially Shai.

He isn't a big fan of eggs. He thinks they're too squishy. He'll eat them, but not like normal kids would I assume.

He dropped the fork and picked a piece of the scrambled eggs up. He closely examined it before he put it his mouth. "It's fat." He whined as he chewed.

"Baby, you used to love eggs."

"Not no more." He spit it out in his hand and held his hand to me. I giggled as I wiped his hand off with a napkin. "Mama, can you stay now?"

"I'm staying today but I leave first thing tomorrow."

He was quick to follow up with a sad face. "Can you leave later than first?" He said making Gil snicker.

We all looked his way. "Sorry. Gon' on and read her, Prince." Gil said.

"Please stay Mama." Shai begged with the world ending quivering puppy lip. She's gonna cave. She has to.


"Aw, my beautiful baby." I wrapped him in my arms and kept him there. "I'll bring you with me and you can watch Mama work and play with Uncle Joey."

"Oh Lord." Gil sighed.


I looked at Shawn who was shocked by my decision. "Gil, can you take Pudding downstairs so I can talk to Janet?" She asked.

"Uh oh."

"Gil." She sternly said.

He picked up Shai and took him out the room. "What are you doing?" Shawn asked me.

"Pleasing my son."

"Don't get smart, Janet." She said. She sat right in front of me and held my hands. "You cannot take him, baby. I promise you it is a terrible decision. You fly constantly, you move around all the time, your focus is whatever job you are doing. You need to let him stay here where someone is stable. He's a three year old boy, he needs stability."

"He needs his mother." I defended. "You said that."

"Visits, like before."

"Like before?"

"Like when you had him with Eliza." She said loudly. "It was no problem only seeing him partial then, so why is it now?"

"Oh, so, you are filling Liza's shoes? What's next? You want to adopt him and say he is yours?" I snapped.

"You were just begging me to be that kid's mother! I've been home with him for weeks. At this point, I am his mother. Who are you?"


I regretted my words as soon as they left my lips. "Baby, I'm sorry. That was out of line." I quickly said.

"I'm gonna go pack his things. You should pack yours as well. I think it's best you aren't here while we aren't." She said as she made her way out the room.


She ignored my call and slammed the door. I plopped back on the bed. I grabbed a pillow and screamed into it.

This is the first blow we've had since we got back together. I can't let it go down like past times.
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Look out for another chapter tonight❤️

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