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I threw a grape up in the air for Shawn to catch in her mouth, as she succeeded. We'd just settled in the tour bus and were on our way to the next location.

"Baby, I have a question." Shawn asked.

"Go ahead."

"Would you ever leave me? For anybody?"

I read her like a book. By 'anybody', she meant any gender. Never is she one to be direct.

"Of course not, my love. We are forever. I promise, I'm in love with you and only you." I assured her. "Why did you ask?"

"Because I know I can pleasure you and completely melt you like putty in my hands, but I also know you like men. Regardless of your bisexuality, you can't pass up good dick and I know that."

I laughed nearly choking on the strawberry I placed in my mouth. Not one thing she said was wrong.

"Shawn, I would not cheat on you. Trust me."

"Okay." She sighed. She crawled up my body and laid her head on my breast. She loves my breasts more than anything else on my body which really boosts my confidence.

"Just so you know, because I don't need another one of your theatrics, Tip is coming on the tour with us starting next week."

Her head shot up, "Tip? Like Q-Tip?"


"The Q-Tip that you used to date?"

"Well, we didn't date necessarily. We had a fling."

"A fling? So sex?" She said.

"Sex did happen."

"How many times?"

"I don't k—"

"How many times?" She said louder.

"Five. Six if you count the one time it was just oral sex."

"Janet." She said before getting up.

"Baby." I whined. "It's not as bad as you think. He's gonna be here, he's the opening act and does GTIG with me. It's three months."


I grabbed her arm, shushing her. Joey and Gil were sleeping. She sat back down and placed her head in her hands.

"Is there anything else?" She asked.

"Yes, but I don't want you to get upset...er."

I didn't know how to tell her that she'd have to travel on the Kids bus because Tip needs space on this one. I didn't want to put up the money for an extra bus, which was my agreement. He puts money on everything else but I just had to get his transportation.

Buses are a lot of money, and it's only him and his manager coming. So, I just decided he could be on my bus. I'd kick Gil out the spare bed, and give it to Tip. And Shawn's space would go to his manager.

"He's gonna be on this bus and you're not." I immediately closed my eyes knowing she was about to blow.

"Janet, are you fucking serious?!" She snapped.

She got up and went to my bed. I followed behind her and closed the door.

"Baby, you want me to trust that man around my wife?"

"Wife?" I asked with a raised brow.

She sighed. "I do look at you as my wife. That's besides the point, though. Baby, you have this magnetism that draws in any and everybody. And Tip will not be exempt to that."

I wrapped my arms around her neck, pecking her lips a few times. "Baby, I love you. Tip and I haven't been intimate in 3 years. There are no feelings. Plus, he's married." I said.

"He was married 3 years ago too, fool." She chuckled.

"Welp. That was single Janet who didn't care. I'm apparently a married woman." I smiled.

She slapped my ass making me subconsciously moan. "I'm glad you know. That ass and all this belongs to me. And if you thought you were crazy, watch what will happen if that nigga tries me and mines."

I cheesed hearing how possessive she was. "Do that again." I said referring to her slapping my ass.

She did making me moan yet again. "I'm not fucking with Strawberry tonight. The other night you damn near broke my leg." Shawn said backing away from me.

"I didn't know I had such a tight grip on it."

"I told you that you did."

"Nooo. You told Strawberry, she doesn't listen. Plus, we have a safe word. You didn't use it." I shrugged.

"I tapped out twice and said the safe word."

It got really silent. I cannot control my sexual being. What Strawberry wants, Strawberry gets.

"Fine." I finally said. I went into my extra suitcase and pulled out my handcuffs, mouth gauge, and a vibrator. "Your rules tonight."

"Baby, we are on a bus. Literally your security and Gil are ten feet away." She said as I begun stripping.

"We've been quiet before." I pointed at her clothes and insinuated she strip as well.

"Uh-uh. My rules." She said. I knew she'd be down with this festivity. "I want you ass naked, now."

"Yes, Daddy." I smirked. I took my bra and panties off and threw them in the corner.

She first put the gauge in my mouth. She walked away as she went in her extra suitcase. A strap. Shawn doesn't always use the strap. She's a lesbian and like scissoring.

But when the strap makes an appearance in our sex regime, she wants to fuck. Not make love to me or casual sex. She wants to assure me that she can knock my guts out of place. And I love every aspect of it.

This was a night I was not expecting.
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