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"No, Gil. She messed up. That's not my fault." I said as Gil nagged at me around the apartment.

He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. "Shawn, how can you know the full story and not feel bad for her? She did what she had to do to save her life and her baby's. You cannot be mad about that."

"Wait, what do you mean save her life?" I asked genuinely confused.

He palmed his face. He walked away from me, leaving me standing in the same spot. When he came back, he had a flip flop.

"What is th—" I was shut up with a whack to the side of my head. "Gil, what the fuck?"

"No, what the fuck to you Shawn! You left her without hearing the full story! Do you not know how stupid you are?"

"She technically left me."

He rose the flip flop up making me flinch. "Okay, okay. I'll call her." I said as I took out my phone.

I called her number and waited. After the four ring, I was sent to voicemail. "Hey, you've reached Janet. Leave a message and I'll back as soon as possible. Later."

"She didn't answer." I told Gil.

He tried on his cell, and the line picked up. "JJ? Where the hell are you?" He said.

His eyes bugged out as he stepped away. "Janet, what the fuck do you mean? This is the stupidest thing you could've done." He yelled.

"Janet. Get your ass home. And by home, I mean Shawn's, now!"

"No? What do you me— Bye? Janet Damita Jo Jackson if you dare hang up o—"

He hissed and held his head in his hands. Gil is never stressed so Janet must be doing something very stupid.

"Is she okay?"

"No. She's fucked up." He simply stated.

"I know that."

He snapped his head in my direction. "No! You really don't! If you would've asked for the full story, you would've known she was in danger when she made the decision to give Shai away!"

"What danger! She is Janet Jackson, besides her brother, she is the most powerful person I know!"

We were now in a screaming match as we went back and forth.

"Her father, Shawnette! If she kept that baby, Joe said he would kill it! He was going to ruin her because she had a baby with a black man, Shawn! And she didn't kill it because she knew it'd limit her chances of having another baby!"

In that moment, I had never felt stupider. I plopped on the bed behind me and covered my face with my hands.

"If you're lying, now would be the time to tell before I start to cry."

"I wouldn't joke about Joe Jackson. Nobody does." He said as the bed deepened due to him sitting beside me. "Why didn't you let her explain? She would've been honest with you."

"She tried. I shut her down and called her a hoe."

"Oof, you called her out her name, and you're still breathing? She must really love yo' stank ass. Last person who did that, got to feel Janet's hands. That was a strange lawsuit." He reminisced.

I uncovered my face and laughed at him. "Seriously, boo. How do I fix this now? She left me so I know she's really hurt. I need to make it up to her." I sighed.

"I'll talk to her. Let me go see her ass now." He kissed my cheek and left out the door.

I stayed in the bed, just staring at the roof. I don't know how on Earth I fucked up with Janet this badly. This goes against everything I promised I wouldn't do. I wouldn't be surprised if she left me for good, I deserve it.


I was in bed with Q-Tip, who was sleeping. He meant business tonight, and as much as I feel guilty for somewhat cheating, I also love having sex with this man.

Just I'd made my gazillionth circle around his chest, the phone rung again. I quickly got up and saw it was Gil again.

"Gil, stop blowing up my phone!" I said as I made my way out the room.

"You are lucky I don't blow up that big ass head of yours. I hope you feel like shit for sleeping with that man."

"I don't." I lied. "In fact, my guts are the only thing messed up after he rearranged them."

"Ou, bitchhh. I am going to your house now, and if you are not there, I will pull up and whoop your narrow ass. And I will bring Shawnette so you can explain to her why you are in the bed of the man who is causing your relationship issues."

I rolled my eyes as if he could see me. "You are mistaken. Shawnette is the one causing these issues. She cannot let anybody explain shit and is always the first one to get frisky after we have problems." I said feeling tears come on. "So, fuck her. You can tell her I just slept with Tip. I don't care. Fill her in on the countless orgasms and the way his dick curves. I give zero fucks. I won't be home until morning so I'll see you then if you're still there. For now, leave me the hell alone and tell that hoe I said to go fuck herself."

I hung up immediately and looked at the mirror in the hallway. I wiped my face but the tears didn't stop. I felt hands wrap around my naked body and looked at Tip in the reflection of the mirror.

"I don't like when you cry." He said.

"It's just her, again."

He turned me around and held my face in his hand. "I'm sorry your relationship is stressing you. You're too beautiful to be stressing like this." He lowly said.

I looked into his eyes, "You think I'm beautiful?"

He leaned in and captured my lips into a kiss one could only imagine. He pulled back leaving me in a daze. "You are beautiful, baby. Never forget that." He said as his thumb caressed my cheek.

I pecked his lips one more time before taking him to the bed. He got back in bed, and me right behind him. I laid my head against his chest and fell asleep to his heartbeat.
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Who's stupider? Shawn for not hearing Janet out or Janet for sleeping with Tip?

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