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Janet kissing me like that in public made my insides hot. I waited for her in the car and my mind was set on one thing tonight. How badly I wanna have sex with her.

We haven't had sex in almost two years. I was nervous about initiating it because I know she won't. She's been walking on eggshells around me. It's cute and considerate but I miss the feisty Janet.

With my libido running high tonight and that miss for Miss Jackson, it's really not an option how tonight is going to end.

"Sorry, love." Janet said as she came in the car. "Terry and Jimmy were playing 21 questions."

"About what?" I asked reversing the car.

"About my girlfriend." I had my eyes on the road but I could sense her looking at me, smiling.

I bit my lip. "Okay." I said. "What did you say?"

We came to a red light and I looked at her waiting for the answer. "I said that you're my girlfriend and that I love you." She answered.

We're so fucking tonight.


The rest of the drive was silent as I thought of the many ways I'm gonna be fucking her tonight. I don't know what was running through her mind, but I hope the same thing.

"Babygirl, we're home." I said.

She looked at me with a look of surprise on her face. Her hands went straight to my forehead, cheeks, and neck. I chuckled grabbing her hands.

"What, J?"

"You were in a horrible mood all day, one nap was all it took to fix that? I'll note that." She giggled.

I grabbed her face smashing our lips together. When she slipped her tongue in my mouth, ready for a fight, I knew we were on the same page.

I sucked on her tongue pulling back. "It wasn't the nap. It was you, claiming me in public and that kiss. It was the sexy. You tongued me down in front of your friends." I reminded her.

"And what about it?"

I pecked her lips one more time. "Tonight, I'm making love to my woman. Get your ass inside." I demanded. She wasted no time following orders as I chased behind.

I eventually caught up to her in the kitchen and picked her up bride style. She held my face in her hands and kissed me passionately. "You know, I never thought we'd be together again. Taking off that necklace scared me more than you think, throwing it out broke my heart too. I hope you can forgive me for just throwing it and us away." She said parting our lips for a moment.

I kissed her back. "Baby, I'll buy you ten million rings. What matters now is that we are together and nothing is going to mess that up."

We smiled and leaned back into the kiss as I set her on the island. We helped each other out our clothes, only parting our lips to take off our shirts. We eventually were left naked and it excited me.

I broke the kiss with Janet and just looked in her eyes. "When was the last time someone told you're beautiful?" I asked completely overtaken by her beauty.

"Shawn.." She blushed.

I bent over and kissed her navel, and trailed up to her neck. I marked my territory proudly in different spots. Her quiet moans and shivers were my favorite part of teasing her.

"Shawn, please." She whispered. I lifted my head from her neck and looked in her eyes. "Please what, baby?"

She bit her lip as she tied up her hair. "Please fuck me." She begged.

I'd never heard her tone of voice be any sexier. It sent shockwaves through my body. "With pleasure."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I felt Shawn pulsing against my tongue as she had a nice grip on my hair, pushing me into her.

I snuck my fingers inside of her and gave her three good pumps before she came in my mouth. "Mmm." I licked her up before just kissing her pearl.

Gods knows I missed it.

"Ja-Jan, please, baby." She moaned. I looked up and could tell my kisses were pushing her limit. I tamed my inner beast and obliged her wishes.

"Sorry, I missed you and... her."

Shawn chuckled, pulling me on top of her. "She missed you too. Nobody else was satisfying." Shawn said.

I slapped her thigh. "Watch it." I warned.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. There was nobody else, just a vibrator. I had a dry spell for awhile anyway."

"Me too." I confessed.

We high fived like dorks and laughed hysterically. "I'm glad we had this time to ourselves. Now, we have dance tomorrow and I have to force Gil to speak to me." I whined.

"What are we even rehearsing for? There's no new music yet or a tour, Miss Jackson. Unless you wanna share." She smiled really wide making me giggle.

"The album drops next year and tour is coming. And don't call me Miss Jackson unless you want me to eat th—"

I was cut off midsentence when my phone rung. It was Q-Tip. I peeped over my shoulder and saw Shawn looking as well. "It's probably just so Shai can talk to me." I said quickly.

"I'm not mad, baby. I'm not worried about him or anyone anymore. Take it."

I smiled and kissed her cheek before wrapping myself in a sheet and going into my closet.


"Hi Mama." Shai said over the phone.

"Hi baby boy. How are you?"

Hearing his voice was amazing. We only speak at night times because the time difference is so crazy.

"I good. Mama, Papa gave me hat."

"Really? Wow, baby. Are you being a good boy for Papa? Good boys are the best."

"I am, Mama. Papa say I am good."

"I'm glad, Prince. I love you."

"I love you."

"Call me tomorrow?"

"Yeah. Bye Mama."

"Bye, baby."

I ended the call and went back to bed with Shawn. "How is he?" She asked.

I snuggled in her chest. "Happy per usual. Everything's perfect again. I got a happy woman and a happy baby." I smiled.

"I love that smile." She said as I looked up at her.

"I love you."

She kissed me and tightened the space between us. "I love you more."
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