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I went over to my son and wrapped him in my arms. I haven't held him in months.

Shai Elijah Davis is my 1 year old son.

"Hi King Shai." Gil said as he let Shai latch onto his finger. He looked so confused as to who we were, but I cannot be hurt by that. I never come to see him.

"Shai, can you say Mama yet?" I cooed.

"He can but he isn't a bigger talker after a nap. Give him some time." Eliza said as she came over. "It's his feeding time. Here, let's get him a bottle."

We all went downstairs and Gil, Shai, and I sat in the living room as Eliza when to kitchen to make his bottle. I looked around at all my pictures in the house. Eliza suggested we keep them up so Shai always sees my face even when I'm not around.

"Are you happy to see him?" Gil asked. I looked down at my baby and it warmed me. He is the most beautiful baby and whenever I do see him, he always makes everything okay.

"I am. I missed him."

Eliza came back with his bottle and he instantly started getting grumpy. He wanted that bottle, and basically snatched it from her hands before leaning against my chest and sucking out the bottle.

"The other day, we were watching the Janet. tour DVD you gave me, and he kept going 'Mama. Mama. Mama.' It was so cute. I'll have to tape it next time." She said as she admired him.

I don't mind Eliza treating Shai like he is her own. That was apart of the agreement when she said she would keep him under wraps.

"I have a vacation tomorrow with my girlfriend. But all week, it's been eating me alive that I haven't seen him or even thought of him in awhile. I'm a horrible mother."

Eliza sat closer, "You are not. What you are is busy. Super busy at that. Trust me, when Shai gets older, he'll know that his Mama kept him away from the public for both personal and public reasons."

I smiled at her and looked over at Gil who was admiring Shai. "Ugh, I just can't. Give me my nephew." He said. He snatched Shai from my arms and held him.

Shai is 1, going on 2 in three months. The story about how he came about is not only complicated but not acceptable to my family or the public. He was conceived while I had an affair and in the long-run played a part in why Rene and I broke up.

"Wait.." Eliza said drawing my attention away from my son, "Girlfriend? Don't tell me you cheating on me, baby mama." She gasped dramatically.

Gil butted in before I could answer the question, "She's dating Shawnette. The dancer." He said with his nose up.

"Shawnette finally got that cat? Yay for her!" Liza cheered. "That girl used to annoy the hell out of me with her 21 questions about Janet games."

We all laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Stay off my baby. She loves me. But yeah, she's the one." I blushed.

"Like the one?"

I shrugged. "Could be. I hope so."

Liza and Gil got all gushy with the 'awws' making me embarrassed. "Oh, shut up." I said flipping them off.

I stood up and straightened out my shirt. "I have to leave now actually. Shawn and I have a flight tonight and I promised her I wouldn't miss it."

"By that, she means she doesn't want to miss her shot to become a premium mile high club member." Gil said as he played with Shai, who finished off his bottle.

"Burp my baby." I demanded.

Gil went to pick up Shai and that's when he finally got a word out, and it just so happened to be for me. "Mama." He whined as he reached out for me.

I picked him up and rubbed his back soothing him. "Sending those shirts must be working the magic." Liza said as she watched.

Every month, my team sends shirts that I've worn and that smell like me for Shai. We read that it's soothing to babies to always smell their mother. So Shai uses my old shirts as pillowcases and sometimes blankets. We go the extra mile for Shai. Just to make he knows me as his mother.

"Thank God Joey suggested that." I said.

"Speaking of that fine ass man, where is he? He never lets you go anywhere without him?" Liza asked.

"She stopped talking to him because he brought up Shai." Gil answered.

"J." Liza scolded.

"What?! He spoke about Shai in public." I shrugged. "He knows better. Anyway, we seriously have to go."

I handed Shai to Eliza as we headed for the door. "Bye Shai baby. Mama loves you." I said placing a kiss on his cheek.

I waved bye-bye and waited until he waved back and left the house. As Gil drove us back to the jet, I sat in complete bliss. "Glad you are better, boo." Gil said.

"Me too. Now, get me back to my wife before she whoops your ass and mine."
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